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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Airmails | |||
1911 (18th Feb) World's First Airmail Flight. Allahabad to Naini, India by Henri Pequet in Sommer biplane. Clear magenta "FIRST AERIAL POST U.P. EX… $300 Sold $760 | |||
1914 (16-18th July) Maurice Guillaux Air Mail card flown Melbourne to Sydney. Very worn cond & extensively repaired however a useful space filler. … $75 Archived | |||
1929 (May) Registered cover Melbourne to Adelaide & WA Airways Ltd Airmail Adelaide to Perth. Addressed to Claremont, it was only the Registered co… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1929 (3rd June) Kalgoorlie to Perth first airmail by WA Airways. Neat typed address with 3d Air & 1½d KGV pmkd Kalgoorlie. Eu. 137a $40 Archived | |||
1931 (24th Nov) Brisbane to Sydney by New England Airways. Rare cover as with OS overprinted 6d Airmail Kingsford Smith. Pmkd Registered Brisbane. … $120 Archived | |||
1933 (12th Sept) England to Czechoslovakia Berlin cachet in red on Registered cover. Unusual $15 Archived | |||
1933 (26th Dec) small airmail envelope to Holland with 1933 30c Air tied by "PELIKAAN BANDOENG" Airmail pmk. Backstamped Sgravenhage. $30 Sold $30 | |||
1934 (April) Australia to New Zealand First Official Airmail on attractive advertising envelope. Pmkd Ship Mail Room Melbourne with mauve cachet. B… $40 Sold $40 | |||
1934 (24th July) First Official Airmail by Charles Ulm, Aust-Papua-Aust & Aust-New Guinea-Aust complete with cachets & stamps from respective count… $40 Sold $40 | |||
1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race covers from Holland via England on the KLM DC 2 "Uiver". One cover to Java & one to Sydney. Both on KLM envs … $50 Sold $50 | |||
1934 (14th Nov) Airmail cover to Holland with 1933 30c Air tied by "UIVER BATAVIA-C" Airmail pmk. Backstamped Sgravenhage. $30 Sold $30 | |||
1935 (9th July) Wyndham to Ord River re-opened airmail service cover. 5d KGV neatly pmkd Wyndham & addressed to N. Eustis c/o Ord River. Clean & fr… $60 Sold $60 | |||
1935 (7th Oct) Wm. Holyman First Official Airmails Melbourne-Sydney, Melbourne-Canberra, Sydney-Canberra & Canberra-Sydney all on official covers &… $40 Sold $40 | |||
1936 Athena crash cover addressed to Melbourne & postmarked London 22nd Sept. Pickfords Company envelope with KGV stamps perfined "P". A typed sect… $50 Sold $85 | |||
1938 (28th June) Holland to Australia by KNILM with Amsterdam-Batavia-Sydney Opening 28th June 1938"cachet in purple. Sydney arrival slogan on reve… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1938 (3rd July) Java to Australia by KNILM with Java applied triangular cachet. Sydney arrival slogan on reverse. Vertical fold but attractive. Eu.… $35 Archived | |||
1938 (27th Nov) Empire Airways Flying Boat "Calpurnia" crash cover. The Calpurnia crashed on landing in Lake Ramadi, Iraq, killing the four flight … $70 Sold $80 | |||
1940 (30th April) Australia to New Zealand Photocard depicting Pacific Clipper. Pmkd Adelaide & addressed to Eustis c/o of Wellington. Excellent co… $70 Sold $70 | |||
1940 (10th July) First South Pacific Clipper flight New York to Sydney via New Zealand. US 50c clipper & 20c Airmail stamps. OPENED BY CENSOR label… $30 Sold $30 | |||
1943 (25th Oct) First Flight by ANA Kerang to Sydney. Addressed to Ernest Crome. Excellent cond. Eu. 964a $30 Sold $30 | |||
1945 (June) India embossed Registered & Censored cover with additional 1a & 4a addressed to Hudson Fysh, Managing Director Qantas Empire Airways, S… $20 Sold $35 | |||
1946 (15th Sept) Australia to Canada cover incl original letter referring to flight & reduction in letter rate. Cachet on reverse. Eu. 1066 $25 Archived | |||
1953 (14th Nov) Sydney to Bangkok by Qantas signed by Captain J. Pollock. Qantas 30 years as Royal Air Mail Carriers Airmail label. Backstamped Ban… $20 Sold $20 | |||
1957/59 Royal Flying Doctor Service No. 1, 2 & 3 Mercy flights all Pilot signed with flight details cachets in mauve on illustrated covers. Beautif… $30 Sold $45 | |||
1962 (8th Dec) Adelaide-Millicent inaugural flight by Airlines of South Australia. Backstamped accordingly. Typed address in excellent cond. Eu. 14… $10 Archived | |||
1964 (24th Dec) Bahamas First Airmail Service Nassua to Miami by Pan Am. Series of 12 covers with different stamp combinations of the day making th… $30 Archived | |||
1973 (4th Nov) Rhodesia Airways Boeing first flights from Salisbury to; Durban, Lourenco Marques, Beira, Johannesburg & Bulawayo to Johannesburg. E… $20 Archived | |||
1981 (29th Nov) Inaugural Flight of the Royal Hutt River Province Air Force to Royal Fogarty Field. Embossed cover with Prince Leonard stamps. An h… $5 Sold $5 | |||
1986 (20th May) BAe Hawk 200 maiden flight cover & 1986 (22nd July) Daily Mail 1911 Anniv flight cover flown in Bell Long Ranger Helicopter & pilot… $5 Sold $5 | |||
1989 (17th June) Red Arrows Display Team 25th Anniv flight cover signed by all 10 pilots in aerobatic team. Flown in display formation for 18 mins.… $30 Sold $90 | |||
1990 (20th April) ANZAC Tradition Cover with set of 5 stamps postmarked GPO Canberra with War Memorial pictorial cancel. Cachet reads "CARRIED ON T… $10 Sold $10 | |||
2009 (17th Jan) AAT Centenary flight over South Magnetic Pole. Illustrated cover with set of 4 Magnetic Pole stamps pmkd Tullamarine Airport. $5 Sold $7 | |||
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There are 32 record(s) matching your criteria.