Lot No |
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Est. |
Western Australia: Collections |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1_sml.jpg) 1854-1864 Imperf range noting 1d black swans (6), 4d blue swans (6), 1/- brown swans (2), 2d vermilion swans (8), 6d green swans (2) & 6d grey lith… $270 Sold $600 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/2_sml.jpg) 1861-1912 Good to fine used noting 1/- yellow-green swans SG 43 (2), 3d brown on thin paper SG 170 (2) & 1/- bright green SG 61 (6) plus ½d (2), 1… $220 Sold $525 |
1885-1895 useful MUH duplicated range incl 2½d blue SG 97a (5), 3d brown SG 141, (Cat. £65 ea.) (13), "Half-penny" in green on 3d brown SG 110 + … $380 Sold $380 |
1892-1912 Mint or MUH range incl 5d pale greenish-yellow x 6 MUH & 1 MH, 5d olive-bistre MUH SG 143 x 2, 5d olive-bistre perf. 11 MUH SG 155 x 8, 5… $350 Sold $350 |
1895-1898 "Half-penny" in green ovpts on 3d brown, wmk C/CC, perf. 14 x 34 MUH examples (SG 110/110a, total Cat. £340) & 1d carmine swans x 5 (SG … $120 Sold $140 |
1885-1912 Duplicated mint/MUH range noting 2½d blue x 11 MUH (SG 97/97a), 2d yellow x 6 MUH (SG 113), 2½d blue x 9 MUH (SG 114), 1d red x 2 MUH (… $200 Sold $200 |
1905-1912 MUH selection on Hagner incl 3d brown x 23 (SG 141, Cat. £65 ea), 5d olive-bistre x 9 (SG 143, Cat. £38 ea), 4d bright red-brown x 14 (… $400 Sold $300 |
1905-1912 MUH/MLH/MH selection incl 3d brown x 6 MUH (SG 141, Cat. £65ea),5d bistre MUH (SG 99), 5d bistre MUH (SG 143), 5d pale olive-bistre x 3 … $250 Sold $250 |
1855-1912 MUH & MH accumulation with 25 of each. MUH consisting of ½d green x 8 (SG 94 & 94a), "Half-penny" in green surcharge on 3d brown (SG 110… $100 Sold $250 |
1885-1912 Useful group of F/U & unused as follows. SG 91-172 with SG 94 MH, 104 MVLH & SG 105 unused without gum. Also SG 112-116 in mint/MLH, SG 1… $300 Sold $300 |
1854-1864 Small selection incl 4d deep dull blue, 1860 2d pale orange & orange-vermilion all used plus 2d deep vermilion unused with clear margins … $500 Sold $350 |
1861 Perkins Bacon Issues Perf. 14-16 clean cut, intermediate & rough & perf 14 used accumulation noting 1d rose & rose-carmine (5), 2d blue (40), … $250 Sold $340 |
1861-1843 Intermediate perf. 14-16 selection incl 1d rose unused (SG 33), 6d purple brown F/U, straight edge at top (SG 36), perf. 14 Somerset Hous… $350 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/14_sml.jpg) 1861-1888 Used swan accum arranged on Hagner sheets with descriptive labels & vals to 1/- green, wmk crown CC, perf 12½x13½ (12 copies). Used to … $120 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/15_sml.jpg) 1861-1912 Remainder old-time collection assembled by a specialist. Cond varies from good to fine used with odd pickings & maybe more for the experi… $100 Sold $320 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/16_sml.jpg) 1861-1912 Retiring dealers stock on Hagner sheets with useful duplication up to 10 for any one issue. High cat. value & ideal for reseller with app… $150 Sold $240 |
1863 Perkins Bacon Issues No wmk, perf. 13 accumulation on Hagner sheet. Useful for research into shade variations, printings varieties & postmark … $120 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/18_sml.jpg) 1863-1864 De La Rue, no wmk, perf. 13 range on 2 annotated album pages with a selection of 1d & 6d stamps. Incls 1d vals with 3 x MH, 4 x unused wi… $500 Sold $500 |
1864-1881 De La Rue Issues with Crown/CC wmk, perf. 12½ unused without gum selection. Incls 1d bistre SG 52 x 3, 2d chrome-yellow SG 54, 2d yellow… $350 Sold $300 |
1864-1882 Crown/CC selection with perf. 12½ consisting of SG 52, 53, 55, 55a, 56 (fine mint with part og), 57, 59, 61, & 62 all fine used, most wi… $80 Sold $60 |
1864-1882 De La Rue collection remainders incl (i) wmk Crown/CC, perf. 12½ (SG 52-62), 1d shades x 24 used & 3 mint, 2d shades x 28 used & 1 mint,… $700 Sold $700 |
1864-1912 9 pages with unused, MH & MUH incl a few blocks & vals to 5/- (approx. 380) plus a page of postally used Internal Revenues with vals to 2… $250 Sold $1700 |
1864-1912 Useful accum in 16 page quality stockbook set out in order from SG 60-173. Noted pairs & a couple of blocks. High cat. val with 1882 4d c… $120 Sold $340 |
1871-1882 Crown/CA wmk incl SG 76 MH, SG 77 F/U, SG 78 good used, SG 79 very good used, SG 82 F/U, SG 83 F/U (perf missing lower right), SG 84 & SG… $50 Sold $50 |
1884-1907 De La Rue collection remainders. Again, neatly presented on Hagners with collectors annotated descriptions. Mainly organised by wmks, sha… $400 Sold $1200 |
1902-1911 Crown over double-lined A wmk, perf. 12 or 12x12½ "budget" mint lot. Majority MH or unused without gum or poorly centred. Incls 10d rose… $200 Sold $200 |
1902-1911 Similar to previous 2 lots with SG 123 MH, SG 144 MUH, light crease, SG 124c MH, SG 124b MUH, SG 125 MLH, SG 126 MH, SG 127 MH & SG 128 M… $200 Sold $280 |
1902-1911 V over Crown wmk mint selection with 10d red MH (SG 123) & 1910 10d rose-orange with Crown over double-lined A wmk for comparison MUH (SG… $300 Sold $400 |
1902-1911 V over Crown wmk mint selection. An almost identical lot to that above with SG 123 MLH, SG 146 MUH, off centre, SG 124b MH, off centre, S… $280 Sold $190 |
1902-1911 V/Crown wmk perf. 12½ & perf. 11 (SG 117-134) 1d red perf. 12½ x 230 used & 12 unused, perf. 11 x 8 used, 2d yellow x approx. 900 used … $1800 Sold $1800 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/31_sml.jpg) 1902-1912 Range of MUH/MLH/MH stamps on Hagners consisting SG 117 (4), 121 (10), 122 (6), 123 (7), 125 (5), 138 (4), 139 (4), 140 (4), 141 (2), 142… $180 Sold $200 |
1902-1912 Mint stamps on Hagners consisting SG 117 (4), 121 (10), 122 (6), 123 (7), 125 (5), 138 (4), 139 (4), 140 (4), 141 (2), 142 (1), 144 (8), … $180 Sold $140 |
1905-1912 ½d green MUH (2), 1d red MUH (2), 2d yellow MUH, 3d brown MUH & MLH pair, 4d brown MUH (2) & MH (2), 5d green MH (3), 8d green MH, 9d or… $300 Sold $200 |
1905-1912 Crown over A wmk, perf. 12½ & perf. 11 collection incl ½d green x 49 used & 6 unused, 1d red x approx. 300 & 12 unused plus perf. 11 wi… $500 Sold $500 |
1905-1912 Melbourne Printings with C/double lined A wmks, perf. 12½ fine used selection. Vals to 5/-. Incls ½d green pair, 1d rose-pink pair, 2d … $250 Sold $200 |
1905-1912 Melbourne Printings with C/double Lined A wmks, perf. 12½ or 12½x12 or 12x12½, all perfined "OS" & good to fine used. Incls ½d pair, … $150 Sold $100 |
1905-1912 Melbourne Printings with C/double Lined A wmks, perf. 12½ or 12½x12 or 12x12½. Mint/MUH selection with shades noting ½d green MLH (SG… $280 Sold $200 |
1905-1912 Melbourne Printings with C/double Lined A wmks, perf. 12½ or 12½x12 or 12x12½. Used selection with all vals to 5/- plus SG 168, 169, 1… $180 Sold $180 |
Commissariat Punctures Range of 21 punctures on Hagner sheet incl 1863 1d carmine-rose, no wmk perf. 13 unused without gum & 1879 1d yellow MH (SG … $160 Sold $240 |
Duty Stamps Accumulation with various printings & perfs arranged on 4 Hagner sheets. Incls 1d red x 4, 1d bicolours x 3, 2d blue bicolours x 5, 3d … $50 Sold $290 |
Forgeries Range incl imperfs, roulettes & perfd issues. Also 2 forged "IR" ovpt on 1d ochre & 2d yellow swans. 7 sound copies & 2 damaged. Would po… $50 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/42_sml.jpg) Forgeries Interesting selection mounted on album pages with 38 examples ranging from 1d to 6d with a variety of cancels. Incls 1d black x 8. Usual … $100 Sold $230 |
Internal Revenues Selection on Hagner with postally used x 10 incl 2d F/U & 2/6d, 3/- & 5/- good used plus 22 fiscally used noting 2d F/U pair & 8 … $60 Sold $210 |
"OS" Perfins 1905/12 crown/double line A wmk, perf. 12½ with ½d green pair, 1d red block 4, 2d yellow, 3d brown in 3 shades plus thin paper varie… $120 Sold $160 |
"OS" Perfins 12 unused examples noting ½d green x 3 MUH (SG 94), 1/- olive-green MUH (SG 116), 1d carmine-rose MUH (SG 117), 2/- (SG 124c), 2/- re… $300 Sold $300 |
"OS" Perfins 20 used examples with 2d x 3, 3d, 9d perf. 12½, 9d perf. 11 (SG 157a) used with faults but scarce plus 2/- x 4, 2/6d x 3, 5/- x 4 & 1… $120 Sold $170 |
"OS" Perfins Used group with ½d, 5d & 6d Crown/CA wmk, 6d & 1/- W Crown A wmk & 2d, 8d, 9d, 10d, 2/- x 2, 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- deep mauve V/Crown wmk … $75 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/48_sml.jpg) Postal History 1897-1910 range of used postcards noting "On the road to Mundaring Weir, WA" & "Princess May School, Fremantle, WA" plus a neat Kalg… $40 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/49_sml.jpg) Postal History 1903-1968 range of items incl Postal Stationery (PC2) fine used, 10 PPC's with 7 postally used between 1903 & 1910 plus 3 unused car… $80 Sold $110 |
Postal History 1948-1975 range of covers in small box noting a number of local business envs (Boans, Karrakatta Cemetery Board, Peters Ice Cream et… $30 Sold $95 |
Postal History KGV era WA commercial envs noting "Victoria District Agricultural Society" Geraldton, "RSL Boulder sub-branch", "The National Mutual… $70 Sold $70 |
Postal History KGV range on envelopes with 26 posted in WA & 5 from Sydney & 1 from Melbourne incoming to WA. Noted 1936 UK returned to sender with… $120 Sold $170 |
Postal History Six covers with Fremantle & Fremantle Town Hall duplex cancels addressed to Kalgoorlie from 23 FE 1903 to 2 AP 1904. Also a 1908 Wed… $70 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/54_sml.jpg) Postal Stationary Duplicated range of postcards noting ½d brown x 4 items incl 2 very fine, 1d blue x 3 card with 1 very fine, 1x 2d red (poor con… $50 Sold $50 |
Postmarks (A) Abbots to Australind in 2 vols incl 70 covers & 5 postcards. Noted Abbots, Agnew, Ajana, Albany North, Albany West, Aldersyde, Alexan… $350 Sold $420 |
Postmarks (B) Baandee to Bindoon in 2 vols incl 150 covers & 5 postcards. Noted postmarks from Baandee, Babakine, Baddera, Badgebup, Badgingarra, B… $500 Sold $675 |
Postmarks (B) Binninup to Brentwood in a single vol incl 80 covers & 7 postcards. Noted postmarks from Binnigup, Binnu, Blackboy Hill, Black Flag, … $300 Sold $600 |
Postmarks (B) Bridgetown to Bullfinch in one vol incl 90 covers & 2 postcards. Noted postmarks from Bridgetown, Broad Arrow, Broadway, Brookhampton… $350 Sold $350 |
Postmarks (B) Bullsbrook to Byford in one vol with 56 covers. Noted postmarks from Bullsbrook East, Bulong, Bulyee, Bunbury, Bunbury South, Bunbury… $300 Sold $400 |
Postmarks (C) Cadoux to Churchlands in a single vol noting 120 covers & 3 postcards. Incls Cable Beach, cadoux, Calingiri, Calista, Campion, Canna,… $350 Sold $380 |
Postmarks (C) Chorkerup to Coolbelup in one vol incl 80 covers & a postcard. Noted postmarks from Chorkerup, Circle Valley, City Beach, Beecroft Pa… $280 Sold $420 |
Postmarks (C) Coolgardie to Cuthbert in a single vol incl 95 covers & 3 postcards. Noted postmarks from Coolgardie, Coolup, Coomberdale, Coongan, C… $420 Sold $800 |
Postmarks (D) Daglish to Dog Swamp incl 25 covers in a single vol. Noted Dalkeith, Dalwallinu, Daleyup, Damboring, Dampier, Dandaragan, Dangin, Dar… $280 Sold $400 |
Postmarks (D) Dongarra to Dwellingup Bush Landing in one vol with 60 covers & a postcard. Noted postmarks from Dongara, Donnerlly River Hill, Donny… $260 Sold $260 |
Postmarks (E) Eastbrook to Eyre in one vol with 37 covers & a postcard. Noted postmarks from Eastbrook, East Bunbury, East Cannington, East Fremant… $280 Sold $400 |
Postmarks (F) Fairbridge to Fremantle Victoria Quay in one vol incl 75 covers & 10 postcards. Noted Fairbridge, Falcon, Fernbrook, Field's Find, Fi… $300 Sold $800 |
Postmarks (G) Gabalong to Gosnells in single vol with 55 covers. Noted Gabalong, Gabanintha, Gabbin, Galena, Garden Island, Gascoyne, Gascoyne Junc… $360 Sold $525 |
Postmarks (G) Granite Hills to Gwelup in one vol with 44 covers. Incls Granite Hills, Grant's Patch, Grantham St Wembley, Grass Valley, Gracetown, … $300 Sold $300 |
Postmarks (H) Haig to Hyden in one vol with 74 covers & 2 postcards. Noted Haig, Hakea, Halls Creek, Halls Creek South, Halsey, Hamel, Hamelin Pool… $350 Sold $775 |
Postmarks (I-J) Ida. H to Jurien in a single vol with 44 covers. Noted postmarks from Hida. H, Inglehope, Ingleton, Inglewood, Inglewood North, Ing… $300 Sold $525 |
Postmarks (K) Kalamunda to Karrinyup in single vol incl 90 covers & 2 postcards. Noted Kalamunda, Kalannie, Kalbarri, Kalgoorlie, Kambalda, Kambald… $330 Sold $330 |
Postmarks 1930's-1980's Approx 300 postmarks on 14 Lighthouse Vario pages plus a sheet of KGV commems with 36 NSW postmarks. Whilst pmks from the 1… $50 Sold $260 |
Postmarks 1939-2007 Disorganised range with complete strikes on stamps on piece plus some pre-decimal part strikes on stamps or cut-down pieces. Us… $60 Sold $60 |
Postmarks 1960's an almost identical lot to the previous again with 30 double sided Vario sheets with over 2000 postmarks worthy of viewing. Noted … $150 Sold $250 |
Postmarks 1960's Over 2900 x 5d QEII defins on piece in 30 Lighthouse Vario pages. Excellent range with light duplication. Noted Shannon River Mill… $200 Sold $250 |
Postmarks 1960's selection on 30 Lighthouse Vario pages. Majority on 5d QEII defins with complete strikes & all on piece. Noted Tardun, Manmanning,… $150 Sold $250 |
Postmarks 1960's-1980's range on 38 Lighthouse Vario pages with an estimated 2000+ strikes. Not all are cds's as there is a small percentage of mac… $150 Sold $250 |
Postmarks 2000 onwards are the majority all housed in 4 quality 64-page stockbooks. Appear to be complete & on piece & neatly cut out with high cla… $500 Sold $500 |
Postmarks 2001-2007 range on 50+ Hagners incl commemorative illust event types, numbered/lettered indices, different fonts, timed cds's, "LPO" in b… $100 Sold $100 |
Postmarks 7 album pages plus a few oddments from the balance of consignment. Noted blue numeral cancellations, red, blue, violet & black dumb oblit… $180 Sold $580 |
Postmarks A comprehensive collection housed in "as new" 64 page quality Lighthouse stockbook. Covers the approx. 1880 to 2010 with many fine comple… $600 Sold $600 |
Postmarks A wide range of commemorative covers each with a different WA pmk incl many pictorial. Noted 1980 Vancouver Day Albany, 1981 Perth Royal … $100 Sold $130 |
Postmarks Arranged in alphabetical order in "as new" Lighthouse 16 page stockbook labelled by type as recorded by Goulder. Goulder rarity ratings a… $500 Sold $625 |
Postmarks Consignment remainders incl 1903 cover (front only) from Subiaco to South Aust., 1903 to Hobart with Perth registered ORS on reverse & 19… $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/85_sml.jpg) Postmarks Range with 43 postmarks on 2d yellow swans incl 7 pairs & 4 groups of 3 stamps joined. Incls 39 date stamps on KGV plus many quality stri… $45 Sold $160 |
Postmarks Research material with extensive notes, actual examples, hand-drawn illustrations, photocopies & cut-outs from a range of documents & Auc… $200 Sold $440 |
Registered Covers 1935-1942 selection addressed to Perth incl 2 x 5d KGV on Aug & Oct 1935. Covers from Boulder with h/s provisional labels & diff … $100 Sold $180 |
Registration Labels 150+ R.6 blue registration labels from Argyle, Bellevue, Marine Parade, Dampier, Floreat Forum, Goldsworthy, Halls Creek, Hamil… $120 Sold $210 |
Revenues Accumulation on Hagner sheets noting purple Internal Revenue swans with vals to 2/6d incl 1d x 10, 3d x pair, 6d x 5, 1/- x 9 & 2/6d. Most… $200 Sold $575 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/90_sml.jpg) Revenues Range of Duty Stamps soaked from documents or attached to small pieces. Vals from 1d to £1, 10/- incl 2/6d x 2, 5/- x 5, 10/- x 3, 15/-, … $100 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/91_sml.jpg) Revenues Retiring dealers stock on Hagners noting Hospital stamps to 5/-, Financial Emergency Tax to £1 (6 copies), 2/- (Nurse) & Hospital Fund (6… $400 Sold $625 |
Revenues Small accumulation incl Financial Emergency Tax x 7 incl 5/- x 2, 1930/35 Hospital Fund x 22 incl strip of 4 x 9d plus 6d x 2 & 2/- x 5 & … $120 Sold $320 |
Swans 5 good to fine used imperf swans with mixed margins. Incls 4d blue SG 3a with 3 close, the fourth just touching, 2d orange-vermilion, an oxid… $100 Sold $100 |
Swans Annotated for wmks, perfs & variations in quality 32-page stockbook all identified by SG numbers. Some useful postmarks have been highlighted… $200 Sold $650 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/95_sml.jpg) Swans Extensive accumulation with useful duplicates in quality 48 page Lighthouse stockbook. Arranged by SG numbers with used stamps at the front &… $450 Sold $450 |
Swans Small container with a random used accumulation. Selection of vals & issues noting some multiples, odd revenue & possible pmk potential. Wort… $60 Sold $90 |
"WA" Perfins Range with ½d to 10/- vals incl ½d green MUH (SG 94), 2½d blue MH (SG 114) & SG 117 unused without gum. Noted used issues incl Crow… $100 Sold $160 |
"WA" Perfins Good to fine used selection with double lined V/Crown wmks, perf 12½ incl 1d rose-red pair, 2d yellow pair, 4d brown, 8d green, 9d ye… $200 Sold $200 |
Western Australia: WA Die Proofs |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/99_sml.jpg) 1854 Engraved Die Proof of a swan on the water on wove paper measuring 59mm x 33mm & glued to a piece of cardboard. The date "1854" in black ink & … $150 Sold $420 |
Proofs & Colour Trials: Perkins Bacon |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/100_sml.jpg) 2d imperforate plate proof in black on ungummed, unwatermarked paper. Bottom margin just touching, other 3 clear to large. $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/101_sml.jpg) 4d imperforate plate proof in black on ungummed, unwatermarked paper. Four clear margins. $180 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/102_sml.jpg) 4d dull carmine colour trial on ungummed, unwmkd paper with 4 close but clear margins. $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/103_sml.jpg) 6d dull mauve colour trial on ungummed, unwmkd paper with 4 good to large margins. $180 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/104_sml.jpg) 6d blackish-purple colour trial on ungummed, unwmkd paper with 4 good margins. Ironed out vert bend not frontally apparent. Fresh colour. $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/105_sml.jpg) 1/- deep green plate proof on ungummed, swan wmkd paper with clean cut perf. 14-16. Shortish perfs at base otherwise fine with lovely deep colour. $180 Sold $360 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/106_sml.jpg) 1/- deep green colour trial on ungummed, swan wmkd paper with wmk sideways. Good to very close margins. Scarce & rarely seen. $350 Archived |
Proofs & Colour Trials: De La Rue |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/107_sml.jpg) 1885/1907 1d carmine, 2d yellow, 2½d deep blue, 6d bright violet & 1/- olive-green in horizontal plate proof pairs on gummed W Crown A wmkd paper.… $900 Sold $750 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/108_sml.jpg) ½d green imperforate horizontal plate proof pair on Crown/CA wmkd gummed paper. Very good even margins. Fresh & fine MUH. $120 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/109_sml.jpg) 1d bistre imperforate plate proof with wmk Crown/CC sideways. Ungummed with 4 close but clear margins. $120 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/110_sml.jpg) 3d red-brown imperforate horizontal plate proof pair in the issued colour on Crown/CA wmk gummed paper. Large clear even margins. Fine MUH. $250 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/111_sml.jpg) 6d deep (aniline) indigo-violet plate proof with upright Crown/CC wmk. 4 clear even margins. MUH with part og. String rich colour. $280 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/112_sml.jpg) 1/- bright green imperforate plate proof with Crown/CC upright wmk. 4 large margins, top 5mm marginal. MH with almost full og. Fine. $250 Sold $180 |
States and Territories: Western Australia |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/113_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black horizontal pair. F/U by void grid on each. Clear margins on all sides. SG 1, Cat. £650+ $400 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/114_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black with 2 close margins, right & lower margins cutting into design. Mint without gum. SG 1, Cat. £1600 $380 Sold $260 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/115_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black vertical pair with uneven close to just touching margins. Fine used with 2 void grid cancels, the lower partly smudged. SG 1, Cat. £… $280 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/116_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black. Fine used with 15 bar "2" in blue with 3 clear margins, touching at base. Examples used in blue are rare. SG 1, Cat. £325+ $220 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/117_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black attractively used by void grid in red. Large to close margins just touching at lower right. Lovely example. SG 1, £325 $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/118_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black. Fine used with void grid. Clear even margins all round, large at right. Excellent example. SG 1, Cat. £325 $180 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/119_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black fine used with 4 good clear margins & light void grid cancel. SG 1, Cat. £325 $180 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/120_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black with 4 close even margins. Fine used with 15 bar "3" Perth cancel. SG 1, Cat. £325 $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/121_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black with clear even 4 margins. Used with void grid cancel. SG 1, Cat. £325 $120 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/122_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black. Appears unused but part very light indistinct cancel on corner. Close margins all round. SG 1, Cat. £325 $100 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/123_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black with 3 good to large margins, top very close. FU with light indistinct cancel. SG 1 Cat. £325 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/124_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black with 4 margins close at base but top with part adjoining stamp. Fine used with light cancel. SG 1, Cat. £325 $100 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/125_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black with 4 large to close margins. F/U. SG 1, Cat. £300 $90 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/126_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black with 3 large margins, 2 showing part of adjoining stamp, touching bottom right. Fine used with void grid cancel leaving swan profile … $90 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/127_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black with 4 margins. Fine used with neat void grid cancel. Could do with a soak! SG 1 Cat. £325 $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/128_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black with 4 close margins. Could do with a clean. SG 1, Cat. £325 $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/129_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black with 4 close to just touching margins. Lightly used & a useful "priced to condition" example. SG 1, Cat. £300 $70 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/130_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black with "double tailed" swan variety. Good to close margins. Fine used with void grid cancel which covers variety. SG 1, Cat. £325 + pr… $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/131_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black with "double tailed swan" variety. Attractive clear 4 margin example fine used with neat void grid cancel. SG 1, Cat. Cat. £300+ $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/132_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black, part rouletted. Fine used with large even margins. SG 2, Cat. £750 $250 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/133_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black. Rouletted perfs evidenced on sides. Lightly used with clear margins. SG 2, Cat. £750 $250 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/134_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black rouletted on all 4 sides. Fine used with light 15 bar "1" Perth cancel. Rouletting just cuts into left side of design. Attractive exa… $300 Sold $300 |
1854 1d black used with top & right margins, lower & left touching/cut into & section missing from left side (SG 1, Cat. £325), 1854 4d blue with … $200 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/136_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue with close to large margins. Lightly used with indistinct numeral cancel. Weak top left corner & small thin reflected in reserve.… $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/137_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue. Unused without gum. Slight discolouration in bottom left corner. SG 3, Cat. £375 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/138_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue, 3 good to large margins, top just cutting into design. Fine used with 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel. SG 3, Cat. £200 $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/139_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue with 4 clear margins. Fine used with 15 bar "1" obliterator. SG 3, Cat. £200 $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/140_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue, 4 close even margin. Fine used by light 15 bar numeral cancel. SG 3, Cat. £200 $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/141_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue. 4 clear generous margins & fine used by "14" grid cancel in red. SG 3, Cat. £200 $120 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/142_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue. 4 margin example fine used with neat void grid cancel. SG 3, Cat. £200 $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/143_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue with 4 close to good margins. Lightly used with 15 bar "3" Perth cancel in blue ink. SG 3, Cat. £200 $120 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/144_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue with grid "14" cancel in red. Clear margins all round. Attractive stamp. SG 3, Cat. £200 $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/145_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue. Lightly used by 15 bar "20" with 4 clear to wide margins. SG 3, Cat. £200 $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/146_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue F/U by Crown Reg’d cancel in grey-blue. Good to large even margins. SG 3 Cat. £200+ $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/147_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue, 2 close margins with top & right huge. Fine unused. SG 3, Cat. £375 $160 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/148_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue with 3 good margins, the 4th just touching at right. Unused without gum. Lovely colour. SG 3, Cat. £375 $160 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/149_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue. 4 margins, bottom close to design but clear. Fine mint with Ceremuga cert. (2004) stating "unused without gum". SG 3, Cat. £375 $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/150_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue, 4 close to large margins. Fresh & fine unused without gum. SG 3, Cat. £375 $180 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/151_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue with 4 clear even margins. Fine example with fresh strong colour. SG 3, Cat. £375 $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/152_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue with first "A" of "Australia" & broken right leg variety. Lovely unused example with clear margins. SG 3, Cat. £375 as normal. $260 Sold $260 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/153_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue swan with "EN" of "Pence" shorter variety. Very lightly used. SG 3var., Cat. £1400 $360 Sold $360 |
1854 4d pale blue with intermediate stone variety, "S" of "AUSTRALIA" is joined to the white outer margins, position R9/3. Superb unused, no gum wi… $500 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/155_sml.jpg) 1854 4d blue with 3 generous margins, close at top but clear. "Unused without gum, 4 margins" noted on Ceremuga Cert. (20040 Lovely rich & fresh co… $250 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/156_sml.jpg) 1854 4d blue used with upright void grid cancel. Clear broad margins & a better than average example. SG 3a, Cat. £250 $160 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/157_sml.jpg) 1854 4d blue, 4 clear even margins. Very F/U with neat 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel. SG 3a, Cat. £250 $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/158_sml.jpg) 1854 4d blue fine used by void grid "14" in red. Small short corner top left otherwise clear to large margins. SG 3a, Cat. £250 $140 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/159_sml.jpg) 1854 4d blue, 4 clear margins. Fine used with 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel. The original gum which is still partially present on reverse has discolo… $120 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/160_sml.jpg) 1854 4d blue with 4 close to large even margins. Very fine unused without gum. SG 3a, Cat. £450 $180 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/161_sml.jpg) 1854 4d blue with one wide margin, two close & one just touching at left. Fine used with very light numeral cancel. SG 3a, Cat. £250 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/162_sml.jpg) 1854 4d blue. Close to touching margins. F/U with neat void grid cancel in red ink. SG 3a, Cat. £250 $80 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/163_sml.jpg) 1854 4d blue swan with the "T" of "Postage" shaved off to a point at foot". Unused. SG 3ad, Cat. £2250 $500 Archived |
1854 4d blue with intermediate stone variety. "S" of "AUSTRALIA" is joined to the white outer margin position R9/3. 3 generous margins while the to… $250 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/165_sml.jpg) 1854 4d deep dull blue. Close to huge even margins. Superb used with void grid cancel. SG 3b Cat. £850 $250 Sold $270 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/166_sml.jpg) 1854 4d deep dull blue. Fine used with light Perth duplex. A superior used example. SG 3b, Cat. £850 $350 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/167_sml.jpg) 1854 4d blue. Unused mint example with clear to broad margins. A lovely example. SG 3a, Cat. £450 $220 Sold $220 |
1854 4d deep dull blue. Unused mint with clear even margins. Fresh true colour. SG 3b, Cat. £2750 $800 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/169_sml.jpg) 1855 4d slate-blue. 4 margin example with Ceremuga cert (2005) stating "Unused without gum, genuine in all respects. Very rare". The finest example… $2800 Sold $2800 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/170_sml.jpg) 1855 4d slate-blue. Generous margins at base & right, close at top & left. Unused without gum. Tiny pinhole near "S" of Australia with small neighb… $1500 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/171_sml.jpg) 1855 4d slate blue. Used by barred numeral "8". Close to touching at right margins. SG 3c, Cat. £1300 $600 Sold $600 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/172_sml.jpg) 1855 4d slate blue swan with 3 large clear margins, the 4th close to touching. Fine used with light 15 bar "8" cancel. Rich slate colour, a superio… $500 Sold $675 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/173_sml.jpg) 1854 1/- salmon swan with 3 margins touching while the left margin has a line of rouletting just inside the design. SG does not record this shade a… $400 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/174_sml.jpg) 1854 1/- salmon. Lightly used with void grid cancel. Slightly cut into "LI" of "Australia" at right with other 3 margins clear. A difficult stamp. … $1000 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/175_sml.jpg) 1854 1/- salmon. Neatly cut with straight margins just touching each side of the oval design. Fine used with neat void grid cancel. Tiny thins ment… $1800 Sold $2100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/176_sml.jpg) 1854 1/- orange-brown with 2 clear margins & just touching at right & base. Fine used by light Guildford cds in blue dated AP 25 1863. Ceremuga cer… $700 Sold $700 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/177_sml.jpg) 1854 1/- deep red-brown cut into at left with just touching on other 3 margins. Good used with indistinct void grid cancel. Rich deep colour. SG 4a… $220 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/178_sml.jpg) 1854 1/- deep red-brown used by watery barred numeral "14". Part adjoining stamp at left & touching at right with other margins clear. SG 4a, Cat. … $300 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/179_sml.jpg) 1854 1/- deep red-brown with 3 clear margins, just touching at right. Fine used with neat void grid cancel. Fresh colour. SG 4a, Cat. £1100 $400 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/180_sml.jpg) 1854 1/- deep red-brown attractively used by barred numeral "1". 3 clear margins, touching at left. SG 4a, Cat. £1100 $380 Sold $260 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/181_sml.jpg) 1854 1/- deep red-brown lightly used by void grid cancel. Clear margins on 3 sides & just touching at top. SG 4a, Cat. £1100 $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/182_sml.jpg) 1854 1/- deep red-brown with white dot below "IA" variety. Unused mint with close margins at sides, touching at base. SG 4a, Cat. £2000 $400 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/183_sml.jpg) 1854 1/- deep red-brown. Unused mint example just touching at right otherwise clear. SG 4a, Cat. £2000 $500 Sold $330 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/184_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- grey brown. Clear margins to just touching at the top & slightly cut into at base. Fine used with 15 bar "8" numeral cancel. SG 4b, Cat. Â… $120 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/185_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- grey-brown. Used with clear barred numeral "8". Close to good margins. SG 4b, Cat. £400 $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/186_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- grey-brown with close to large margins. F/U with light 15 bar "2" Perth cancel. SG 4b, Cat. £400 $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/187_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- grey-brown with 4 clear to large margins. Unused mint. SG 4b, Cat. £700 $300 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/188_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- grey-brown. Fine clear 4 margin example with fresh colour. Unused without gum. A lovely example. SG 4b, Cat. £700 $360 Sold $360 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/189_sml.jpg) 1854 1/- pale brown, 2 large margins, 1 clear & other just touching. F/U. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/190_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown. Close to huge margins at left. F/U with crisp 15 bar "8" cancel. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/191_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown. Four very good clear margins. Fine used with neat 15 bar "1" numeral cancel. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $120 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/192_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown, 3 clear margins with the 4th just touching the base of the oval. Fine used with 15 bar "2" Perth cancel. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $140 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/193_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown used by barred numeral "8" cancel. 4 clear margins. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $140 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/194_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown with touching to huge margins. Part of adjoining stamp visible at top. Fine used with light void grid cancel. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/195_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown. Unused mint with huge to good clear margins. SG 4c, Cat. £500 $250 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/196_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown. Mint examples with clear margins all round. Attractive example with strong colour. SG 4c, Cat. £500 $250 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/197_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown with 4 good even margins. Fine & fresh unused without gum. A premium example. SG 4c, Cat. £500 $250 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/198_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown, 4 clear even margins. Unused without gum. SG 4c, Cat. £500 $220 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/199_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown with 4 clear margins. Unused without gum. Wmk showing through behind swan profile. SG 4c, Cat. £500 $200 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/200_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown. Four clear even margins. Superb unused without gum. SG 4c, Cat. £500 $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/201_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown, 4 close to large margins clear of design. Unused without gum. SG 4c, Cat. £500 $180 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/202_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue rouletted at top & left side. Fine used by strong barred numeral "3". Huge margins at right side & base. SG 5, Cat. £700 $250 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/203_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue with clear roulette on 4 sides. Fine used by light BN "16". SG 5, Cat. £700+ $300 Sold $360 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/204_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue with rouletting at top & on both sides. Base cuts into design & has no trace of rouletting. Fine unused without gum. A scarce sta… $1600 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/205_sml.jpg) 1854 4d blue. Rouletted on both sides with large imperf margins top & bottom. Right margin showing part of adjoining stamp. Fine used with light 15… $220 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/206_sml.jpg) 1854 4d blue with top & sides imperf but base rouletted. Fine used with 15 bar "6" Albany cancel. SG 5a, Cat. £700 $250 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/207_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- grey-brown with close to clear roulette margins, cut into at left. Fine used by light BN "1". SG 6, Cat. £1200 $350 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/208_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown rouletted on sides only. Fine used by BN "3". Margins clear, large at left, touching at top. SG 6a, Cat. £1100 $300 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/209_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown rouletted top & left otherwise imperf, cut slightly into at right. Fine used with 15 bar "1" numeral of Perth. SG 6a, Cat. £1100 $300 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/210_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown rouletted along base & at left, other 2 imperf & clear. Fine used with 15 bar "1" Perth cancel. SG 6a, Cat. £1100 $300 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/211_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown with roulette or partial roulette on 4 sides. Light BN "8" & commissariat puncture. Rare. SG 6a, Cat. £1100 $400 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/212_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown-black/red with 4 clear even margins. Used with indistinct numeral cancel. SG 15, Cat £550 $180 Sold $260 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/213_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown-black/red with close but clear margins. Fine used with partial void grid. SG 15, Cat. £550 $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/214_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown-black/red with 3 close to touching margins but massive base margin. Good to F/U with indistinct, smudged void grid. SG 15, Cat. £550 $200 Sold $290 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/215_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown-black/red with 4 close to touching margins. F/U with light numeral cancel SG 15 Cat. £550 $200 Sold $230 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/216_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown-black/red, cut into at left & top but base & right show parts of adjoining stamps. Superb used with 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel. Exce… $200 Sold $525 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/217_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown-black/red. Close to touching margins. F/U with grid cancel. Strong colour. SG 15 Cat £550 $220 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/218_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown-black/red with 4 fine close even margins. Very fine unused with part original gum. BPA London cert (1996). A superb example. SG 15, C… $5000 Sold $4000 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/219_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown-black/red & printed on both sides. 4 close to just touching margins. Fine used with by light void grid cancel. Ex Spink Auction (Sept… $480 Sold $480 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/220_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown black/red printed on both side. Three clear margins with fourth just touching but adjoining stamp visible at left. Fine used with bla… $380 Sold $380 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/221_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown-black/red printed on both sides. Light void grid cancel. A superior stamp SG 15a Cat £850 $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/222_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown-black/red & printed on both sides. 3 close to touching margins with base only just cut into. Good colour & F/U with light void grid c… $500 Sold $350 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/223_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown-black/Indian. F/U by neat BN "6". Close to just touching margins. SG 16, Cat. £850 $350 Sold $425 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/224_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown black/Indian red. Close to just touching even margins. Fine used with "14" grid cancel in red. Lovely colour. SG 16, Cat. £850 $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/225_sml.jpg) 1857 6d golden bronze with light grid "14" cancel. Close to touching margins. Attractive example of a difficult stamp. SG 17, Cat. £2500 $500 Sold $350 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/226_sml.jpg) 1857 6d golden bronze fine used by indistinct grid cancel. 3 clear margins, just touching at base. Attractive as cancel surrounds swan. SG 17, Cat.… $500 Sold $575 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/227_sml.jpg) 1857 6d golden bronze. Four close to touching margins with small nick out of top frame otherwise. F/U with light grid cancel. SG 17, Cat. £2500 $500 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/228_sml.jpg) 1857 6d golden bronze, 4 margins just touching at right otherwise clear. Fine used with 15 bar "3" cancel. SG 17, Cat. £2500 $600 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/229_sml.jpg) 1857 6d golden bronze cut square just touching the edges. Fine used with void grid cancel. A difficult stamp. SG 17, Cat. £2500 $600 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/230_sml.jpg) 1857 6d golden bronze fine used by crisp BN "8" with 4 clear even margins. A superb example of this rare stamp. SG 17, Cat. £2500 $750 Sold $750 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/231_sml.jpg) 1857 6d black-bronze. Clear to just touching margins. F/U with light "1" void grid cancel. SG 18, Cat. £650 $220 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/232_sml.jpg) 1857 6d black-bronze with large margin at base & others just touching. Fine used with neat void grid cancel. SG 18, Cat. £650 $250 Sold $180 |
1857 6d black-bronze. Superb used with neat & clear BN "2". Close to touching margins. Most attractive pmk. SG 18, Cat. £750 $300 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/234_sml.jpg) 1857 6d black-bronze. Top & right margins clear of design, left margin just touching & base cut into. Good used with void grid cancel. Minor thin t… $300 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/235_sml.jpg) 1857 6d black-bronze. Fine used with light barred cancel & 4 clear margins. A lovely example. SG 18, Cat. £750 $350 Sold $450 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/236_sml.jpg) 1857 6d black-bronze with 4 clear even margins. Fine used with light void grid cancel. SG 18, Cat. £750 $400 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/237_sml.jpg) 1857 6d black-bronze with 4 fine but close margins. Superb used with light 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel. Ceremuga cert. (2002). A premium example. S… $500 Sold $500 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/238_sml.jpg) 1857 6d grey-black swan. Fine used with light 15 bar "20" cancel. Unfortunately cut to shape but neatly done! Useful space filler at this reserve. … $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/239_sml.jpg) 1859 6d grey-black used with void grid cancel. Close to touching margins. SG 19, Cat. £550 $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/240_sml.jpg) 1859 6d grey-black, clear on 3 sides & just touching at top. Used. SG 19, Cat. £550 $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/241_sml.jpg) 1859 6d grey-black, clear on 3 sides & just touching at left. Lightly used. SG 19, Cat. £550 $180 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/242_sml.jpg) 1859 6d grey-black with 3 clear margins, very close at base. Fine used with 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel. SG 19, Cat. £550 $350 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/243_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown-black on red. Rouletted on all sides. Fine used with crisp 15 bar "1" for Perth. An outstanding example. SG 20, Cat. £1900 $800 Sold $800 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/244_sml.jpg) 1857 black-bronze rouletted on all sides. Fine used with bold 15 bar "1" Perth cancel. Small ageing stain at top left does not detract from this sc… $500 Sold $350 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/245_sml.jpg) 1857 6d grey black, rouletted/pin perforated. Fine used with almost complete BN "1". 3 clear margins, slightly cut into at right & frame damage at … $350 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/246_sml.jpg) 1859 6d grey-black rouletted on all 4 sides. Fine used with 15 bar "1" Perth cancel. Strong "grey" colour. SG 23, Cat. £1300 $600 Sold $420 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/247_sml.jpg) 1859 2d pale orange & 2d orange-vermilion. Range of 4 varying shades with margins close to touching. All good to fine used with 15 bar numeral canc… $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/248_sml.jpg) 1860 2d pale orange & 2d orange-vermilion each with 4 clear, even margins. Unused without gum, hinge remainder on former. Rich true colours. SG 24/… $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/249_sml.jpg) 1860 2d pale orange & orange-vermilion. Both unused mint with 4 clear, even margins. SG 24/25, Cat. £280 (2) $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/250_sml.jpg) 1860 2d orange & orange vermilion in 3 distinct shades. All with 4 clear margins & fine unused without gum. Excellent strong colours. SG 24/25, Cat… $240 Sold $240 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/251_sml.jpg) 1860 2d orange-vermilion fine used by BN "3" in blue ink. Clear margins all round. SG 25, Cat. £80 $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/252_sml.jpg) 1860 2d orange-vermilion. 3 clear margins & top with large margin. MLH with rich colour. SG 25, Cat. £140 $70 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/253_sml.jpg) 1860 2d orange-vermilion in 2 shades. Both fine used, the first with neat 15 bar "8" & second with "21" in blue. Large to close margins with latter… $70 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/254_sml.jpg) 1859 2d orange-vermilion. Block of 4 with 4 close to very close margins. Some pale areas on front affecting 2 stamps, possibly due to roughness of … $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/255_sml.jpg) 1860 2d orange-vermilion block of 4 with clear margins all round but close at base. Light paper "wrinkling" reflected in reserve. Fine unused witho… $250 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/256_sml.jpg) 1860 2d orange-vermilion block of 4 with close to large margins. Unused without gum. Bright vivid colour. SG 25, Cat. £600+ premium for block of 4… $350 Sold $350 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/257_sml.jpg) 1864 4d blue, 3 close margins with just cutting into design at top. MH with part og. SG 26, Cat. £350 $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/258_sml.jpg) 1864 4d blue with 4 close to very close margins. F/U without gum. Stunning colour. SG 26, Cat. £350 $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/259_sml.jpg) 1864 4d blue. Fine used with crisp, light BN cancel. Rich colour & 4 clear margins. A superior example. SG 26, Cat. £2500 $1000 Sold $1000 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/260_sml.jpg) 1864 4d blue with sideways wmk. 4 close even margins. Fine used with 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel. A rare stamp postally used. Royal Philatelic Soci… $1000 Sold $1050 |
1860 4d deep blue. Three close margins with lower margin just cutting into design. Fine unused without gum. Strong deep shade. SG 27, Cat. £350 $100 Sold $170 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/262_sml.jpg) 1860 4d deep blue. Unused mint example with stunning deep colour. 4 clear, even margins. Most attractive. SG 27, Cat. £350 $150 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/263_sml.jpg) 1864 4d deep blue with 3 fine margins. Right margin is close but clear. Unused without gum. SG 27, Cat. £350 $150 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/264_sml.jpg) 1864 4d deep blue with 4 fine even margins. Very fine unused without gum. A superior stamp. SG 27, Cat. £350 $200 Sold $230 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/265_sml.jpg) 1861 6d sage-green with margins very close to touching, some cutting into design. Fine used with indistinct grid cancel. SG 28, Cat. £400 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/266_sml.jpg) 1861 6d sage-green with 4 very close to touching margins. Good used with light indistinct cancellation. SG 28, Cat. £400 $90 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/267_sml.jpg) 1861 6d sage-green with light BN "8" pmk. Margins touching in places but remains respectable. SG 28, Cat. £400 $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/268_sml.jpg) 1861 6d sage-green. 3 clear margins & right shows adjoining stamp. F/U with light BN cancel. SG 28, Cat. £400 $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/269_sml.jpg) 1861 6d sage-green attractively used with full BN "20" crisp cancel. Close even margins. SG 28, Cat. £400 $180 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/270_sml.jpg) 1861 6d sage-green. Slightly cut into bottom right but huge margin at top & close but clear at sides. Very fresh MLH. SG 28, Cat. £3250 $750 Sold $750 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/271_sml.jpg) 1860 6d deep sage-green used with BN "8" cancel. Close margins touching in places. SG 28a, Cat. £550 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/272_sml.jpg) 1860 6d deep sage-green. Close to touching margins. F/U with 15 bar "8" numeral cancel. SG 28a, Cat. £550 $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/273_sml.jpg) 1860 6d deep sage-green. Used by BN "17" with touching margin at left but other sides clear. SG 28a, Cat. £550 $160 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/274_sml.jpg) 1860 2d pale orange & 2d orange vermilion, both with evidence on rouletting on all sides. Fine used with barred numeral cancels. One side of later … $100 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/275_sml.jpg) 1860 2d pale orange & 2d orange-vermilion with both showing roulette perfs. Good to F/U with BN "1" cancels. SG 29/30, Cat. £550 (2) $180 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/276_sml.jpg) 1860 2d pale orange & 2d orange-vermilion. Both rouletted & neatly used with pale having BN "18" in blue & vermilion with barred "PO" cancel. SG 29… $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/277_sml.jpg) 1860 2d pale orange with clear roulette perfs on 2 sides. Unused with bright colour. SG 29, Cat. £850 $300 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/278_sml.jpg) 1861 6d sage-green rouletted all 4 sides. Fine used with 15 bar "3" Perth cancel in blue ink. Light central surface thin on reverse reflected in re… $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/279_sml.jpg) 1860 6d sage-green rouletted top margin with others close to touching imperf. Fine used with neat 15 bar "2" numeral cancel. SG 32, Cat. £750 $200 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/280_sml.jpg) 1860 6d sage-green rouletted on 2 sides. Used with BN "3" in blue. SG 32, Cat. £750 $240 Sold $170 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/281_sml.jpg) 1860 6d sage-green rouletted. Lightly used with BN "3". An attractive & better than average example. SG 32, Cat. £750 $350 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/282_sml.jpg) 1861 6d sage-green rouletted all 4 sides. Fine used with central 15 bar "1" Perth cancel in blue ink. SG 32, Cat. £750 $350 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/283_sml.jpg) 1861 6d sage-green imperf on 3 sides with close margins while right margin has been rouletted. Unused without gum. A scarce stamp. SG 32, Cat. £3250 $750 Sold $525 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/284_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose, intermediate perf. 14-16, 1d rose perf. 14 & 1d rose-carmine, very rough perf. 14-16. All fine used. Latter with small thin in top fr… $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/285_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose selection with intermediate perf. 14-16 (SG 33), perf. 14 (SG 38) & rough perf. 14-16 (SG 44). All with neatly struck barred numeral c… $75 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/286_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose. Unused without gum & small tear through "T" at right. SG 33 $40 Sold $28 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/287_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose. Unused without gum. SG 33, Cat. £750 $100 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/288_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose. MLH with part o.g SG 33, Cat. £750 $150 Sold $170 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/289_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose. MLH. SG 33, Cat. £750 $180 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/290_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. Two used examples in different shades. SG 34, Cat. £80 (2) $20 Sold $15 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/291_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. MLH with slight toning not apparent from front. SG 34, Cat. £250 $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/292_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. Unused without gum. SG 34, Cat. £250 $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/293_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. MLH block of 4, centred right. Some gum imperfections but frontally rich, fresh colour. SG 34, Cat. £1000 $400 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/294_sml.jpg) 1861 4d vermilion. MLH with usual slightly aged gum. A difficult stamp to find with colour as rich as this one. SG 35, Cat. £1900 $800 Sold $900 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/295_sml.jpg) 1861 4d vermilion. Lightly used with horiz line through "UR P" of "FOUR PENCE". SG 35, Cat. £2000 $800 Sold $900 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/296_sml.jpg) 1861 4d vermilion. Fresh unused without gum. A premium example. C SG 35, Cat. £1900 $700 Sold $700 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/297_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple-brown x 2. Fine used with 15 bar "5" & 15 bar "1" cancels in blue. SG 36, Cat. £110ea. (2) $80 Sold $95 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/298_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple-brown x 3 with intermediate perf. 14-16 (SG 36), perf. clean cut 14-16 (SG 42) & rough perf. 14-16 trimmed (SG 45). Good to F/U sele… $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/299_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple-brown. MH with part og. Perfs rough at right & light ironed out horiz crease but fine frontal appearance. SG 36, Cat. £1100 $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/300_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple-brown with trimmed perfs. MLH with rich fresh colour. SG 36, Cat. £1100 $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/301_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple brown, usual intermediate uneven perfs. Unused without gum. SG 36, Cat. £1100 $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/302_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- yellow-green. Fine used with light BN "6". SG 37, Cat. £250 $100 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/303_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose, perf 14 with sideways reversed wmk. F/U with 15 bar 3 numeral cancel of Perth in blue ink. SG 38var., Cat. £65 (not listed in SG ) $25 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/304_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose. Unused without gum. SG 38, Cat. £110 $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/305_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose. MH with part og & straight edge at right. SG 38, Cat. £375 $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/306_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose with double line of perforations at left. Fine MLH. Variety not catalogued in SG. SG 38var. $600 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/307_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. Left selvedge example, unused without gum. SG 39, Cat. £160 $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/308_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. Fresh MVLH. SG 39, Cat. £160 $60 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/309_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. MH with very small amount of og. One toned perf. SG 39, Cat. £160 $75 Sold $45 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/310_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. MLH with og, centred bottom right. SG 39, Cat. £160 $80 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/311_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. MLH with small part og. SG 39, Cat. £160 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/312_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue with "SPECIMEN" ovpt. MLH. SG 39s $200 Sold $260 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/313_sml.jpg) 1861 4d vermilion. F/U with 15 bar 14 numeral cancel of York in blue ink. Minor oxidation. SG 40, Cat. £180 (sideways reversed wmk not listed in SG) $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/314_sml.jpg) 1861 4d vermillion. Lightly used, centered top right. SG 40, Cat. £180 $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/315_sml.jpg) 1861 4d vermilion. Fine used. SG 40, Cat. £180 $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/316_sml.jpg) 1861 4d vermilion. F/U with a few short perfs at sides. Clear 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel SG 40, Cat £180 $80 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/317_sml.jpg) 1861 4d vermilion. Fine used with BN "8". Attractive. SG 40, Cat. £180 $100 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/318_sml.jpg) 1861 4d vermilion. MLH with part og. SG 40, Cat. £475 $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/319_sml.jpg) 1861 4d vermilion. MVLH, a fresh example with rich colour. SG 40, Cat. £475 $220 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/320_sml.jpg) 1861 4d vermilion. Fine & fresh MLH. SG 40, Cat. £475 $380 Sold $270 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/321_sml.jpg) 1861 4d vermilion, perf. 14, Somerset House with double line of perfs at top. Fine unused without gum. SG 40var, not listed in SG. $500 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/322_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue vert pair. Lightly used with barred cancel in blue. SG 41, Cat. £48 $20 Sold $15 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/323_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue with sideways reversed wmk variation. F/U SG 41 (wmk variation not listed by SG). $20 Sold $16 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/324_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. Two used examples, one with pre-entry of "Postage" variety. SG 41, Cat. £48 (2) $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/325_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. MH with part patchy original gum. SG 41, Cat. £110 $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/326_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. Unused with gum traces. SG 41, Cat. £110 $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/327_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. MLH. SG 41, Cat. £110 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/328_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. MLH. SG 41, Cat. £110 $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/329_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue with "hairline through "N" of WESTERN" variety. Unused without gum. SG 41var. Not listed in SG, unused. $60 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/330_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue. Fresh MUH. SG 41, Cat. £110 plus premium for MUH. $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/331_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue & 6d purple-brown. F/U. SG 41/42, Cat. £74 (2) $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/332_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple-brown, perf, clean-cut 14-16. F/U with neat Albany 15 bar "6". SG 42, Cat. £50+ $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/333_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple-brown in 2 shades with intermediate perf. 14-16 (SG 36) & a clean cut perf. 14-16 (SG 42) with barred numeral cancels. Cat. £270 (3) $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/334_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple-brown. Unused without gum, trimmed perfs at base. Lovely rich colour. SG 42, Cat. £550 $120 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/335_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple-brown. MVLH. SG 42, Cat. £550 $220 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/336_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple-brown. MH with part og, well centred. SG 42, Cat. £550 $300 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/337_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- yellow-green with wmk sideways. Fine used with light BN cancel. SG 43, Cat. £80 $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/338_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- yellow-green. Unused without gum. SG 43, Cat. £1000 $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/339_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- yellow-green. MH with part gum, Some light staining on reverse & irregular perfs at right but conservative reserve. SG 43, Cat. £1000 $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/340_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- yellow-green. Fine unused without gum, centred high. SG 43, Cat. £1000 $300 Sold $240 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/341_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- yellow-green. Fine unused with part og. Stunning colour. SG 43, Cat. £1000 $400 Sold $460 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/342_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- yellow-green, clean cut perf. 14-16 with upright wmk. Fine used with light, central BN "3". SG 43a, Cat. £150 $80 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/343_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- yellow-green with wmk upright. Fine MLH. Ex Juzwin. SG 43a, Cat. £1400 $600 Sold $480 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/344_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- yellow-green with upright wmk. Fine used with 15 bar "5" numeral cancel. SG 43a, Cat. £150 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/345_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- yellow-green with upright wmk. F/U. SG 43a, Cat. £150 $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/346_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- yellow-green with wmk upright, inverted & reversed. F/U with a 15 bar 18 cancel. SG 43a is an upright wmk listing but it does not list the… $80 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/347_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- green with upright, reversed wmk. Centred left. F/U with light numeral cancel. SG 43d, Cat. £150 $50 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/348_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose-carmine with 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel in blue ink, 6d purple on blued paper with 15 bar "2" Perth in blue ink & 1/- deep green with… $400 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/349_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose-carmine. F/U. SG 44, Cat. £50 $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/350_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose-carmine. Part o.g SG 44, Cat. £350 $75 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/351_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose-carmine. Fine MH with part og. SG 44, Cat. £350 $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/352_sml.jpg) 1863/64 1d rose-carmine & 1d lake. MLH/MH. SG 44 & 50, Cat. £150 (2) $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/353_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple/blued. Lightly used. SG 45, Cat. £500 $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/354_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- deep green. Neat part BN cancel. Pulled perf/nick at right. SG 46, Cat. £375 $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/355_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- deep green. Fine used with neat 15 bar "6" numeral cancel. A couple of small tone spots on reverse for accuracy. SG 46, Cat. £375 $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/356_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- deep green. Unused without gum. Separated from sheet with scissors with perf remnants visible at top & bottom. A rare stamp with good stro… $1200 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/357_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- deep green with sideways wmk. Unused/mint without gum. True, strong colour. SG 46, Cat. £4750 $1600 Sold $1100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/358_sml.jpg) 1863 1d carmine-rose with plate "extended frame line" variety (R 1/5). F/U. SG 49 $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/359_sml.jpg) 1863 1d & 6d in both shades. Perf. 13. Good to F/U. SG 49/51a, Cat. £115 (4) $40 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/360_sml.jpg) 1863 1d in both shades (SG 49 & 50) & 6d in 3 shades. All good to F/U. Useful group. Cat. £115 (5) $50 Sold $50 |
1863 1d carmine-rose & 1d lake, perf 13. Latter mint without gum, other part gum MLH. SG 49/50 (2) $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/362_sml.jpg) 1863-64 1d carmine rose with "double tail" variety. Mint without gum. SG 49var. $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/363_sml.jpg) 1843 1d lake, no wmk, with "white dot on swans foot" plate variety (8/19). F/U. SG 50 $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/364_sml.jpg) 1864 6d deep lilac. Fine unused mint. SG 51, Cat. £350 $150 Sold $190 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/365_sml.jpg) 1864 6d dull violet. MLH with small stain on reverse but not frontally visible. SG 51a, Cat. £400 $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/366_sml.jpg) 1865 1d bistre. Fine MLH. SG 52, Cat. £90 $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/367_sml.jpg) 1864/79 1d bistre & 4d carmine, Crown CC Wmk (Sideways on 1d), Perf 12⅟₂. MLH SG 52 & 56, Cat. £225 (2) $90 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/368_sml.jpg) 1864 1d bistre. MLH. SG 52, Cat. £90 $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/369_sml.jpg) 1864 1d bistre with crown to right of CC wmk, perf. 12½. MLH/MH. SG 52w, Cat. £90 $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/370_sml.jpg) 1874 1d yellow-ochre. Fresh MLH. SG 53, Cat. £120 $50 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/371_sml.jpg) 1874 1d yellow-ochre. Fresh MUH. SG 53, Cat. £120 plus premium. $90 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/372_sml.jpg) 1874 1d yellow-ochre with "double tailed swan" variety. Contemporary small ink cross on reverse to indicate variety otherwise fine MH. SG 53var. $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/373_sml.jpg) 1865 2d chrome-yellow. Fine MLH. SG 54, Cat. £100 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/374_sml.jpg) 1865 2d chrome-yellow as above. Fresh. SG 54, Cat. £100 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/375_sml.jpg) 1864/65 2d chrome-yellow MLH (SG 54) & 2d yellow unused without gum. (SG 55). Rich colours. Total cat. £210 (2) $80 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/376_sml.jpg) 1879 2d mauve ERROR OF COLOUR. This is an exceptional example of this stamp printed in the colour of the 6d. Fine used with a light Perth grid canc… $8000 Sold $15500 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/377_sml.jpg) 1865 4d carmine, perf. 12½. MLH with part original gum. Some edge staining on reverse not apparent from front SG 56, Cat. £150 $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/378_sml.jpg) 1865 4d carmine, MH with part og. SG 56, Cat. £150 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/379_sml.jpg) 1865 4d carmine. Fresh MH with part og. SG 56, Cat. £150 $70 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/380_sml.jpg) 1865 4d carmine. MH with patchy og. SG 56, Cat. £150 $70 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/381_sml.jpg) 1865 4d carmine. MLH with lovely colour. SG 56, Cat. £150 $100 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/382_sml.jpg) 1865 4d carmine, as above but odd tone spot on reverse. SG 56, Cat. £150 $30 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/383_sml.jpg) 1865 4d carmine with upright, inverted & reversed wmk. F/U. SG 56y, Cat. £65 $20 Sold $22 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/384_sml.jpg) 1864/79 6d violet, indigo-violet, lilac & mauve shades. Good used with odd faults. SG 57, 58, 59 & 60 (4) $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/385_sml.jpg) 1865 6d violet. Fresh MH, patchy minimal og with usual rough irregular perfs. SG 57, Cat. £180 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/386_sml.jpg) 1865 6d violet. Unused without gum. SG 57, Cat. £180 $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/387_sml.jpg) 1865 6d violet. MLH with strong colour. SG 57, Cat. £180 $70 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/388_sml.jpg) 1865 6d violet with sideways wmk. Used with part BN "8". SG 57b, Cat. £325 $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/389_sml.jpg) 1865 6d violet with sideways wmk. Fine used with light 15 bar "6" Albany cancel. Shows characteristically rough perfs for this issue. SG 57b, Cat. … $120 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/390_sml.jpg) 1865 6d violet with sideways wmk. F/U SG 57b, Cat. £325 $180 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/391_sml.jpg) 1865 6d violet with upright, inverted wmk crown CC. F/U. SG 57w, Cat. £65 $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/392_sml.jpg) 1864 6d indigo-violet. Fresh MLH. SG 58, Cat. £475 $250 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/393_sml.jpg) 1865 6d indigo violet with upright inverted wmk crown CC. F/U. SG 58w listed but not priced by SG. Note: this wmk variation in indigo-violet is mar… $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/394_sml.jpg) 1872 6d lilac. MLH, light staining on outer right edge. SG 59, Cat. £300 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/395_sml.jpg) 1872 6d lilac. MVLH with tiny grease spot. SG 59, Cat. £300 $75 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/396_sml.jpg) 1872 6d lilac. MH, well centered. SG 59, Cat. £300 $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/397_sml.jpg) 1875 6d mauve. Fine MLH. SG 60, Cat. £275 $140 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/398_sml.jpg) 1875 6d mauve with upright reversed wmk. Unused, mint example with expertising mark on reverse. SG 60, Cat. £275 $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/399_sml.jpg) 1875 6d pale-lilac mauve shade. MLH, blunt corner with light staining on reverse but useful shade. SG 60var., Cat. £275 $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/400_sml.jpg) 1865/75 6d shades x 4 incl violet (SG 57), 6d indigo-violet (SG 58), 6d lilac (SG 59) & 6d mauve, pulled perf at left (SG 60). All fine MH examples… $400 Sold $480 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/401_sml.jpg) 1865 1/- bright green used block of 4. SG 61, Cat. £80 plus premium for multiple $50 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/402_sml.jpg) 1865 1/- bright green block of 4 fine used by 13 bar dumb obliterator. A few rough perfs characteristic of the issue, otherwise fine. A scarce mult… $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/403_sml.jpg) 1865 1/- bright green. MLH, odd rough, pulled perfs at base. SG 61, Cat. £250 $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/404_sml.jpg) 1865 1/- bright green with inverted wmk. Lightly used. SG 61w, Cat. £75 $40 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/405_sml.jpg) 1865 1/- bright green. MLH, with 4 pulled/irregular perfs. SG 61, Cat. £275 $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/406_sml.jpg) 1865 1/- bright green. MLH with a couple of short perfs but rich colour. SG 61, Cat. £275 $60 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/407_sml.jpg) 1865 1/- bright green. MLH, irregular perfs. SG 61, Cat. £275 $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/408_sml.jpg) 1865 1/- bright green. MH, stained perf top left for accuracy. SG 61, Cat. £275 $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/409_sml.jpg) 1865 1/- bright green with "SPECIMEN" h/s. Unused without gum. Irregular/pulled perfs. SG 61s Cat £225 $70 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/410_sml.jpg) 1865 1/- bright green handstamped "SPECIMEN". MH with gum. SG 61s, Cat. £225 $100 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/411_sml.jpg) 1864/79 1/- bright green & 1/- sage-green shades. Good to F/U. SG 61 & 62, Cat. £55 (2) $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/412_sml.jpg) 1865/68 1/- bright green MH & 1/- sage-green also MH with part gum. Because of the rough nature of the perforations it appears that some areas of t… $300 Sold $380 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/413_sml.jpg) 1865/68 1/- bright green MH & 1/- sage-green unused without gum. Usual irregular rough perfs. SG 61/62, Cat. £750 (2) $350 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/414_sml.jpg) 1868 1/- sage-green. Mint no gum example. SG 62, Cat. £475 $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/415_sml.jpg) 1868 1/- sage-green. Fine MLH SG 62, Cat. £475 $120 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/416_sml.jpg) 1871 3d pale brown block of 4 with lower stamps MUH, upper MLH. SG 63, Cat. £240+ $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/417_sml.jpg) 1871 3d pale brown marginal MUH/MLH block. A couple of short perfs. SG 63, Cat. £240+ $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/418_sml.jpg) 1871 3d pale brown. MUH single & 4 MUH/MLH with wing margins. SG 63, Cat. £300+ (5) $120 Sold $85 |
1871/73 3d brown shades x 4 & 3d Cinnamon, all perf. 14. Cinnamon has top wing margin. MLH/MH. SG 63a, Cat. £300+ (5) $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/420_sml.jpg) 1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharges on 2d yellows x 8. All good to fine used examples plus a Crown CA wmk perf 14 forgery! Useful group. SG 67, Cat. £440 (9) $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/421_sml.jpg) 1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharges on 2d yellow x 2 each with different ovpt setting. Both have Perth number "1" or "2" 15 bar numeral cancels. SG 67, Cat… $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/422_sml.jpg) 1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow. F/U. SG 67, Cat. £55 $20 Sold $28 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/423_sml.jpg) 1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow. Used with BN "13" cancel. SG 67, Cat. £55 $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/424_sml.jpg) 1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow. Used examples x 5 incl BN "8" x 2 & BN "20" cancels plus an 1884 cds. SG 67, Cat. £55ea (6) $120 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/425_sml.jpg) 1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow. MLH with hinge remnant. SG 67, Cat. £800 $280 Sold $340 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/426_sml.jpg) 1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow. Fresh MLH with patchy gum. SG 67, Cat. £750 $300 Sold $360 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/427_sml.jpg) 1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow. MLH with original gum. Ceremuga cert (2005) states "genuine in all respects". A very scarce stamp in fine … $500 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/428_sml.jpg) 1876/79 1d ochre, 1d bistre & 1d yellow-ochre shades. Used group noting 1d bistre with "double tail" variety. SG 68/70 (3) $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/429_sml.jpg) 1876/79 1d ochre, 1d bistre & 1d yellow-ochre shades. Mint trio. SG 68/70, Cat. £375 (3) $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/430_sml.jpg) 1876/79 1d ochre, 1d bistre & 1d yellow-ochre shades. All fine MLH/MH with true colours. SG 68, 69 & 70, Cat. £375 (3) $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/431_sml.jpg) 1876/79 1d ochre with large flaw on swans back (dirty plate?) & 1d yellow-ochre with "swan double tail" variety. Both used & clear of varieties. SG… $75 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/432_sml.jpg) 1876 2d chrome-yellow. Fresh MLH with rich colour. SG 71, Cat. £120 $60 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/433_sml.jpg) 1876 2d chrome-yellow with sideways wmk, crown to right of CC. MLH. SG 71bw, Cat. £120 $60 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/434_sml.jpg) 1881 4d carmine. Used. SG 74, Cat. £120 $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/435_sml.jpg) 1881 4d carmine fine used with 12 bar "2" Perth cancel. Juhl drew attention to the fact that this is quite a scarce stamp as only 5040 were issued.… $90 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/436_sml.jpg) 1881 4d carmine with wmk sideways with crown to left of CC. Unused without gum, patchy thins on reverse but remains a scarce stamp with Juhl noting… $120 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/437_sml.jpg) 1881 4d carmine with Crown to right of CC & reversed wmk. Used. SG 74y, Cat. £150 $60 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/438_sml.jpg) 1881 4d carmine, perf. 14 with wmk sideways with crown to right of CC. Used. SG 74y, Cat. £150 $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/439_sml.jpg) 1881 4d carmine with Crown to right of CC & reversed wmk. MH. SG 74y, Cat. £650 $150 Sold $320 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/440_sml.jpg) 1877 6d lilac. Unused without gum. Fine with fresh colour. SG 75, Cat. £225 $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/441_sml.jpg) 1877 6d lilac. Unused with minimal og. SG 75, Cat. £225 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/442_sml.jpg) 1877 6d lilac. Unused. SG 75, Cat. £200 $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/443_sml.jpg) 1877 6d lilac. MH but frontally fresh. SG 75, Cat. £225 $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/444_sml.jpg) 1879 6d reddish lilac. MLH with part gum. Good colour. SG 75c, Cat. £275 $80 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/445_sml.jpg) 1879 6d reddish lilac. Unused with traces of og. SG 75c, Cat. £275 $100 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/446_sml.jpg) 1882 1d yellow-ochre. Two used singles with "double tail" varieties. SG 76var. (2) $30 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/447_sml.jpg) 1882 1d yellow-ochre. MUH/MLH block of 4. SG 76, Cat. £120+ $80 Sold $95 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/448_sml.jpg) 1882 1d yellow-ochre block of 4. MLH/MH with very fresh appearance & bright colour. SG 76, Cat. £120+ $90 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/449_sml.jpg) 1882/85 1d yellow-ochre (MUH) & 2d chrome-yellow (MH). SG 76 & 77, Cat. £72 (2) $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/450_sml.jpg) 1882 2d chrome-yellow. MUH. SG 77, Cat. £42++ $30 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/451_sml.jpg) 1882 2d chrome-yellow. MUH/MLH block of 4. SG 77, Cat. £170+ $120 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/452_sml.jpg) 1882 4d carmine x 3 with Crown to left of CA, to right of CA & reversed wmks. Used. SG 78, Cat. £72 (3) $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/453_sml.jpg) 1882/85 4d carmine with 3 wmk configurations. Incls wmk sideways with crown left of CA (SG 78), wmk sideways with crown right of CA (SG 78w) & wmk … $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/454_sml.jpg) 1882 4d carmine. MVLH. SG 78, Cat. £190 $75 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/455_sml.jpg) 1882 4d carmine. Fine MUH. SG 78, Cat. £190+ $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/456_sml.jpg) 1882 4d carmine with sideways & reversed wmk. Unused without gum but shortish perfs at sides. SG 78x $30 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/457_sml.jpg) 1882 4d carmine with sideways & reversed wmk. Unused without gum. Lovely rich colour. SG 78x, not priced for mint, cat. £42 for used. $90 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/458_sml.jpg) 1882 4d carmine with wmk sideways reversed. Mint without gum. SG 78x, unpriced for mint in SG. $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/459_sml.jpg) 1882 4d carmine, wmk sideways reversed. Superb MUH. SG 78x, unpriced for mint in SG. $600 Sold $420 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/460_sml.jpg) 1882 4d carmine with upright & reversed wmk. Fine used. SG 78ax, Cat. £200 $80 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/461_sml.jpg) 1882 4d carmine with upright & reversed wmk. Fine used. SG 78ax, Cat. £200 $90 Sold $95 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/462_sml.jpg) 1882 4d carmine with upright & reversed wmk. Mint with part og. Rare & unpriced in SG. SG 78ax $500 Sold $500 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/463_sml.jpg) 1882 6d reddish lilac plus two shades. All MLH, one with small corner tone spot. SG 79, Cat. £420+ (3) $220 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/464_sml.jpg) 1882/84 6d pale reddish lilac & 6d pale lilac shades. Both MLH. SG 79/80, Cat. £280 (2) $140 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/465_sml.jpg) 1882/85 6d reddish lilac & lilac shades. MLH/unused. SG 79 & 80, Cat. £390 (3) $120 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/466_sml.jpg) 1882 6d reddish lilac & a paler shade of the reddish lilac. Both MLH. SG 79/var, Cat. £140 ea. (2) $120 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/467_sml.jpg) 1882/84 6d reddish-lilac & 6d lilac. Both MLH. SG 79/80, Cat. £280 (2) $120 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/468_sml.jpg) 1882 6d reddish lilac. MLH. SG 79, Cat. £140 $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/469_sml.jpg) 1882 6d reddish lilac. MUH/MLH block of 4 with slight gum toning on half. SG 79, Cat. £560+ $280 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/470_sml.jpg) 1882 6d reddish lilac. MUH. SG 79, Cat. £140+ $160 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/471_sml.jpg) 1884 6d lilac. MVLH. SG 80, Cat £140 $50 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/472_sml.jpg) 1884 6d lilac. Mint without gum block of 4. SG 80, Cat. £560 $180 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/473_sml.jpg) 1884 6d lilac with sideways reversed crown CA wmk, perf 14. F/U. SG 80x, Cat. £35 $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/474_sml.jpg) 1883 1d yellow-ochre. Fine used with bold 12 bar "2" cancellation of Perth. SG 81, Cat. £170 $70 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/475_sml.jpg) 1883 1d yellow-ochre. Used with BN "80". SG 81, Cat. £170 $75 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/476_sml.jpg) 1882/85 1d yellow-ochre, 2d chrome-yellow, 4d carmine & 6d lilac, Crown CA Wmk (Sideways), perf 12. Good to F/U. SG 82, 83, 84 & 85, Cat. £125 (4) $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/477_sml.jpg) 1883 1d yellow-ochre. MLH with tone spot on one perf for accuracy. SG 82, Cat. £100 $30 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/478_sml.jpg) 1883 1d yellow-ochre. MLH. SG 82, Cat. £100 $50 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/479_sml.jpg) 1883 1d yellow-ochre with Crown to right of CA wmk. Fine MLH. SG 82w, Cat. £120 $60 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/480_sml.jpg) 1883 2d chrome-yellow. Fresh MUH with strong colour. SG 83, Cat. £170+ $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/481_sml.jpg) 1883 4d carmine, perf. 12 with 3 different wmk configurations incl sideways (SG 84), wmk sideways with crown to right of CA (SG 84w) & wmk sideways… $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/482_sml.jpg) 1882 4d carmine with Crown to right of CA & reversed wmk varieties. Good to fine used. Latter not listed in SG. SG 84/w/y?, Cat. £180+ (3) $120 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/483_sml.jpg) 1883 4d carmine. Used. SG 84, Cat. £60 $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/484_sml.jpg) 1883 4d carmine. Mint without gum. SG 84, Cat. £300 $90 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/485_sml.jpg) 1882 4d carmine with crown to right of CA wmk. Fresh MLH. SG 84a, Cat. £300 $150 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/486_sml.jpg) 1882 4d carmine with re-entry varieties to both "Postage" & "Western Australia". MLH but small stain above hinge mark which has marking in ink. Unp… $500 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/487_sml.jpg) 1883 6d lilac horiz pair. Lightly used. SG 85, Cat. £110 $30 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/488_sml.jpg) 1883 6d lilac in two distinct shades with wmk variations. Lilac with wmk sideways & used with 9 bar "8" numeral cancel of Fremantle (SG 85) & the r… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/489_sml.jpg) 1883 6d lilac. Mint without gum & 2 horiz creases reflected in reserve. SG 85w, Cat. £550 $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/490_sml.jpg) 1883 6d lilac. Unused without gum. Centered low but strong colour. SG 85, Cat. £550 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/491_sml.jpg) 1883 6d lilac. MLH, minute natural paper thin. SG 85, Cat. £550 $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/492_sml.jpg) 1883 6d lilac (SG 85) & 6d reddish lilac with wmk crown to right of CA (SG 85w). Used pair. Cat. £110 (2) $40 Sold $28 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/493_sml.jpg) 1882 6d lilac (SG 85) & 6d reddish-lilac with wmk crown to right of CA (SG 85w). Both lightly used. (2) $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/494_sml.jpg) 1883 6d lilac with crown right of CA reversed wmk variety. Perf. F/U. SG 85y, Cat. £85 $30 Sold $38 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/495_sml.jpg) 1882/95 3d pale brown & 3d red-brown plus 2 additional shades. MUH/MLH. SG 86/87 (4) $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/496_sml.jpg) 1882/95 3d red-brown, Crown CA Wmk (Sideways), perf 14. MUH single MUH & MH block of 4. SG 87 $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/497_sml.jpg) 1895 3d red-brown block of 4. MLH with central hinge MLH, one shortish perf. SG 87, Cat. £40 $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/498_sml.jpg) 1895 3d red-brown in top selvedge block of 6. Heavily toned MUH but frontally fine. SG 87 $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/499_sml.jpg) 1884 ½d on 1d yellow-ochre with surcharge, perf 14. MVLH single, MUH/MLH block of 4 & used single. SG 89, Cat. £195 (6) $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/500_sml.jpg) 1884 ½d on 1d yellow-ochre surcharges. MLH & used pairs but faults. SG 89/90 (4) $30 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/501_sml.jpg) 1884 ½d on 1d yellow-ochre, perf. 14 with "thick bar" & "thin bar" ovpts. Fine used pair. SG 89/89a, Cat. £200+ (2) $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/502_sml.jpg) 1884 ½d on 1d yellow-ochre with surcharge in red, perf 12. MVLH horiz pair & ditto used. SG 90, Cat. £94 $25 Sold $38 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/503_sml.jpg) 1881 1d yellow-ochre, Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14 ovptd locally with "IR" & "POSTAGE" obliterated by 1 bar in green, Dzelme R1a & 1d yellow-ochre, Crown… $70 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/504_sml.jpg) 1885/93 2d bluish-grey & grey shades, perf 14. MLH/MVLH. SG 90 & 96a, Cat. £60 (2) $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/505_sml.jpg) 1885 3d pale brown (MUH) & 3d Cinnamon (MLH) both with surcharge in green. SG 91 & 91a, Cat. £175 (2) $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/506_sml.jpg) 1885 1d on 3d pale brown & 3d Cinnamon shades with "slanting top". MLH. SG 91/a, Cat. £175 (2) $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/507_sml.jpg) 1885 1d on 3d pale brown MH & 1d on 3d cinnamon. Fresh MLH with strong colours. SG 91/91a, Cat. £175 (2) $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/508_sml.jpg) 1885 1d on 3d pale brown MH & 1d on 3d cinnamon unused without gum. Minor staining on reverse of pale brown. SG 91/91a, Cat. £175 (2) $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/509_sml.jpg) 1885 1d on 3d pale brown with "slanting top". Mint no gum & used examples. SG 91, Cat. £125 (2) $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/510_sml.jpg) 1885 1d on 3d brown vertical pair with "thin 1" variety on lower stamp. Top MLH, lower MUH. Lovely fresh pair. SG 91b, Cat. £375 $220 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/511_sml.jpg) 1885 1d on 3d pale brown with "thin 1" on variety. MLH. SG 92, Cat. £200 $90 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/512_sml.jpg) 1885 "1d." surcharge in green on pale brown with thin "1" & straight top. MLH with disturbed gum & a short perf at right. SG 92, Cat. £200 $75 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/513_sml.jpg) 1885 1d on 3d pale brown unused without gum & 1d on 3d Cinnamon MH with short perfs lower right. Both with the "thin 1" variety. SG 92/92a, Cat. £… $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/514_sml.jpg) 1885 1d on 3d pale brown & 1d on 3d Cinnamon. Both with "thin 1" varieties. F/U. SG 92/a, Cat. £150 (2) $75 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/515_sml.jpg) 1885 1d on 3d pale brown & Cinnamon shades with "straight top. Good to F/U pair. SG 92/a Cat. £150 (2) $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/516_sml.jpg) 1885 1d on 3d Cinnamon with "straight top". MH with wing margin. Light toning reflected in reserve. SG 92a, Cat. £180 $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/517_sml.jpg) 1885 1d on 3d Cinnamon with "straight top". MH. SG 92a, Cat. £180 $40 Sold $28 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/518_sml.jpg) 1885 3d Cinnamon with wing margin & "1d." surcharge in green. Crown CC wmk (sideways), perf 14. "1" with straight top. MH, well centered. SG 92a, C… $50 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/519_sml.jpg) 1885 1d on 3d Cinnamon with "thin 1" variety. Fresh MLH with bottom wing margin. SG 92a, Cat. £180 $90 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/520_sml.jpg) 1885/93 ½d green to 1/- green complete set incl both shades of the ½d, 2d, 2½d & 1/- vals. Fine MUH/MLH. SG 94 to 102 (94a, 96a, 97a, 102), Cat.… $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/521_sml.jpg) 1885/93 ½d in both shades, 1d with Plate 1 RH selvedge, 2d & 2½d also in both shades, 4d with Plate 1 RH selvedge & 5d &. Also 1/- in both shades… $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/522_sml.jpg) 1885/93 2d yellow & 2½d blue, W Crown A wmk, perf. 14 with 4 concentric circle cancels & 1910 6d bright violet, W Crown A wmk, perf 14 with Perth … $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/523_sml.jpg) 1882/93 ½d green (MH crease), 5d bistre in 2 shades (MH & no gum), 6d violet (MUH), 1/- green (MH) & 1/- olive green (MUH, toned gum). All Crown/C… $250 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/524_sml.jpg) 1885/93 ½d yellow-green & ½d green with both shades in Plate 1 marginal blocks of 4. MUH, MLH on selvedge only. SG 94 & 94a, Cat. £46 (2 blocks) $20 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/525_sml.jpg) 1885 ½d green. Fresh MUH block of 4. SG 94a $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/526_sml.jpg) 1890 1d carmine with wmk sideways & Crown to right of CA types. Both used. SG 95/a, Cat. £70 (2) $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/527_sml.jpg) 1885/93 4d carmine, Crown CA Wmk (Sideways), perf 14. Block of 4 with right selvedge. MUH, light crease affecting top 2 stamps. SG 95, Cat. £180 $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/528_sml.jpg) 1890 4d chestnut in top right selvedge Plate No. 1 block of 4. MLH on selvedge only. Light overall even gum toning but frontally fine. SG 98 $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/529_sml.jpg) 1890 1/- pale olive-green in lower right selvedge plate block No. 1. Stamps MUH with selvedge hinged & partially thinned where hinge was removed. "… $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/530_sml.jpg) 1885 1/- olive-green block of 4 with each stamp MLH/MH & light overall gum toning. SG 102 $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/531_sml.jpg) 1888 1d carmine-pink, 2d grey with bottom margin & 4d red-brown. Crown CA Wmk (Sideways), perf 14 set of 3. MUH/MVLH. SG 103, 104 & 105, Cat. £200… $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/532_sml.jpg) 1888 1d carmine-pink MVLH, 2d grey & 4d red brown. All fresh MLH. SG 103/05, Cat. £200 (3) $90 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/533_sml.jpg) 1888 set of 3 as above. All fine used with neat cds strikes. SG 103/05, Cat. £40 (3) $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/534_sml.jpg) 1888 1d carmine-pink, 2d grey & 4d red-brown MUH fine set of 3. SG 103/05, Cat. £200 (3) $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/535_sml.jpg) 1888 1d carmine-pink, 2d grey & 4d red-brown. Fine MLH set of 3. SG 103/05, Cat. £200 (3) $70 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/536_sml.jpg) 1888 1d carmine-pink & 2d grey ovptd "SPECIMEN". MLH SG 103s/04s (2) $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/537_sml.jpg) 1888 4d red-brown block of 4. MUH/MH with one unit having small thin. Frontally fresh. SG 105, Cat. £300+ $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/538_sml.jpg) 1888 4d red-brown compound perf. with right selvedge, wmk Crown over double-lined A. Mixed single line perf. 12.4 & 11. MLH. Not listed in SG. ACSC… $2000 Sold $1400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/539_sml.jpg) 1893 1d on 3d pale brown, 3d Cinnamon & 3d pale brown shades as per SG catalogue. MUH/MLH. SG 107/09, Cat. £115+ (3) $70 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/540_sml.jpg) 1893 1d on 3d as above but all MLH. SG 107/09, Cat. £115 $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/541_sml.jpg) 1893 1d on 3d as above but used with SG 108 being a pair. Cat. £47 $20 Sold $14 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/542_sml.jpg) 1893 1d on 3d pale brown & 3d Cinnamon with surcharge in green, Crown CC Wmk (Sideways) Perf 14 plus 1d on 3d pale brown, Crown CA Wmk (Sideways). … $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/543_sml.jpg) 1893 1d on 3d pale brown. MUH/MLH block of 4. SG 107, Cat. £60+ $40 Sold $40 |
1893 1d on 3d Cinnamon in lower right selvedge block of 4. Hinged on selvedge only. One unit with 2 tone spots. SG 108, Cat. £60+ $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/545_sml.jpg) 1885 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 3d Cinnamon, wmk Crown CC, perf. 14. Large MUH block of 54 stamps with 6 rows of 9 (almost ¼sheet) complete… $400 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/546_sml.jpg) 1895 ½d on 3d pale brown block of 6 on piece lightly used with partial obliterator strikes. SG 109, Cat. £250+ $60 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/547_sml.jpg) 1893 1d on 3d pale brown, Crown CA wmk. MUH block of 4 with light even gum toning. SG 109, Cat. £340 $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/548_sml.jpg) 1895 ½d on 3d interpanneau block of 8 MUH/MLH. SG 109, Cat. £80+ $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/549_sml.jpg) 1895 ½d on 3d pale brown & ½d on 3d Cinnamon green surcharges in MUH blocks of 4. SG 110 & 110a, Cat. £96+ (2 blocks) $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/550_sml.jpg) 1895 ½d on 3d pale brown & Cinnamon shades with surcharge in green in MUH blocks of 4. Cinnamon is centred down with one unit having gum disturban… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/551_sml.jpg) 1895 ½d on 3d Cinnamon with surcharge in red & green, CC wmk MUH block of 4. One toned perf otherwise fine & fresh. SG 111a, Cat. £440+ $280 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/552_sml.jpg) 1895 ½d on 3d surcharge in red & green (SG 111a) MLH, & (SG 111b) MUH. Cat. £195+ $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/553_sml.jpg) 1896 "Half-penny" in red & green on 3d Cinnamon MLH & on 3d red-brown MH . SG 111a/b. Cat. £195 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/554_sml.jpg) 1896 "Half-penny" surcharge in red & green on 3d Cinnamon. MH, centered down. SG 111a, Cat. £110 $30 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/555_sml.jpg) 1896 "Half-penny" surcharge in red & green on 3d Cinnamon. MUH, centred right. SG 111a, Cat. £110 $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/556_sml.jpg) 1896 "Half-penny" surcharge in red & green on 3d Cinnamon. MUH, centred right. SG 111a, Cat. £110 $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/557_sml.jpg) 1896 "Half-penny" surcharge in red & green on 3d red-brown. Fine used with Royal Philatelic Society of London (2004) cert. Rarely offered postally … $150 Sold $170 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/558_sml.jpg) 1895 ½d on 3d red-brown with surcharge in red & green, CA wmk. Used. SG 111b, Cat. £180 $90 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/559_sml.jpg) 1895 ½d on 3d red-brown with surcharge in red & green, CA wmk. MLH. SG 111b, Cat. £85 $40 Sold $28 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/560_sml.jpg) 1895 ½d on 3d red-brown with surcharge in red & green. CA Wmk. MLH. SG 111b, Cat. £85 $40 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/561_sml.jpg) 1898/1907 1d carmine, 2d bright yellow, 2½d blue, 6d bright violet & 1/- olive green W Crown A wmk set. MUH/MVLH/MLH, 2d toned gum. SG 112/16, Cat… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/562_sml.jpg) 1898/1907 1d-1/- W Cr A wmk set of 5. MVLH SG 112/116, Cat. £170 (5) $120 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/563_sml.jpg) 1898/1907 1d-1/- W Cr A wmk set of 5. 6d & 1/- MVLH, others MUH. SG 112/116, Cat. £170 (5) $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/564_sml.jpg) 1898 1d carmine block of 9 used with Fremantle Town Hall PO duplex (3 strikes) & "R" (twice) dated JU 24 1902. SG 112 $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/565_sml.jpg) 1898 1d carmine block of 4. Fresh MUH/MLH. SG 112, Cat. £40+ $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/566_sml.jpg) 1898 1d carmine in lower left Plate 2 corner block of 4. MUH. SG 112, Cat. £40+ $30 Sold $32 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/567_sml.jpg) 1898 1d carmine with inverted wmk. Fine used by part Fremantle MY 9 08 cds. SG 112w, Cat. £140 $90 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/568_sml.jpg) 1898 1d carmine with inverted wmk Fine used with part 1908 corner cds. SG 112w, Cat. £140 $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/569_sml.jpg) 1899 2d bright yellow block of 4. MUH with selvedge to right & base. SG 113, Cat. £140++ $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/570_sml.jpg) 1899 2d bright yellow in upper right Plate 2 block of 4. MUH, hinged in selvedge only. SG 113, £140++ $120 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/571_sml.jpg) 1899 2d bright yellow with inverted wmk. Fine used with partial Kookynie cds. Diagonal crease not apparent from front. SG 113w, Cat. £150 $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/572_sml.jpg) 1899 2d bright yellow with inverted wmk. F/U with Goldfields TPO cancel. SG 113w, Cat. £150 $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/573_sml.jpg) 1898 2d bright yellow with inverted wmk. Fine used with partial Beverley cds. SG 113w, Cat. £150 $90 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/574_sml.jpg) 1899 2d bright yellow with inverted wmk. Attractively used with partial Brunswick cds. SG 113w, Cat. £150 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/575_sml.jpg) 1901 2½d blue block of 4. MUH, light vertical bend affecting 2 units. SG 114, Cat. £70+ $30 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/576_sml.jpg) 1901 2½d blue. MUH block of 4. SG 114, Cat. £72 + premium for MUH. $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/577_sml.jpg) 1901 2½d blue block of 4. Used with 1904 Perth cds's. Faults but useful multiple. SG 114 $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/578_sml.jpg) 1898/1907 2½d blue block of 4 with right selvedge, W Crown A wmk. MUH/MLH. SG 114, Cat. £70+ $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/579_sml.jpg) 1901 2½d blue in selvedge block of 20 with 4 rows x 5 columns. Selvedge extends above top left stamp with circular Plate 1 marking. Fine MUH with … $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/580_sml.jpg) 1907 1/- olive-green block of 4. MUH/MLH, (lower pair MUH) with rich colour. SG 116, Cat. £220+ $180 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/581_sml.jpg) 1907 1/- olive-green with inverted wmk. Fine used. SG 116w, Cat. £200 $140 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/582_sml.jpg) 1907 1/- olive-green with inverted wmk. Fine used with part 1910 cds. SG 116w, Cat. £200 $140 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/583_sml.jpg) 1907 1/- olive-green with inverted wmk. MVLH. SG 116w, Cat. £200 used, unpriced MLH. $400 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/584_sml.jpg) 1902/11 1d, 2d, 4d, 5d, 8d, 9d, 10d & 2/- bright red/yellow, V over Crown wmk range. Hingeing generally light, centring varies. SG 117/125, Cat. £… $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/585_sml.jpg) 1902/11 1d-2/6 deep blue/rose with extra 1d pair. 2d in horiz pair with top selvedge plus additional 4d (MUH) & 8d also MUH. Fresh MUH/MLH group. S… $200 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/586_sml.jpg) 1903 1d carmine-rose block of 4. MUH/MLH with top selvedge. SG 117, Cat. £116+ $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/587_sml.jpg) 1902 1d carmine-rose with upright wmk. MUH/MLH block of 4. SG 117a, Cat. £100 $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/588_sml.jpg) 1903 1d carmine-rose in vertical pair with jumped perfs on lower stamp showing partial double perfs. Fine used by partial 1905 cds. SG 117var. $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/589_sml.jpg) 1905 1d rose-red with double perfs at the top. Fine used, perfs missing lower right. ACSC W12Abb, Cat. $150 $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/590_sml.jpg) 1903 2d yellow. MLH. SG 118a, Cat. £65 $30 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/591_sml.jpg) 1903 2d yellow with upright wmk. MUH, hinged on top selvedge only. SG 118a, Cat. £65+ $40 Sold $28 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/592_sml.jpg) 1903 2d yellow block of 4. Centrally hinged with tone spot on one unit. SG 118a, Cat. £260 $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/593_sml.jpg) 1903 4d chestnut MUH/MLH block of 4 with horiz perfs separating at right. Lower pair MUH. SG 119, Cat. £180+ $100 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/594_sml.jpg) 1903 4d chestnut with upright wmk. MH with 50% og. SG 119a, Cat. £600 $200 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/595_sml.jpg) 1902 4d chestnut with upright wmk. MH, centred low. SG 119a, Cat. £600 $220 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/596_sml.jpg) 1903 4d chestnut with upright wmk. Fresh MLH. SG 119a, Cat. £600 $320 Sold $240 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/597_sml.jpg) 1902 4d chestnut with upright inverted wmk. Fresh MVLH, centred low. Note in ACSC page 1/343 "Probably only several examples with wmk upright are r… $320 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/598_sml.jpg) 1905 5d bistre. MH with hinge remainder. One of the key stamps in the set. SG 120, Cat. £150 $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/599_sml.jpg) 1905 5d bistre. Fine used by "R" in circle cancel. SG 120, Cat. £90 $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/600_sml.jpg) 1902/11 8d apple green, 9d yellow-orange in 2 shades & 10d red V & Crown wmk, Perf 12⅟₂x12. MUH/MVLH. SG 121/23, Cat. £160+ (4) $50 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/601_sml.jpg) 1903 8d apple green block of 4. Superb fresh MUH. SG 121, Cat. £84+ $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/602_sml.jpg) 1903 9d yellow-orange with sideways V/crown wmk. F/U. SG 122, Cat. £38 $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/603_sml.jpg) 1903 9d yellow-orange MH. Fine well centred example. SG 122, Cat. £55 $30 Sold $18 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/604_sml.jpg) 1903 9d yellow-orange with sideways V/crown wmk. MLH. SG 122, Cat. £55 $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/605_sml.jpg) 1903 9d yellow-orange with sideways wmk. Used block of 4 with neat Menzies duplex for OC 28 1905. SG 122, Cat. £160 $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/606_sml.jpg) 1903 9d yellow-orange with upright & upright inverted V/crown wmks. SG 122/22a, Cat. £30ea (2) $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/607_sml.jpg) 1903 9d yellow-orange with upright wmk. MUH block of 4 but small perf thin on one unit & 3 affected by "rust" mark. One stamp fine MUH & frontally … $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/608_sml.jpg) 1903 9d yellow-orange with upright wmk, Perf. 12⅟₂x12. MLH. SG 122a, Cat. £120 $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/609_sml.jpg) 1903 9d yellow-orange with upright wmk. Fine MLH. SG 122a, Cat. £120 $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/610_sml.jpg) 1903 10d red in right marginal block of 4. Fresh MUH/MLH. SG 123, Cat. £120+ $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/611_sml.jpg) 1902-11 2/- QV shades with 2 sideways wmk & 7 with upright or upright inverted wmks. All fine used incl one with crisp bullseye Ravensthorpe cds. A… $80 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/612_sml.jpg) 1902/11 2/- bright red/yellow, orange/yellow & brown-red/yellow shades. Perf 12x12⅟₂. with 2 MLH/MH SG 124,124b & 124c, Cat. £185 (3) $70 Sold $95 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/613_sml.jpg) 1902/11 2/- red/yellow, perf. 12 or 12x12½ or 12½x12. Eight good to fine used examples which display the range of shades incl vermilion/yellow & … $350 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/614_sml.jpg) 1902/11 2/- in 2 shades, 2/6 deep blue/rose & 5/- emerald green, V & Crown wmk, Perf 12x12⅟₂. Good to F/U. SG 124/26, Cat. £128 (4) $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/615_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- bright red/yellow in bottom selvedge block of 4. Centered right, varying degrees of gum disturbance but remain frontally attractive. SG 12… $80 Sold $110 |
1902 2/- bright red/yellow with upright inverted wmk. MVLH. SG 124, Cat. £85 $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/617_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- bright red/yellow, single line perf 12.4. Fine used with 1905 Daydawn cds. SG 124a. This stamp is lot 199 from Prestige Philately Auction,… $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/618_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- bright red/yellow with sideways wmk. MLH, centred to top left. SG 124a, Cat. £250 $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/619_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- dark red/yellow with sideways wmk. MLH, tiny tone spot on reverse. SG 124a, Cat. £250 $90 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/620_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- orange-brown/yellow with sideways wmk. Fresh MLH. SG 124a, ACSC 59aa, Cat. $500 $180 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/621_sml.jpg) 1906 2/- orange/yellow. Lightly used. SG 124b, (ACSC 59c) $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/622_sml.jpg) 1902/11 2/- orange/yellow top left corner pair with selvedge. Inverted V & Crown wmk, Perf 12x12â…Ÿâ‚‚. Stamps MUH. SG 124b, Cat £110 (inv wmk not… $40 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/623_sml.jpg) 1906 2/- orange/yellow. MLH. SG 124b, (ACSC 59c) $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/624_sml.jpg) 1911 2/- brown-red/yellow with sideways wmk. MLH. ACSC W59Dab $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/625_sml.jpg) 1911 2/- brown-red/yellow. Fine MUH. ACSC 59d, SG 124c, Cat. £45+ $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/626_sml.jpg) 1911 2/- brown-red/yellow. MLH. SG 124c, Cat. £45 $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/627_sml.jpg) 1911 2/- vermilion/yellow. Neat Perth parcel cancel. ACSC states only 36000 were printed. Cat. $100 $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/628_sml.jpg) 1911 2/- vermilion/yellow. Fine used with neat part Perth Parcel Post cancel. Printed in 1911 this is the scarcest of the 2/- printings (36,000). A… $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/629_sml.jpg) 1911 2/- brown/yellow, MLH. ACSC W59d, Cat. $250 $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/630_sml.jpg) 1902/11 2/6d deep blue/rose in 2 shades, perf 12x12⅟₂. Both MLH. SG 125, Cat. £110 (2) $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/631_sml.jpg) 1902 2/6d deep blue/rose, MLH. SG 125, Cat. £55 $35 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/632_sml.jpg) 1902 2/6d deep blue/rose. MUH block of 4. Centred a little high & to the right otherwise PO fresh & bright. SG 125, Cat. £220 + premium for block. $200 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/633_sml.jpg) 1902 2/6d deep blue/rose block of 18 with 6 rows of 3 & selvedge at the base. A superb exhibition item ex 1986 Australia Post Archival Sale. SG 125… $1200 Sold $840 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/634_sml.jpg) 1902 5/- emerald-green Die I fine used with Kookynie 3b cancel & Die II with light oval Perth registered cancel. Two extremely fine examples. SG 12… $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/635_sml.jpg) 1902 5/- emerald-green in two shades. Normal fine used with crisp Cue cds, deeper shade with dumb obliterator. SG 126, Cat. £50ea (2) $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/636_sml.jpg) 1902/11 5/- emerald-green perfins for "WA" & "OS", V & Crown wmk, perf 12⅟₂. Both good to F/U. SG 126, Cat. £100 (2) $30 Sold $24 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/637_sml.jpg) 1902 5/- emerald-green. Lightly used. SG 126, Cat. £50 $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/638_sml.jpg) 1902 5/- emerald-green. Superb used with crisp "PAID BOULDER DE 23 04" cds. SG 126, Cat. £50+ $40 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/639_sml.jpg) 1902 5/- emerald-green. MLH. SG 126, Cat. £85 $50 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/640_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- deep mauve. Used. SG 127, Cat. £100 $30 Sold $42 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/641_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- deep mauve, fine used with Nullagine cds. SG 127, Cat. £100 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/642_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- deep mauve. Fine used with part 1903 Cue cds dated 15 DE 1903. SG 127, Cat. £100 $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/643_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- deep mauve. Fine used with light oval registration cancel. SG 127, Cat. £100 $60 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/644_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- deep mauve. Fine used with light cds. SG 127, Cat. £100 $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/645_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- deep mauve. Centered top left, MH. SG 127, Cat. £170 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/646_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- deep mauve. MLH. SG 127, Cat. £180 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/647_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- deep mauve. CTO with full MUH gum. Extremely fine. SG 127, ACSC W65Ax, Cat. $200 (2004) $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/648_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- deep mauve. Fine MUH with good centering. SG 127, Cat. £180 + MUH premium. $100 Sold $230 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/649_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- deep mauve. Well centered & fresh MUH. SG 127, Cat. £180 + MUH premium. $120 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/650_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- deep mauve in side selvedge block of 6 with 2 rows of 3 &selvedge at left. ACSC W65A Note 7 page 1/369 (2004) states "mint blocks of the … $2000 Sold $2000 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/651_sml.jpg) 1910 10/- bright purple. Fine used by indistinct cds. SG 127a, Cat. £450 $280 Sold $320 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/652_sml.jpg) 1910 10/- bright purple. CTO with part Perth cds for inclusion in the 1910 presentation sets for Federal Parliamentarians. MUH with full gum. SG 12… $350 Sold $420 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/653_sml.jpg) 1910 10/- bright purple. Superb used, possibly CTO from 1912 presentation set. SG 127a, Cat. £450, ACSC W65x, cat. twice that of a F/U example. $300 Sold $320 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/654_sml.jpg) 1910 10/- bright purple. MH with even gum toning. Centred top right. True bright colour. SG 127a, Cat. £950 $320 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/655_sml.jpg) 1910 10/- bright purple with "colour dot in right leg of "R" in "Australia" variety. MLH. SG 127a, Cat. £950 $500 Sold $500 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/656_sml.jpg) 1910 10/- bright purple with bottom selvedge. Fresh MUH, centred low. SG 127a, Cat. £950 $650 Sold $650 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/657_sml.jpg) 1910 10/- bright purple. Fine & fresh MUH. SG 127a, Cat. £950 $750 Sold $750 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/658_sml.jpg) 1910 10/- bright purple in bottom selvedge block of 6 with "VICTO" of wmk clearly visible. Superb & fresh MUH, one unit with slightly "sweated" gum… $7500 Sold $7500 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/659_sml.jpg) 1902/11 £1 orange-brown, Perf 12⅟₂x12. Centered low left. F/U by neat Coolgardie cds SG 128 Cat. £190 $100 Sold $170 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/660_sml.jpg) 1902 £1 orange-brown. Superb used with crisp Boulder Paid AP 6 05 cds. SG 128, Cat. £190 $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/661_sml.jpg) 1902 £1 orange-brown. Fine used with Bridgetown 11 JY 07 cds. SG 128, Cat. £190 $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/662_sml.jpg) 1902 £1 orange-brown. Fine used with Nullagine cds dated OC 12 04. SG 128, Cat. £190 $150 Sold $180 |
1902 £1 orange-brown. Attractively used by almost complete strike of "TELEGRAPHS PERTH W.A. AP 3 05" cds. SG 128, Cat. £190 $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/664_sml.jpg) 1902 £1 orange-brown. CTO with MUH full gum cancelled "S.M.R. PERTH" (Ship Mail Room). Well centered & most unusual. SG 128, Cat. £190 $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/665_sml.jpg) 1902 £1 brown-orange (light shade). CTO with 4 ring obliterator for UPU distribution. Very fine without gum & well centered. SG 128, ACSC W66Ax, C… $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/666_sml.jpg) 1902 £1 orange-brown. MH with part og & very light small stain on reverse. Excellent colouring, centering & perfs. SG 128, Cat. £425 $180 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/667_sml.jpg) 1902 £1 orange-brown in 2 different shades but not orange. Both MH examples centred low. SG 128/128var., Cat. £425 ea (2) $300 Sold $240 |
1909 £1 orange with part Perth cds for inclusion in the 1910 presentation sets for Federal Parliamentarians. MLH with gum. SG 128a $380 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/669_sml.jpg) 1909 £1 orange. Fine used with neat Katanning OC 13 12 cds. Ironed our corner crease not apparent from front. Cancels on these stamps are usually … $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/670_sml.jpg) 1909 £1 orange. Fine used, possibly CTO. Very fine. SG 128a, Cat. £350 $250 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/671_sml.jpg) 1909 £1 orange. Fine used with neat corner cancel. Well centred with strong colour. SG 128a, Cat. £350 $250 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/672_sml.jpg) 1902 £1 orange-brown. MVLH on right selvedge but stamp fine MUH. Complete with Buhler Expertising cert. (1986) SG 128, Cat. £425 $350 Sold $460 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/673_sml.jpg) 1909 £1 orange. MLH plus small area without gum & stained perf reflected in reserve. SG 128a Cat. £750 $250 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/674_sml.jpg) 1909 £1 orange. MUH with light gum crease. Fresh & well centered. SG 128a, Cat. £750+ $680 Sold $680 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/675_sml.jpg) 1909 £1 orange. Superb MUH. They do not come any better! SG 128a, £750++ $850 Sold $1250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/676_sml.jpg) 1909 £1 orange. Superb MUH left selvedge block of 6 in 2 rows of 3. Ex Australia Post archive sale. ACSC (2004 ed) page 1/371 states "… at least… $10000 Sold $10000 |
1902-1911 5/-, 10/- & £1 high values all CTO with 4 ring obliterator for UPU distribution. 5/- with small blue pen mark on reverse otherwise all w… $180 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/678_sml.jpg) 1902-1911 1d to 2/6d swans/QV, perf. 12 or 12x12½ or 12½x12. A MUH/MLH/MH selection incl 1d carmine-rose MUH pair (SG 117a), 2d yellow MUH (SG 11… $200 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/679_sml.jpg) 1902-1911 1d, 2d, 4d, 8d, 9d, 10d, 2/-, 5/- (Die I), 5/- (Die II), 10/- & £1 orange brown, perf. 12 or 12x12½ or 12½x12 from the 1904 UPU Specim… $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/680_sml.jpg) 1902-1912 Selection of MUH, CTO, strips & blocks with Perth cds's for Wmk V/Crown, perf. 12½ 2/- orange/yellow horiz strip of 5 (SG 124b), wmk dou… $500 Sold $600 |
1902-1911 1d rose red (MH), 2d yellow (NG), 4d chestnut (NG), 8d bright green (MH disturbed gum), 9d yellow orange (MLH), 10d rose red (NG), 2/- br… $600 Sold $600 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/682_sml.jpg) 1902/11 1d carmine-rose, 2d yellow, 4d chestnut & 5d bistre, V & Crown wmk, Perf 11. Good to F/U. SG 129/32, Cat. £600+ (4) $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/683_sml.jpg) 1902 1d carmine-rose, 2 with Crown wmk pointing left, 1 to right. Good to F/U. SG 129, Cat. £150 (3) $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/684_sml.jpg) 1905 1d carmine-rose, perf. 11 with upright wmk. Fine used with neat central upright Perth 2 DE 04 cds. SG shows earliest date as 1905. See ACSC W7… $300 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/685_sml.jpg) 1902 2d yellow with wmk V/crown sideways & sideways with crown facing left, both F/U. ACSC (2004) w17a & w17aa, Cat. $50 ea $25 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/686_sml.jpg) 1902/11 2d yellows with upright & upright & inverted V/crown wmks. Both stamps F/U. ACSC (2004) w17b & w17baa, Cat. $250 ea (2) $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/687_sml.jpg) 1902 2d yellow. F/U & well centred. SG 130, Cat. £60 $30 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/688_sml.jpg) 1902 2d yellow. Used with MR 4 03 cds. SG 130, Cat. £60 $30 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/689_sml.jpg) 1902 2d yellow. Fine used with 1904 Guildford duplex. 3 broad margins & well centred. SG 130, Cat. £60+ $40 Sold $28 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/690_sml.jpg) 1902 2d yellow pair with double perfs at base. F/U pair. ACSC (2004) w22ba, Cat. $150 $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/691_sml.jpg) 1902 2d yellow. MLH, some shortish perfs at right. SG 130, Cat. £425 $120 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/692_sml.jpg) 1902 2d yellow with upright wmk. Used by indistinct cancel. SG 130a, Cat. £500 $280 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/693_sml.jpg) 1902 2d yellow with upright wmk. A couple of shortish perfs at base. Fine used with upright part cds dated SP 24 04. SG 130a, Cat. £500 $180 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/694_sml.jpg) 1902 2d yellow with upright inverted wmk. Fine used with Leonora AU 20 04 cds. ACSC notes page 1/336 "only a small number of used examples have bee… $380 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/695_sml.jpg) 1905 2d yellow with upright inverted V/crown wmk. F/U with neat Lennonville 3b cds 15 Sep 1904. Lovely fresh example. ACSC states (W18baa) "is a ve… $380 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/696_sml.jpg) 1902 4d chestnut. Fine used with 1906 partial cds. SG 131, Cat. £425 $300 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/697_sml.jpg) 1902 4d chestnut. Fine used with 2 short perfs at base. ACSC (2005 ed) Page 1/344 states "this is a rare stamp with only a handful of examples so f… $280 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/698_sml.jpg) 1902 4d chestnut. Fine used with neat machine cancel. A short perf lower left for accuracy. See above for rarity statement. SG 131, Cat. £425 $350 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/699_sml.jpg) 1902 5d bistre. Fine used, short perf at base. SG 132, Cat. £75 $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/700_sml.jpg) 1902 5d bistre in 2 shades. MLH pair. SG 132, Cat. £50ea (2) $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/701_sml.jpg) 1902 5d bistre block of 4. MUH/MLH, couple of shortish perfs at left. SG 132, Cat. £200 $40 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/702_sml.jpg) 1902 9d yellow-orange. Lightly used with part indistinct cds. SG 133, Cat. £180 $60 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/703_sml.jpg) 1902 9d yellow-orange, perf. 11. Fine used. A couple of shortish perfs & centred left. SG 133, Cat. £180 $80 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/704_sml.jpg) 1902 9d yellow-orange with left margin. Fresh MUH with a couple of small gum bends for accuracy. Strong, rich colour. SG 133, Cat. £180+ $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/705_sml.jpg) 1902 9d yellow-orange. MLH. SG 133, Cat. £180 $80 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/706_sml.jpg) 1902 9d yellow-orange marginal pair. MVLH, even toning reflected in reserve. SG 133, Cat. £360 $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/707_sml.jpg) 1902 9d yellow-orange. Horiz MLH reinforced pair, centred left. A scarce multiple. SG 133, Cat. £180 ea. $180 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/708_sml.jpg) 1902 9d yellow-orange. Fresh MUH/MLH block of 4 with 3 MUH. SG 133, Cat. £720+ $480 Sold $480 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/709_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- bright red/yellow. Used with central upright "R" cancel. SG 134, Cat. £180 $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/710_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- bright red/yellow. F/U. SG 134, Cat. £180 $60 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/711_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- bright red/yellow. Used, centered top right. SG 134, Cat. £180 $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/712_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- bright red/yellow. MH, small grease stain reflected in reserve. Good perfs & centering. SG 134, Cat. £180 $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/713_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- bright red/yellow. Mint without gum, centred left. SG 134, Cat. £300 $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/714_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- bright red/yellow. MLH/MH, centred top left. SG 134, Cat. £300 $140 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/715_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- bright red/yellow with left selvedge. MVLH. SG 134, Cat. £300 $180 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/716_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- bright red/yellow. Fresh MLH. SG 134, Cat. £300 $180 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/717_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- bright red/yellow. MH with almost full og. Very fine. SG 134, Cat. £300 $160 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/718_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- bright red/yellow top selvedge example. MUH, hinged in selvedge only. SG 134, Cat. £300+ $280 Sold $280 |
1902 2/- bright red/yellow. Fine & fresh MUH. SG 134, Cat. £300+ $280 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/720_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- orange/yellow with inverted wmk. MLH. SG 134a, Cat. £425 (inverted wmk not priced by SG) $140 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/721_sml.jpg) 1902 1d carmine-rose, compound perf. 12½ x 12 & 11 with double perfs at right. Fine used with MY 31 (slug inverted) 10. Sold "as is". SG 135var. $250 Sold $270 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/722_sml.jpg) 1910 ½d green wmk crown over double lined A. Complete sheet from Plate 1 with all selvedge & sheet markings intact. All stamps MUH. Hinge remnant … $300 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/723_sml.jpg) 1905/12 ½d green, 1d carmine, 1d carmine-red & 2d yellow, perf 12â…Ÿâ‚‚x12, 3d brown, perf 12â…Ÿâ‚‚ & 4d bistre-brown, perf 12â…Ÿâ‚‚x12 plus 5d pa… $90 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/724_sml.jpg) 1910 ½d green, Crown/A wmk in Plate 1 MUH/MLH corner block. SG 138, Cat. £18++ $20 Sold $22 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/725_sml.jpg) 1910 ½d green, Crown/A wmk. Used block of 8 with 1912 Leonora cds's. SG 138, Cat. £60+ $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/726_sml.jpg) 1905 1d rose-pink. Fine used block of 4 with crisp Newcastle, WA 3b cds type cds's. SG 139 $25 Sold $42 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/727_sml.jpg) 1905/12 1d rose-pink block of 4 with right selvedge, sideways Crown & A wmk, Perf 12x12⅟₂. MUH/MLH. SG 139, Cat. £88 $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/728_sml.jpg) 1905/12 1d rose-pink pair with crown/A wmk & part double perfs at top. F/U. SG 139, ACSC (2004) w12bb, Cat. $150 $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/729_sml.jpg) 1909 1d carmine, Crown/A with double perfs at left. Fine used by clear upright Kalgoorlie 5 DE 11 cds. ACSC W12bb, SG 139b $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/730_sml.jpg) 1909 1d carmine, Crown/A wmk with double perfs at base. MLH. ACSC W12bb, SG 139b, Cat. £150 $75 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/731_sml.jpg) 1905 2d yellow. MUH block of 4. Bright fresh colour. SG 140, Cat. £34++ $30 Sold $30 |
1905 2d yellow, Crown over double lined A sideways wmk, perf. 12½. Attractive block of 80 in 10 rows of 8 across with selvedge at left. Fresh MUH … $700 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/733_sml.jpg) 1905 2d yellow. 2 used examples showing part double perfs. SG 140, ACSC W22ba, Cat. $150ea (2) $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/734_sml.jpg) 1910 2d yellow with upright wmk. Fine used with machine cancel. ACSC W22aa note 2 page 1/338 "… only a small number are recorded… cancellations… $200 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/735_sml.jpg) 1910 2d yellow with upright wmk as above. F/U with bold Kalgoorlie 29 MR 10 cds. SG 140a, Cat. £350 $200 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/736_sml.jpg) 1910 2d yellow also with upright wmk. F/U. SG 140a, Cat. £350 $160 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/737_sml.jpg) 1910 2d yellow with Crown/double lined A upright inverted wmk. Cancelled by Worsley 3b in 1 10 August 1910 "smudgy" postmark. The previous lot had … $300 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/738_sml.jpg) 1906 3d brown with Plate 1 selvedge at left. Fine used with 22 JY 12 cds. SG 141 $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/739_sml.jpg) 1906 3d brown in 3 shade variations all in used blocks of 4. Useful for specialist. SG 141var., Cat. £70+ $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/740_sml.jpg) 1906 3d brown block of 4. 2 MUH, 2 MLH, fluffy perfs. SG 141 $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/741_sml.jpg) 1906 3d brown in horiz pair with current number "52" in right selvedge. MUH SG 141var. $90 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/742_sml.jpg) 1906 3d brown. Right marginal block of 4. Fresh MUH. SG 141, Cat. £260+ $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/743_sml.jpg) 1906 3d brown horiz pair with double perfs at base. Fine used with 2 strikes of Palace Hotel JU 22 12 cds's. Attractive lot. SG 141var. $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/744_sml.jpg) 1905/12 4d bistre-brown & 4d bright red-brown, sideways Crown & A wmk, Perf 12⅟₂. MVLH/MH SG 142/42b, Cat. £84 (2) $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/745_sml.jpg) 1906 4d bistre-brown left marginal block of 4. MUH except for small reinforcement strip on lower left vertical perfs. SG 142, Cat. £240 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/746_sml.jpg) 1908 4d pale chestnut with double perfs at top. Fine used with 1909 cds. Unlisted in either ACSC or Juhl. SG 142a var. $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/747_sml.jpg) 1910 4d bright brown-red in MUH lower left selvedge block of 15 perfined "OS". Fine, fresh & striking. SG 142b, ACSC W36Db, Cat. $750 (2004) $360 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/748_sml.jpg) 1905/12 4d bright red-brown block of 4 with top selvedge, Crown & A sideways wmk, Perf 12⅟₂. Stamps MUH. SG 142b, Cat. £96 $30 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/749_sml.jpg) 1910 4d bright brown-red. MUH top selvedge block of 4. Fine & fresh. SG 142b, Cat. £104 + premium for multiple. $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/750_sml.jpg) 1910 4d bright brown-red in lower selvedge block of 8. MUH, couple of toned perfs otherwise fine with rich colour. SG 142b, Cat. £200+ $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/751_sml.jpg) 1910 4d bright brown-red in MUH top right selvedge block of 15. Fresh & bright. SG 142b, Cat. £390 $400 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/752_sml.jpg) 1910 4d bright brown-red with double perfs at base. MLH. Not listed in ACSC or by Juhl. $180 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/753_sml.jpg) 1905/12 5d pale olive-bistre, 5d olive-green & 5d pale greenish yellow. MUH/MH, some gum-ageing. SG 143/43a/43b, Cat. £130 (3) $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/754_sml.jpg) 1905 5d pale olive-bistre upper pane lower right selvedge block of 4. Fine & fresh MUH. SG 143, Cat. £150 + premium for MUH. $180 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/755_sml.jpg) 1912 5d pale greenish yellow. Used block of 4 with 4 indistinct cds's, slightly smudged but a scarce used multiple. SG 143b, Cat. £440 $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/756_sml.jpg) 1912 5d pale greenish yellow block of 4 with gutter selvedge at base. MVLH with lovely fresh colour. SG 143b, Cat. £240+ $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/757_sml.jpg) 1912 5d pale greenish yellow in Plate 1 selvedge block of 4. 3 MUH & 1 MLH, small gum bend. SG 143b, Cat. £240+ $100 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/758_sml.jpg) 1912 5d pale greenish yellow in Plate 1 lower left selvedge pair. MUH with light gum creasing. Fresh colour & scarce with plate number. SG 143b, Ca… $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/759_sml.jpg) 1912 5d pale greenish yellow block of 4. Fine MUH. SG 143b, Cat. £240 + premium for MUH. $220 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/760_sml.jpg) 1912 5d pale greenish yellow, Crown over double lined A wmk, perf 12½. Complete half sheet of 60 with selvedge top & sides. Plate 1 prominent in l… $7000 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/761_sml.jpg) 1912 8d apple-green with Crown/ A sideways wmk. F/U. SG 144, Cat. £80 $30 Sold $30 |
1905/12 8d apple-green, Crown & A sideways wmk, perf 12⅟₂ block of 4 with left selvedge. MUH, minute gum scuff for accuracy. SG 144, Cat. £92 $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/763_sml.jpg) 1912 8d apple-green, right large selvedge block of 4. Corner perf of top left stamp missing. Fresh MUH with lovely colour. SG 144, Cat. £92 + prem… $40 Sold $24 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/764_sml.jpg) 1912 8d apple-green block of 4. 3 MUH, 1 MLH. SG 144, Cat. £23 x 4 + MUH premium $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/765_sml.jpg) 1912 8d apple-green. An attractive MUH block of 9 with good colour & well centred. SG 144, Cat. £200++ $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/766_sml.jpg) 1912 8d apple-green left hand selvedge block of 30 with 6 rows of 5 stamps - quarter of sheet. Fresh MUH, centring varies from very well centred to… $450 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/767_sml.jpg) 1906 9d orange in MUH lower left hand selvedge block of 4. MVLH in selvedge, centred left. Rich bright colour. SG 145, Cat. £140+ $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/768_sml.jpg) 1906 9d orange-yellow with Crown/A wmk sideways wmk (SG 145) & 9d with sideways reversed wmk CTO with full gum. The latter listed as W50Aaa in ACSC… $380 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/769_sml.jpg) 1910 9d red-orange block of 4. MUH/MLH. SG 145a, Cat. £60 x 4 + MUH premium $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/770_sml.jpg) 1905/12 9d orange & 9d red-orange, Crown & A sideways wmk, perf 12⅟₂. MUH/MVLH. SG 145/45a, Cat. £95 $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/771_sml.jpg) 1912 9d yellow-orange with upright & upright inverted wmks in two distinct shades. Note; upright inverted wmks are not listed in either SG or ACSC.… $80 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/772_sml.jpg) 1910 10d rose-orange. Top left selvedge corner block of 4. MUH with uneven/rough perfs. Fresh bright colour. SG 146 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/773_sml.jpg) 1910 10d rose-orange block of 4. Fine used with York 6 OCT 14 cds on each. SG 146, Cat. £116+ $80 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/774_sml.jpg) 1910 10d rose-orange in bottom right hand selvedge block of 6 with 3 rows x 2. MUH with some light gum creasing. Useful multiple. SG 146, Cat. £14… $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/775_sml.jpg) 1910 10d rose-orange block of 4. Fresh MUH with rich colour. SG 146, Cat. £96 + MUH premium $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/776_sml.jpg) 1910 10d rose-orange single in bottom right selvedge with double perforations at base & to the right. Quite a startling example. MLH stamp & selved… $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/777_sml.jpg) 1910 10d rose-orange, wmk Crown over double lined A, perf 12½ half sheet of 60 with 6 rows of 10 across with selvedge on both sides. Fine MUH. Ple… $2200 Sold $1500 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/778_sml.jpg) 1905/12 5/- emerald-green, Crown & A wmk, perf 12⅟₂. Lightly used. SG 148, Cat. £130 $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/779_sml.jpg) 1907 5/- emerald-green. Fine used with neat "socked on the nose" Perth Regd 18 FEB 09 cds. SG 148, Cat. £140+ $70 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/780_sml.jpg) 1907 5/- emerald-green, Die I. CTO with part Fremantle cds. MH with full gum. A lovely example. SG 148, ACSC W64Ax, Cat. $300 (2004) $120 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/781_sml.jpg) 1905/12 5/- emerald-green. MLH. SG 148, Cat. £180 $80 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/782_sml.jpg) 1907 5/- emerald-green. MLH, light gum disturbances. SG 148, Cat. £190 $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/783_sml.jpg) 1907 5/- emerald-green with upright wmk. MLH, top left. Fresh colour with good perfs. SG 148, Cat. £190 $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/784_sml.jpg) 1905/12 1d rose-pink MH (SG 151), 2d yellow MH (SG 152), 3d brown MVLH (SG 153), 5d pale olive-bistre MH (SG 155), 5d olive-green mint without gum … $150 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/785_sml.jpg) 1905/12 1d (2), 2d, 3d (normal & perfined "OS"), 5d in both shades & 9d orange & red-orange shades, perf. 11. All fine used with cds cancels. Total… $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/786_sml.jpg) 1905/12 1d rose-pink (SG 151), 1d carmine red (SG 151a), 2d yellow (SG 152), 3d brown (SG 153), 5d pale olive-bistre (SG 155), 5d olive-green (SG 1… $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/787_sml.jpg) 1905/12 1d in both shades, 2d, 3d with pair & single, 5d olive bistre pair & olive green & 9d orange Perf 11. All MLH. Cat. £580 (10) $200 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/788_sml.jpg) 1908 1d rose-pink in lower left corner block of 4. MUH with selvedge annotations incl "Perf 11" in h/s's plus one on gumside of one stamp. SG 151, … $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/789_sml.jpg) 1905/12 1d carmine-red , 2d yellow, 3d brown & 5d olive green, sideways Crown & A Wmk (1d is upright), perf 11. MUH/MLH (1d has aged gum). SG 151b,… $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/790_sml.jpg) 1905 1d carmine-red block of 4. MUH/MLH. SG 151a, Cat. £240 $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/791_sml.jpg) 1905/12 1d carmine-red with upright wmk. Gum aged MUH. SG 151b, Cat. £90 $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/792_sml.jpg) 1906 1d carmine-red block of 4 with upright wmk. MLH. SG 151b, Cat. £360 $200 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/793_sml.jpg) 1906 1d carmine-red block of 4 with upright wmk. MUH SG 151b, Cat. £360 + MUH premium. $200 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/794_sml.jpg) 1905 2d yellow x 120. This appears to be a complete sheet quartered into 4 blocks of 30 with selvedge on 2 sides. Minor hingeing evidence but most … $3000 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/795_sml.jpg) 1905 3d brown, perf. 11 block of 4. MUH/MLH with selvedge at right. SG 153, Cat. £96+ $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/796_sml.jpg) 1906 3d brown in plate 1 block of 4 with selvedge at right. MUH/MLH, light even gum toning. ACSC W27za, Cat. $250 $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/797_sml.jpg) 1905 4d pale chestnut, perf. 11. Used. SG 154a, Cat. £1000 (2004) ACSC W37b (2004) with Note 2 stating "Less than 10 examples are recorded". $350 Sold $380 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/798_sml.jpg) 1905 5d pale olive-bistre block of 4. MUH with selvedge at right. SG 155, Cat. £240+ MUH premium $180 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/799_sml.jpg) 1905 5d pale olive bistre. Used block of 4 with 1910 cds's. Some faults but unusual. SG 155, Cat. £44+ $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/800_sml.jpg) 1905 5d olive-green block of 4. MUH, some light tone spotting. SG 155a, Cat. £152+ $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/801_sml.jpg) 1905 9d orange. Good to fine used. SG 157, Cat. £200 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/802_sml.jpg) 1905 9d orange. Fine used with attractive crisp Katanning 30 JUL 12 cds. SG 157, Cat. £200+ $120 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/803_sml.jpg) 1905 9d red-orange. Fine used with 28 OC 11 cds. Centred low. SG 157a, Cat. £200 $50 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/804_sml.jpg) 1905 9d red-orange. Fine used with corner part Narrogin cds. SG 157a, Cat. £200 $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/805_sml.jpg) 1905 9d red-orange. Superb used with central upright Port Hedland 11 OCT 1911 bullseye pmk. SG 157a Cat £200 $140 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/806_sml.jpg) 1905 9d red-orange. Fine used with crisp Port Hedland 1911 cds. Superb example. SG 157a, Cat. £200 $140 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/807_sml.jpg) 1912 9d orange with upright wmk. Fine used by Bunbury 1 AP 13 cds. Centred low, short perf lower right corner but scarce. The ACSC W52D notes on pa… $480 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/808_sml.jpg) 1905/12 1d (2), 2d, 3d (normal & perfined "OS"), 5d in both shades & 9d orange. Foxing affecting majority but not frontally apparent. Total cat. £… $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/809_sml.jpg) 1905/12 1d rose pink, 2d, 3d, 5d olive-bistre & 9d orange. 5d MUH, others MLH (but 2d with remnants). Cat. £380+ (5) $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/810_sml.jpg) 1905 1d rose-pink, Crown over double-lined A upright wmk with compound perf. 12½ at both sides & perf. 11 top & bottom. Fine unused without gum. S… $600 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/811_sml.jpg) 1905 1d rose-pink, Crown over double-lined A wmk with compound perf. 12½ at top & bottom with perf. 11 each side. Fine used & offered "as is". SG … $400 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/812_sml.jpg) 1905 1d rose-pink, Crown over double-lined A wmk with compound perf. 12½ at top & bottom with perf. 11 each side. Used with machine cancel. Staini… $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/813_sml.jpg) 1905 3d brown, Crown over double-lined A wmk with compound perf. 12½ top & both sides & perf. 11 at base. Fine used. SG 163, Cat. £1500. ACSC W30… $1800 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/814_sml.jpg) 1912 6d bright violet in Plate 1 marginal block of 4. MUH/MLH. SG 168, Cat. £70+ $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/815_sml.jpg) 1912 6d bright violet, crown over single line A wmk in bottom left selvedge corner block of 4. MUH/MLH with fresh colour. SG 168, Cat. £72+ $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/816_sml.jpg) 1912 6d bright violet lower right, Plate 1 corner selvedge block of 6. Fine MUH, hinged in selvedge only. Most attractive. SG 168 $300 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/817_sml.jpg) 1912 6d bright violet & 1/- sage-green. MVLH/MLH. SG 168/69, Cat. £50 (2) $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/818_sml.jpg) 1912 1/- sage-green block of 4. Used with PP Perth cds & ink lines. Some toned perfs. SG 169, Cat. £190 $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/819_sml.jpg) 1912 3d brown with on thin ready gummed paper. F/U. SG 170, Cat. £75 $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/820_sml.jpg) 1912 3d brown, perf. 12½ used. Short perf at right & tone spot for accuracy. SG 170, Cat. £75 $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/821_sml.jpg) 1912 3d brown with selvedge on thin ready gummed paper, perf 12 ⅟₂. MUH SG 170, Cat. £75 $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/822_sml.jpg) 1912 3d brown, perf 12½. Block of 4 on thin ready gummed white paper. Used with Cunderdin 17 MR 13 cds's. Toned perfs at top. SG 170, Cat. £300+ $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/823_sml.jpg) 1912 3d brown, perf. 12½ MLH, odd shortish perf. SG 170 $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/824_sml.jpg) 1912 3d brown, perf. 12½. MUH with upper left corner selvedge. SG 170, Cat. £75+ $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/825_sml.jpg) 1912 3d brown with upright C/A wmk on thin ready gummed paper. F/U. SG 170a, Cat. £190 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/826_sml.jpg) 1912 3d brown, perf 12½ with upright wmk. MLH SG 170a, Cat. £200 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/827_sml.jpg) 1912 3d brown with upright wmk. MUH, light diagonal gum crease. SG 170a, Cat. £200 $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/828_sml.jpg) 1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow, Crown over double lined A wmk. Complete sheet of 120 with selvedge all round. The whole sheet was cancelle… $1500 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/829_sml.jpg) 1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow x 120. As per the SG 152 lot, this too appears to be a sheet of 120 split into 4 blocks of 30 complete with… $500 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/830_sml.jpg) 1912 "ONE PENNY" on 2d yellow in lower left corner selvedge block of 12. 9 MUH, adherences on others & selvedge. SG 172 $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/831_sml.jpg) 1912 "ONE PENNY" on 3d yellow with double perfs at base. Used by Brookton FE 12 13 cds. SG 172 $30 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/832_sml.jpg) 1912 2d yellow ovptd "ONE PENNY" block of 4, upright & inverted wmk. MUH. SG 172a, Cat £34 $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/833_sml.jpg) 1912 "ONE PENNY" on 2d yellow surcharge. Compound perf. with 12½ (top & both sides) & perf. 11 at base. MVLH, small mark on front above "P" of "Po… $400 Sold $400 |
Western Australia: Telegraph Stamps |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/834_sml.jpg) 1879 1d bistre, perf. 14 in lower left corner Plate 1 block of 20 with 4 rows of 5 stamps. Also displays the horiz guideline & printers reference N… $2000 Sold $3000 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/835_sml.jpg) 1879 1d bistre, perf. 14 left selvedge block of 6. Fresh & fine MUH. SG T1, Cat. £660++ $800 Sold $500 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/836_sml.jpg) 1879 1d bistre in both perfs & 6d lilac Telegraph Stamps. MLH with small tone spotting reflected in reserve. Frontally fresh. SG T1/2, Cat. £770 (3) $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/837_sml.jpg) 1879 1d bistre, perf. 12½ & 6d lilac, perf. 14. Both MH with hinge remainders. SG T1a & T2, Cat. £660 (2) $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/838_sml.jpg) 1879 6d lilac Telegraph. MH with hinge remnants. SG T2, Cat. £550 $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/839_sml.jpg) 1879 1d bistre & 6d lilac Telegraph pair. 1d F/U (short perf), 6d used. SG T1/T2, Cat. £240+ (2) $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/840_sml.jpg) 1879 1d bistre in both perfs & 6d lilac Telegraph Stamps. Good to F/U group with GPO barred cancels. SG T1/2, Cat. £275 (3) $100 Sold $170 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/841_sml.jpg) 1879 1d bistre in both perfs & 6d lilac Telegraph Stamps. 1d perf 12½ with a few foxed perfs but superb used with crisp Perth cds. SG T1/2 (3) $100 Sold $230 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/842_sml.jpg) 1879 1d bistre, perf. 14 x 3 & perf. 12½ x 2 postally used plus 6d lilac hinged with full gum with cancelled (?) horizontal red ink line. Some sta… $80 Sold $80 |
States and Territories: Western Australia |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/843_sml.jpg) 1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express. Unused pair with part patchy og. (2) $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/844_sml.jpg) 1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express marginal examples. 1/- with usual gum disturbance & a couple of toned perfs but the 2/6d has full MUH orig… $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/845_sml.jpg) 1893 1/- & 2/6d blue Coolgardie Cycle Express in complete sheets of 35. Usual patchy gum & 3 x 1/- have light thins but scarce survivors & rarely s… $2500 Sold $2600 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/846_sml.jpg) 1896 6d, 2/- & 5/- Coolgardie Cycle Express camel set of 3. Mint without gum. The original gum was thick, toned & deleterious to stamps if not remo… $200 Sold $500 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/847_sml.jpg) 1896 6d, 2/- & 5/- Coolgardie Cycle Express camel set of 3. Mint with original gum. 6d with right selvedge, 2/- centred right & 5/- well centred. E… $350 Sold $625 |
Western Australia: "SPECIMEN" & "CANCELLED" Overprints or Handstamp |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/848_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple-brown with swan wmk, perf 14 with type GB6 "SPECIMEN" ovpt normally used at Somerset House on British stamps but also on Colonial is… $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/849_sml.jpg) 1865 1/- bright green, upright Crown/CC wmk, perf 12½ with type 1 "SPECIMEN" h/s produced for UPU distribution. MLH with full gum & characteristic… $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/850_sml.jpg) 1879 1d bistre Telegraphs, Crown/CC wmk, perf. 14 with type D5 "SPECIMEN" ovpt in purple. Mainly applied to proofs & stamps retained by De La Rue f… $350 Sold $350 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/851_sml.jpg) 1881 1d carmine-pink, 2d grey & 4d red-brown set of 3 plus extra 1d carmine-red. Handstamped with type 1 "SPECIMEN" with carmine-red ovptd "SPECIME… $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/852_sml.jpg) 1882/90 2d chrome yellow, 4d carmine, 6d reddish lilac, Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14 handstamped "SPECIMEN" type 1 (SG 77/79 - not listed ovptd "Specimen… $200 Sold $320 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/853_sml.jpg) 1888 ½d, 2d, 2½d, 4d, 5d & 1/-De La Rue Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14 set of 6 h/s "SPECIMEN". ½d, 2d, 4d & 1/- with Specimen type 1 & 2½d & 5d printe… $500 Sold $350 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/854_sml.jpg) 1862/82 4d carmine with upright Crown CC wmk, perf. 12½. "CANCELLED" ovpt type D4. Retained by De La Rue for archival purposes. MLH with patchy og… $300 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/855_sml.jpg) 1871/73 imperforate vertical plate proof pair with type D7 "CANCELLED" ovpt on unwatermarked, glazed, ungummed paper. MUH with clear even margins. $280 Sold $200 |
Western Australia: WA Commissariat |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/856_sml.jpg) 1854 4d blue with 4mm puncture. Imperforate with clear even margins. Possibly unused with light staining or fine used with light postmark. SG 3a $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/857_sml.jpg) 1854 4d deep dull blue with 3mm puncture & used with 15 bar "18" numeral cancel of Bunbury in blue. This shade is not recorded by Juhl with a Commi… $350 Sold $350 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/858_sml.jpg) 1854 4d blue with 3 large margins & 4th close. F/U with light 15 bar "2" numeral cancel of Perth (SG 3a) plus 1860 orange-vermilion with 4 close ma… $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/859_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue, intermediate perf. 14-16, 2d blue, perf. 14 & 4d vermilion perf. 14 (3mm misperfed example with 4d & "POSTAGE" at base) all with larg… $100 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/860_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple/blued, perf. 14-16 with commissariat puncture. Lightly used with indistinct cancel. SG 45, Cat. £500 $150 Sold $230 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/861_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- deep green with commissariat puncture. F/U with strong colour. SG 46, Cat. £375 $150 Sold $190 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/862_sml.jpg) 1861 Perkins Bacon printings on swan wmkd paper with 3mm commissariat punctures with various perfs incl perf. 14-16 1d rose good used, 2d blue x 2 … $300 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/863_sml.jpg) 1861 Perkins Bacon printings on swan wmkd paper, perf. 14 with 4mm punctures for 2d blue x 2 & 4d vermilion. All stamps fine used but off centre. T… $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/864_sml.jpg) 1861 1d perf. 14, 1d rough perf. 14-16, 2d blue perf. 14, 6d purple brown, clean cut perf. 14-16 & 1/- green clean cut perf. 14-16 Perkins Bacon pr… $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/865_sml.jpg) 1865 1/- sage-green with 3mm puncture. Fine MLH with original gum & better than average perfs. A rare combination. Mint examples are not separately… $250 Sold $250 |
Western Australia: Postmarks OBL |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/866_sml.jpg) 1882 3d pale brown with full gum. SG 86 $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/867_sml.jpg) 1885 2½d blue. MH gum. SG 97 $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/868_sml.jpg) 1893 6d violet with gum. SG 100 $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/869_sml.jpg) 1888 2d grey with MVLH gum. SG 104 $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/870_sml.jpg) 1888 4d brown with MVLH gum. Light crease. SG 105 $30 Archived |
Western Australia: Medical ovpts |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/871_sml.jpg) 1895 3d pale brown, Crown wmk Crown/CA, perf. 14. Fine used with bold Perth duplex cancel which partially covers the "Medical" h/s. Scarce. SG 86var. $300 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/872_sml.jpg) 1890 4d chestnut, Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14. Superb used with neat part duplex cancel above ovpt. SG 98var. $350 Sold $350 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/873_sml.jpg) 1897 6d violet, Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14. Used with bold duplex cancel which partly obscures ovpt. SG100var. $250 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/874_sml.jpg) 1890 1/- pale olive-green, Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14. Used by bold oval "R" cancel which partly obscures ovpt. Perhaps the most rare of the series. SG… $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/875_sml.jpg) 1898/1907 1d carmine, W Crown A wmk, perf. 14 F/U with part duplex cancel & 2d bright yellow with neat SP 5 03 Broome ETO cancel. A useful pair. (2) $250 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/876_sml.jpg) 1902/11 1d carmine-rose with sideways wmk F/U with light duplex cancel & 2d yellow with sideways wmk from the Melbourne printings with double lined… $260 Sold $260 |
Western Australia: OS Perfins |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/877_sml.jpg) 1902-1911 1d, 2d, 4d chestnut (strip 3), 8d, 9d, 10d, 2/-, 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- purple, perf. 12 or 12x12½ or 12½x12 range of V/Crown wmk perfined "O… $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/878_sml.jpg) 1902/11 2d yellow with sideways wmk (ACSC W16ba), 8d green, crown pointing left (ACSC W44b), 8d green crown pointing right (ACSC W44ab) & 10d red (… $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/879_sml.jpg) 1902/17 1d red (ACSC W46Hb), 2d yellow (ACSC W16cba), 4d chestnut (ACSC 32b), 8d bright green (ACSC W44Ab), 9d orange red (ACSC W47Ab), 10d red (AC… $180 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/880_sml.jpg) 1902/17 5d bistre, V/Crown wmk. Note in ACSC, page 1/347 states "The first archival record of the supply of OS purchases is of 60,000 stamps… pro… $180 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/881_sml.jpg) 1905/12 1d rose-red (ACSC W13b), 2d yellow (ACSC W24ab) & 9d orange yellow (CSC W52), all Crown/A wmk, perf. 11 perfined "OS". 1d has several short… $100 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/882_sml.jpg) 1905/12 1d rose-pink & 2d orange-yellow with sideways wmk, Crown facing left (ACSC W23ab), 3d brown sideways wmk, Crown facing right (ACSC W27cb), … $320 Sold $320 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/883_sml.jpg) 1912 3d dull orange-brown with Crown over double lined A wmk on thin paper. Fine used with characteristic rough perfs. ACSC W31Ab, Cat. $600 + prem… $250 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/884_sml.jpg) 1905 5d bistre perfined "OS". Fine used as above SG 120OS, ACSC W39b, Cat. $300 (2004) $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/885_sml.jpg) 1902 2/6d deep blue/rose perfined "OS". MH with a couple of gum stains. SG 125 $20 Sold $15 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/886_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- deep mauve perfined "OS". F/U. SG 127 $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/887_sml.jpg) 1902 £1 orange-brown perfined "OS". Fine used with light indistinct cds. SG 128, ACSC W66Ab, Cat. $800 (2004 ed) $350 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/888_sml.jpg) 1909 £1 orange perfined "OS". Neat corner GPO cds. SG 128a $380 Sold $525 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/889_sml.jpg) 1909 £1 orange perfined "OS". MLH & well centered. SG 128a $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/890_sml.jpg) 1905 1d rose-red with upright wmk perfined "OS" top left corner block of 15. Superb MUH, slight perf separation between 2 stamps lower right. SG 13… $450 Archived |
1905 2d yellow vertical block of 6 perfined "OS". Lowest pair showing vertical perfs shifted to left in relation to the upper block of 4. Fresh MUH… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/892_sml.jpg) 1912 3d deep orange-brown, sideways Crown over double lined A wmk on thin paper & perfined "OS". Fine used with characteristically rough perfs. ACS… $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/893_sml.jpg) 1910 4d bright brown-red perfined "OS". Fine MUH block of 4. SG 142b, ACSC W3Db, Cat. $200 (2004) $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/894_sml.jpg) 1905 2d yellow, perf. 11, perfined "OS". MVLH. ACSC W24b - no price listed for mint, SG 152, Cat. $100 as used $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/895_sml.jpg) 1905 4d yellow-brown, perf. 11, perfined "OS". Used, 5 short perfs. SG 154 ACSC W37Ab (2204), Cat. $400 $180 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/896_sml.jpg) 1905 4d yellow-brown, perf. 11, perfined "OS". Used. SG 154, ACSC W37Ab (2004), Cat. $400 Note 1 states, "perhaps as many as 20-30 used examples ar… $280 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/897_sml.jpg) 1905 4d yellow-brown, perf. 11, perfined "OS". Fine used with Roebourne 1907 cds. Shortish perfs at right. See notes in previous lot. SG 154, ACSC … $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/898_sml.jpg) 1905 4d yellow-brown, perf. 11, perfined "OS". MH with slight crystalised gum. SG 154, ACSC note 1 page 1/345, "perhaps as many as ten mint example… $350 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/899_sml.jpg) 1905 4d pale chestnut, perf. 11 horiz pair perfined "OS". MLH, black spot on gum of left stamp. Fresh colour. SG 154a, ACSC W37b, Cat. $1000 ea in … $380 Sold $380 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/900_sml.jpg) 1906 2/- orange/yellow bottom left corner block of 4 perfined "OS". Superb MUH. SG 124b, ACSC W59Bb (2006), Cat. $800 + premium for MUH block. $400 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/901_sml.jpg) 1902/11 10/- deep mauve perfined "OS", V & Crown wmk, perf 12⅟₂. F/U. SG 127, Cat. £100 $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/902_sml.jpg) 1910 10/- bright purple perfined "OS". Fine used. SG 127a, Cat. £450 $280 Sold $650 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/903_sml.jpg) 1910 10/- bright purple perfined "OS". CTO with very light cds. MH with part og. SG 127a, ACSC W65Ba, Cat. $750 (2004 ed) $280 Sold $440 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/904_sml.jpg) 1910 10/- bright purple perfined "OS". Fine postally used with Perth cancel. ACSC W65Bba, Cat. $750 $280 Sold $650 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/905_sml.jpg) 1902 5d bistre, perf 11 perfined "OS" & rare thus. Fine used with corner Perth 1912 cds. Light pink water stain at base. SG 132 & see note 1/347 in… $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/906_sml.jpg) 1906 2/- orange-brown/yellow perfined "OS" top left selvedge block of 42 (7 rows of 6). Superb MUH & an excellent exhibition item of the highest qu… $4000 Sold $3000 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/907_sml.jpg) 1905/12 2d yellow MLH (ACSC W22b), 3d brown MH (ACSC W27b), 9d orange MH (ACSC W50b) & 5/- emerald green Die I (ACSC W64b) from the Melbourne Print… $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/908_sml.jpg) 1905 5d bistre perfined "OS". Fine used, top left corner perf missing. SG 120OS, ACSC W39b, Cat. $300 , this is twice the price of regular stamp. N… $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/909_sml.jpg) 1902 £1 orange-brown perfined "OS". Centered low right. Fine used by light Fremantle cds. SG 128var. $350 Sold $350 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/910_sml.jpg) 1907 5/- emerald-green in vertical block of 10 in 2 columns of 5 with selvedge at the base & perfined "OS". Die sequence as follows; Die I & Die II… $5000 Sold $3750 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/911_sml.jpg) 1907 5/- emerald-green in top selvedge block of 4 perfined "OS" with Die I & Die II/Die II & Die I pairs. Fine MUH, top right with small surface th… $1600 Sold $1050 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/912_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- deep mauve perfined "OS". MH toned along top edge. ACSC W65Ab, Cat. $400 (2004) $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/913_sml.jpg) 1905 4d pale chestnut, perf. 11, perfined "OS". F/U. Unrecorded perfined "OS". SG 154a, ACSC W37b $280 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/914_sml.jpg) 1905 4d pale chestnut perfined "OS". ACSC page 1/345 notes "… perhaps as many as 10 mint & 20-30 used examples are known with OS puncture". F/U w… $250 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/915_sml.jpg) 1905 9d orange, perf. 11, perfined "OS". Fresh MLH. SG 157, Cat. £200 $120 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/916_sml.jpg) 1905 9d orange, perf. 11 perfined "OS". Lightly used with dumb obliterator. SG 157, ACSC W52A, Cat. $200 $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/917_sml.jpg) 1905 9d orange, perf. 11 perfined "OS". Fine used with neat 1906 Fremantle cds. SG 157, ACSC W52A, Cat. $200 (2004) $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/918_sml.jpg) 1905 9d orange, perf. 11 perfined "OS". MH, centred left. SG 157, ACSC W52A, Cat. $300 (2004) $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/919_sml.jpg) 1909 £1 orange. MUH lower right bottom selvedge block of 10 perfined "OS". Horiz gum bend affects 1 stamp but in no way detracts from this spectac… $8000 Sold $6000 |
Western Australia: PWD Perfins |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/920_sml.jpg) 1888/93 3d pale brown "PWD" vert reading downwards, F/U with part Day Dawn cds (missing top right perf) (SG 86), 4d chestnut with normal horiz perf… $150 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/921_sml.jpg) 1902/11 1d carmine-rose (SG 117) in 6 different configurations with normal, inverted, reversed, inverted reversed, downwards & upwards reversed plu… $100 Sold $100 |
Western Australia: WA Perfins |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/922_sml.jpg) 1885/99 4d chestnut with perfin at left, MUH (SG 98), 6d bright violet x 2 also with perfin at left MUH & split MH (SG 100), Crown CA wmk, perf. 14… $160 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/923_sml.jpg) 1902/11 1d carmine-rose in 2 shades (SG 117) & 8d apple green, V/Crown wmks, perf 12½. All with split perfins both top & bottom with centrally loc… $200 Sold $230 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/924_sml.jpg) 1902/11 1d carmine-rose in 2 shades (SG 117), 2d yellow with upright wmk (SG 118, 118a), 9d yellow orange in 2 shades with one having a split perfi… $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/925_sml.jpg) 1903 4d chestnut, double lined V/Crown wmk, perf. 12½ block of 4 with evenly located "WA" perfins. Fine used with indistinct cds's. Unusual. (SG 119) $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/926_sml.jpg) 1903 9d yellow-orange with double lined V/Crown upright inverted wmk block of 4 with "WA" perfins centrally located in 2 positions. The top pair of… $200 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/927_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- dark red yellow V/Crown wmk perf 11 with WA perfin reading vertically down. Fine MUH, centred low left. A rare MUH example. SG 134, Cat. Â… $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/928_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- scarlet-red/yellow with V/Crown sideways wmk, perf. 12½. "WA" is vertical reading down. MH with og, some staining at right. Scarce. SG 12… $200 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/929_sml.jpg) 1902 2/6d deep blue/rose & 5/- emerald-green both perfined "WA" down vertically Fine used. Juhl (1992) Cat. $175 (2) $70 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/930_sml.jpg) 1902 5/- emerald-green with double "WA" horizontal perfin. Fine used. Recorded but not priced by Juhl. Rare & desirable. SG 126 var. $350 Sold $380 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/931_sml.jpg) 1902 5/- emerald-green, V/Crown wmk, perf. 12½. Scarce double perfin. Fine used with Perth 1904 cds. SG 126var. $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/932_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- mauve perfined "WA" vertically reading down. F/U, small blue crayon mark. Juhl, Cat. $150 $50 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/933_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- mauve perfined "WA" vertically reading up. Fine used. Juhl (1992) Cat. $300 $100 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/934_sml.jpg) 1902 10/- mauve & £1 orange-brown both perfined "WA" horizontally. Fine used & rarely seen. Juhl (1992) Cat. $400 (2) $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/935_sml.jpg) 1902 £1 orange-brown perfined "WA". Fine used with indistinct cds. SG 128var. $380 Sold $380 |
Western Australia: Revenues |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/936_sml.jpg) 1d "ONE PENNY" Die proof in black. $250 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/937_sml.jpg) 15/- "FIFTEEN SHILLINGS" Die proof in black. $400 Sold $480 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/938_sml.jpg) £1, 10/- "ONE POUND TEN SHILLINGS" Die proof in black. $400 Sold $520 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/939_sml.jpg) £10 "TEN POUNDS" Die proof in black. Top right corner missing but clear of design. $250 Sold $290 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/940_sml.jpg) £50 "FIFTY POUNDS" Die proof in black. Small hole in top frame clear of design. $300 Sold $525 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/941_sml.jpg) £100 "ONE HUNDRED POUNDS" Die proof in black. Small piece missing top right but clear of design. $350 Sold $1250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/942_sml.jpg) 1872/78 Internal Revenue 1d ochre, wmk Crown CC, perf. 12½ & perf. 14 overprinted "IR" & "POSTAGE" obliterated in green group incl perf. 12½ with… $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/943_sml.jpg) 1872/78 Internal Revenue 1d ochre, wmk Crown CC, perf. 14 overprinted "IR" & "POSTAGE" obliterated by 1 green bar. MLH with original gum, tone spot… $180 Sold $260 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/944_sml.jpg) 1881 "IR" ovpts on 1d ochre with Crown/CC wmk, perf. 12½. showing 2 green bars obliterating "POSTAGE" with "IR" below. Fiscally used & cleaned wit… $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/945_sml.jpg) 1881 3d lilac swans (unissued) ovptd "I.R." & surcharged with the new denomination in black. Group incls 1d & 6d MLH, 2d & 3d MUH & 3/- MH with par… $300 Sold $775 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/946_sml.jpg) 1881 3d lilac swans (unissued) ovptd "I.R." & surcharged in black. Complete set from 1d to £10. Incls 1d postally good used, 2d postally fine used… $500 Sold $500 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/947_sml.jpg) 1881 Internal Revenues, CA/Crown wmk with narrow "C". Postally used selection with 1d x 4 good to F/U examples, 2d F/U with Fremantle cancel, 3d F/… $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/948_sml.jpg) 1881 £10 Internal Revenue, fine fiscally used dated 31/10/02 in m/s. Vertical crease to left of swan, a useful space filler. Dzelme R31. $30 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/949_sml.jpg) 1881 Internal Revenues, CA/Crown wmk with narrow "C". Unused group incl 1d, 2d & 3d MUH, 1/- MLH with shortish perfs at right, 2/6d MLH, a few shor… $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/950_sml.jpg) 1881 unissued 3d lilac swan with "I.R." ovpts incl "TWO PENCE" fine MH & "THREE PENCE" MH & MUH/MLH block of 4 plus postally used examples of "ONE … $750 Sold $525 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/951_sml.jpg) 1887 Western Australian bank cheque with the first "ONE PENNY" impressed duty stamp date dated 13th May 1887. Clean but silver fish affected plus a… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/952_sml.jpg) 1893 1d, 2d 3d, 6d & 1/- lilac Revenues. Used range. SG F11/15, Cat. £140+ (5) $30 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/953_sml.jpg) 1896 (4th July) Dated Court document appearing to be part of a Power of Attorney given to James Condon by Owen Evans of Kurnalpi to act on his beha… $400 Sold $525 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/954_sml.jpg) 1896 Internal Revenues, Crown over CA wmk with wide "C". Fiscally used selection to £1 incl 1d F/U, 3d good used (trimmed perfs at base) & 6d F/U … $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/955_sml.jpg) 1896 Internal Revenues, Crown over CA wmk with wide "C". Group incls 1d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d & 5/-. MLH to MVLH with 1/- value having light even toning. … $160 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/956_sml.jpg) 1896 Internal Revenues, Crown over CA wmk with wide "C". Postally used selection incl 1d x 2, 3d x 3, 1/- & 3/-. All F/U with part duplex cancels. … $240 Sold $240 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/957_sml.jpg) 1896 Internal Revenues, Crown over CA wmk with wide "C". Fiscally used short set complete from 1d to £10 cancelled with oval rubber h/s's. 5/- mis… $250 Sold $525 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/958_sml.jpg) 1897 1d Internal Revenue, W Crown A wmk, ovptd "PROBATE DUTY". MLH, Dzelme No.S108 & another ovptd "SUPREME COURT". MH with hinge remainder, Dzelme… $50 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/959_sml.jpg) 1897/1903 Internal Revenues, W crown A wmk. Postally used selection noting 1d, 3d, 6d x2, 1/- & 2/6d. 1/- with light toning & 2/6d 2 short perfs lo… $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/960_sml.jpg) 1897/1903 Internal Revenues, W crown A wmk. A mixed used selection incl 1d, 3d & 6d fine postally used. Note: 1d CTO with full gum possibly ex UPU.… $150 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/961_sml.jpg) 1897/1903 Internal Revenues, W crown A wmk. Mint selection incl 1d x2 MH & MLH, 3d MH, 6d MH, 1/- MH, 2/6d MLH, 3/- x 2 MUH (1 with light crease), … $450 Sold $450 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/962_sml.jpg) 1922/30 1d red Revenue, perf. 14½x13½, block of 20 with four rows of five stamps from the top of the sheet with double perforations. The second p… $800 Sold $600 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/963_sml.jpg) 1934 Page from a wages book with 1d, 9d, 1/-, 2/- & 10/- Financial Emergency Tax & 3d, 1/- & 2/- Hospital fund plus a 2d swan duty stamp. Most attr… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/964_sml.jpg) 1939 (Nov) - 1940 (June) Wages Book with entries on 2 pages per week. Contains a range of Emergency Tax stamps with face values to 10/-, Hospital F… $1200 Sold $400 |
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/965_sml.jpg) 1865 (18th Aug) Proving cover for the 15 bar "20" numeral cancel. 2d blue & 6d violet swans tied by numeral cancel with adjacent Champion Bay cds 1… $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/966_sml.jpg) 1867 (17th Dec) Proving cover tying numeral obliterator 15 bar "8" with Freemantle date stamp. No other postal markings. Listed along with 70 other… $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/967_sml.jpg) 1868 (22nd Nov) Proving cover tying numeral obliterator 15 bar "7" with Minninup date stamp ODS 2. Addressed to "Prinsep Park" Dardanup. Light Bunb… $1100 Sold $1100 |
1869 (31st Mar) Proving cover for 15 bar "8" numeral cancel. 6d violet tied by numeral obliterator with Fremantle cds alongside. Addressed to Engla… $180 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/969_sml.jpg) 1869 (25th July) Proving cover tying 15 bar "17" with Australind cds. Addressed to Dardanup with Bunbury transit cds also on front. Neat accounting… $400 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/970_sml.jpg) 1870 (26th Nov) Proving cover tying 15 bar "6" numeral obliterator to Albany cds. Addressed to Dardanup with Bunbury transit for NO 23 1870. Not li… $300 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/971_sml.jpg) 1889 (13th Dec) "Electric Telegraph, Western Australia" complete form with handwritten message stamp & Albany K.G.S. Telegraph Office oval h/p in r… $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/972_sml.jpg) 1890 (15th Aug) Proving cover to England for 11 bar "B" obliterator. 6d lilac swan tied by cancel with Bunbury cds type 2a alongside. Perth duplex … $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/973_sml.jpg) 1892 (8th Oct) "On Her Majesty's Service" registered, Office of Titles cover with "TO BE REGISTERED" printed at top left. Addressed to Newcastle st… $600 Sold $600 |
1893 (14th Jan) Gingin to Guildford cover with 2d swan tied by Gingin duplex DxL-2. Guildford duplex DxL 2-b arrival b/s. Odd light tone spot & tor… $60 Archived |
1893 (27th Dec) Registered proving cover with 11 bar "F" letter obliterator tying 1d red & 2d grey swans pair with Fremantle cds type 2a in left co… $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/976_sml.jpg) 1894 (25th Aug) F.Mayhew & Co, Fremantle cover illust (on reverse) cover to Melbourne. 3d lilac ovptd "I.R. TWO PENCE" surcharge tied by Fremantle … $300 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/977_sml.jpg) 1895 (29th Dec) Local Fremantle cover with 2d dull purple Inland Revenue pair tied by Fremantle 3b-b in NIL. No other postal markings. Opened neatl… $500 Sold $625 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/978_sml.jpg) 1897 (14th Dec) 1892 ½d chestnut on white stock postcard (PC6) privately printed for the Coolgardie Chamber of Mines (notification of general meet… $50 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/979_sml.jpg) 1899 (30th May) Registered Office of Titles "UNCLAIMED" returned cover to Bulong with Perth Registered ORS 3-a & Bulong 3b-a on front plus Bulong P… $200 Sold $440 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/980_sml.jpg) 1900 (22nd Dec) OHMS Land Titles Department undelivered Registered cover with Land Titles frank stamp to Kalgoorlie. Postal markings on the front i… $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/981_sml.jpg) 1901 (4th Feb) cover from Guildford to USA with ½d green & 1d red swans pair tied by Guildford duplex DxPO index E. B/s's incl "Ship Mail Room Per… $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/982_sml.jpg) 1901 (31st July) Paquebot proving cover for 11 bar "F" letter obliterator with neighbouring Fremantle cds 3b-f in 6. This cover Fremantle to Scotla… $500 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/983_sml.jpg) 1902 (13th Sept) Cover addressed to Bloomfield, New Jersey, USA with 2½d blue swan (SG 114) tied by Beaconsfield 3b-b index 3 (rated rare by Gould… $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/984_sml.jpg) 1904 (4th Oct) Registered cover from Beverley to Tasmania. 2 x 1d red, 2d yellow & 3d brown swans tied by Beverley 3b with oval "R" below. Perth Re… $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/985_sml.jpg) 1904 (1st Nov) Proving cover for the 12 bar "19" numeral obliterator for Donnybrook. Addressed to Tasmania with 2d yellow swan clearly tied by 12 b… $900 Sold $900 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/986_sml.jpg) 1904 (2nd Nov) Fremantle to Hobart "Frank Cadd & Co, Ltd Fremantle" env with logo on flap. 1d red & 2d yellow swans tied by Fremantle duplex DxPO-d… $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/987_sml.jpg) 1904 (16th Nov) Karridale to Tasmania cover with 1d red swans pair tied by Karridale 3b. Launceston transit & Hobart arrival cds's on reverse. VG c… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/988_sml.jpg) 1905 (31st Jan) "Group of Natives of WA" b&w Postcard printed in Hessen for F Mend, Bunbury. Sent from Bunbury to Blackwood via Balbarrup. 1d red s… $100 Sold $4200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/989_sml.jpg) 1905 (18th Apr) "RMS Orontes" colour postcard with GB 1d red KEVII tied by "PAQUEBOT" h/s & Fremantle 3b-b index 2 (1-2). VG cond. $30 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/990_sml.jpg) 1905 (31st May) "Tamil Tea Pluckers" b&w postcard from Colombo to Fremantle with 2 arrival cds's for East Fremantle 3b in NIL (1-2) & Fremantle 3b-… $30 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/991_sml.jpg) 1905 (7th Jul) Registered Albany to England cover with 5d olive swan tied by "R" h/s with neighbouring "Registered Letter Branch Post Office Albany… $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/992_sml.jpg) 1905 (25th Aug) "Melville Water, Swan River from King's Park, Perth WA" Austral Stores postcard with 1d swan tied by Fremantle Town Hall cds 5 in 6… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/993_sml.jpg) 1905 (25th Aug) "The Avon… Stratford-On-Avon" colour postcard with 1d swan tied by Fremantle Town Hall cds index 2 (1-2) & Fremantle receival 3b-… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/994_sml.jpg) 1905 (2nd Sept) VSM Cartoon postcard addressed to "Mr M Pamment c/o Dalgety & Co, Fremantle". 1d swan tied by Fremantle duplex DxPO-d in NIL (1-2).… $20 Sold $15 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/995_sml.jpg) 1905 (5th Sept) "The Gingalee" cartoon postcard from Pingelly to Fremantle with 1d swan tied by cds 3b (1-2) & Fremantle arrival 3b-b index 1 (1-2)… $20 Sold $32 |
1905 (18th Sept) "Holy Trinity Church Stratford-on-Avon" Tuck postcard with 1d swan tied by Fremantle duplex DxpO-d in 11 (1-2). Good cond. $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/997_sml.jpg) 1905 (6th Dec) Incoming mail from Sea Point, Cape of Good Hope to Boulder WA. COGH 1d red KEVII tied by Sea Point cds with "Fimiston Post & Telegra… $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/998_sml.jpg) 1906 (14th July) "Tea Rooms, King River, Albany WA" colour postcard from Albany to Boulder. 1d red swan tied by bullseye "Savings Bank Albany" Sbi … $180 Sold $270 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/999_sml.jpg) 1906 (7th May) Kalgoorlie Municipal Council illust env undelivered env with 1d red swan tied by Kalgoorlie duplex DxPO-h index 1. This is not liste… $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1000_sml.jpg) 1910 (30th July) Registered & Unclaimed Office of Titles "On His Majesty's Service" env to Cue. 5d bistre swan perfined "OS" on V/crown paper, perf… $450 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1001_sml.jpg) 1910 (11th August) Registered, Unclaimed & returned Office of Titles "On His Majesty's Service" env to Kalgoorlie. 5d bistre swan perfined "OS" on … $600 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1002_sml.jpg) 1910 (24th Dec) "For Auld Lang Syne" greetings postcard with 1d swan tied by Perth machine cancel. Neat, crisp Carnarvon 3-b arrival. Good cond. $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1003_sml.jpg) 1911 (13th Jan) "Mis Ola Humphrey as Marguerite Blakely in the Scarlet Pimpernal" b&w theatrical postcard from Kanowna with Kanowna cds D29T tying … $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1004_sml.jpg) 1911 (24th Jan) Registered "UNCLAIMED" "On His Majesty's Service" cover from Perth to Pingelly & re-addressed to Narrogin. 5d bistre swan V/Crown p… $400 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1005_sml.jpg) 1911 (13th Mar) Colour Greeting postcard from Coomberdale to Tambellup with 1d red swan tied by Coomberdale cds C.27. Good cond. $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1006_sml.jpg) 1911 (6th July) Registered undelivered Titles Office on "His Majesty's Service" cover to Bulong. 4d brown swan wmk Crown over double lined A wmk pe… $180 Sold $260 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1007_sml.jpg) 1911 (24th Nov) Roses coloured greetings postcard with 1911 col PPC with 1d swan tied by Smith's Mill A28 (1-2) & addressed to Guildford. Very good… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1008_sml.jpg) 1912 (15th April) Registered RTS "His Majesty's Service" Titles Office env addressed to Dangin with 2d yellow swans perfined "OS" & tied by Perth R… $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1009_sml.jpg) 1912 (10th June) Interesting Land Titles Office on "His Majesty's Service" Registered cover. Addressed to "Mr Henry Smith, Farmer, Perth" & redirec… $60 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1010_sml.jpg) 1913 (10th Feb) Tuck white rose greeting postcard with 1d swan tied by Smith's Mill A28 (1-2). Addressed to Guildford. VG cond. $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1011_sml.jpg) 1914 (30th June) "Post Office, Boulder City" Falk b&w postcard which appears not to have been posted as it has no stamps but it does have a clear "… $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1012_sml.jpg) 1915 (15th Oct) "On His Majesty's Service" Registered cover with block of 4 1d red KGV perfined "OS" & tied by Perth Registered cds. addressed to M… $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1013_sml.jpg) 1916 (5th Feb) "On His Majesty's Service" Registered but undelivered Land Titles Office cover to Dowerin with original caveat still enclosed. KGV 1… $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1014_sml.jpg) 1916 (22nd Feb) Registered but undelivered "On His Majesty's Service" cover addressed to Dowerin with 4d orange kangaroo perfined large "OS" (damag… $100 Sold $230 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1015_sml.jpg) 1916 (25th May) "On His Majesty's Service" Registered & returned Land Titles Office cover addressed to Coolgardie with 4d orange kangaroo perfined … $120 Sold $320 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1016_sml.jpg) 1916 (26th July) KGV 4d Registered envelope (RE 4b - setting 2) with red provisional registration label from Karralee to Southern Cross. Cancelled … $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1017_sml.jpg) 1917 (12 Nov) Opening of Trans-Australian Railway - WA State School Empire Fund MUH horiz pair. Some damage at top with one missing perfs along top… $100 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1018_sml.jpg) 1918 (16th Apr) "King's Park, Perth, WA to Eradu, Northern Railway" b&w postcard on brown stock with 1d red KGV tied by Perth slogan postmark, Pert… $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1019_sml.jpg) 1918 (6th May) 1d red KGV Embossed Envelope registered from Howatharra to Geraldton. 3 x 1d salmon KGV on smooth paper (G26) tied by Howatharra cds… $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1020_sml.jpg) 1931 (6th Jun) Long cover with "Aerial Mail" in m/s top left & addressed to Perth with 6d chestnut kangaroo & 2d red KGV tied by 2 strikes of the D… $60 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1021_sml.jpg) 1936 (21st Jan) Registered cover from Calingiri to Perth with 5d brown KGV tied by Calingiri B27. Large closed tear across front reflected in reserve. $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1022_sml.jpg) 1936 (1st Dec) A.R. card from Clerk of Courts Boulder to Grants Patch. 3d blue KGV perfined "WA" tied by Boulder cds. Clear Grants Patch C30 both f… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1023_sml.jpg) 1937 (10th May) Australia Post Official 1d green QM & 2d red KGVI FDC with Bilbarin C28 cds. Unaddressed with a few tone spots but a scarce cds. $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1024_sml.jpg) 1937 (1st Oct) 150th Anniv of NSW set of 3 on Bassendean Registered Official FDC with R6 blue label & 2 Bassendean strikes. Addressed to Mt Lawley.… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1025_sml.jpg) 1938 (24th Jan) cover front only with 2 x ½d orange KGV each tied by Jacob's Well C31 cds in violet ink. Addressed to Victoria. Unusual. $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1026_sml.jpg) 1938 (24th Feb) A.R. card from Clerk of Courts Geraldton to Oakabella (29km north of Geraldton with no marking known). 3d blue KGV perfined "WA" ti… $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1027_sml.jpg) 1940 (2nd Aug) A.R. card from Clerk of Courts, Boulder to Erlistoun with 3d blue KGV perfined "WA" not tied by pmk. Complete Erlistoun E.30 cds's o… $60 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1028_sml.jpg) 1941 (27th Jan) A.R. card from Clerk of Courts Katanning to Ballaying Siding, a farming area 20km east of Wagin. 3d blue KGVI perfined "WA" tied by… $60 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1029_sml.jpg) 1941 (26th Jun) A.R. card from Mining Registrar Southern Cross to Evanston, Mining town 150km west of Menzies. KGVI 3d blue perfined "WA" tied by S… $40 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1030_sml.jpg) 1942 (25th Nov) Registered 2½d red KGVI embossed envelope with added 3d KGVI defin for the registration from Bunbury to Maylands. The most importa… $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1031_sml.jpg) 1943 (16th Apr) Mining Act O.H.M.S. postcard from The Mining Registrar, Southern Cross to Ghoorli & returned unclaimed. ½d orange kangaroo & 1d gr… $50 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1032_sml.jpg) 1948 (15th Sep) AR card from Clerk of Courts Katanning to Jingalup, a farming area near Kojonup, with 3d brown KGVI & ½d orange kangaroo both perf… $40 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1033_sml.jpg) 1948 (23rd Oct) Registered Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia cover from Caversham with provisional regd label in m/s. Addressed to Forrest Pla… $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1034_sml.jpg) 1948 (9th Nov) Commonwealth Savings Bank registered cover from Canning Highway to Perth with mixed defin franking of 8½d tied by Canning Highway E… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1035_sml.jpg) 1948 (10th Nov) Registered Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia cover from Inglewood North to Perth. Strip of three 2½d Farrer tied by Inglewood… $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1036_sml.jpg) 1948 (17th Dec) "Form M.O. 118 Receipt to Remitter of a Telegraph Money Order Issued at Kalgoorlie" with clear, upright M.O.Office Kalgoorlie C28 M… $30 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1037_sml.jpg) 1952 (19th Mar) 1/0½d indigo KGVI & 2/6d sepia "One Pound Jimmy" FDC tied by fine, upright Kalgoorlie cds on regular sized env. Most attractive. $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1038_sml.jpg) 1952 (7th Apr) "On His Majesty's Service" cover front with 3½d blue KGVI perfined "WA" tied by neat "POSTMASTER GWALIA WA" oval rubber stamp ORS1.… $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1039_sml.jpg) 1952 (9th Apr) AR card from Clerk of Courts Merredin to Chandler with 6d brown kookaburra perfined "WA" & tied by neat Merredin cds with neighbouri… $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1040_sml.jpg) 1952 (10th Dec) Proving cover for "Relief No.9" being allocated to Grass Valley in December 1952. "Sermon's Store General Storekeepers and Agents G… $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1041_sml.jpg) 1954 (20th Oct) Airmail cover from Horseshoe to England with fine Meekatharra transit cds. 2/- sepia crocodile tied by upright complete Horseshoe E… $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1042_sml.jpg) 1955 (28th Feb) 1/0½d QEII embossed Registered Letter upgraded with 2½d blue QEII defin from Albany North to Victoria. Tied by Albany North E30b … $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1043_sml.jpg) 1955 (13th Apr) Registered cover Provisional reg label for "INNALOO" completed in m/s addressed to Perth. Innaloo was renamed West Osborne on 1st J… $25 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1044_sml.jpg) 1955 (14th Oct) AR card from Merredin to Campion with 6d kookaburra tied by Merredin cds with Campion E31 cds rated scarce by Goulder (PMC). Campio… $25 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1045_sml.jpg) 1956 (6th Aug) Registered cover with "Caversham" provisional registration label in m/s & addressed to Victoria. ½d kangaroo & 1/- lyrebird tied by… $30 Sold $30 |
1957 (28th Aug) AR card from Clerk of Courts sent from Geraldton to Caron. 9d platypus tied by Geraldton cds with neighbouring Caron A30 cds. Rated… $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1047_sml.jpg) 1958 (12th May) Registered cover from Greenhills to Victoria with an attractive mixed franking from the 40's & 50's tied by Greenhills B27 cds's. P… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1048_sml.jpg) 1959 (13th Jun) 1/7d QEII embossed Registered Letter from Bayswater South to Sydney. Pmkd Bayswater South E30 with matching R6 reg label. Perth & S… $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1049_sml.jpg) 1968 Complete book of official receipts to acknowledge the number of "Received at..................from the General Post Office the undermentioned … $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1050_sml.jpg) 1974 (11th Feb) Registered Airmail cover with "DOG SWAMP, W.A." Provisional reg label with mauve h/s. Printed "Co-Operative Insurance Society Ltd" … $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1051_sml.jpg) 1980 (24th Aug) set of 3 illust commem covers for Association for the Blind of WA bike ride Perth to Kalgoorlie with red cachet & signed by 21 of t… $30 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1052_sml.jpg) 1986 (8th Oct) "Jerramungup, Wool Country" sheep illust cover with "No. 14 West Aust" E31-b tying AAT 36c Treaty commem. The use of relief No.14 ha… $25 Sold $25 |
Postal Stationery: Envelopes |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1053_sml.jpg) 1902 2d yellow postally used from Fremantle dated JY 9 03 with duplex cancel & addressed to Sydney with part Sydney arrival on back. Only 2430 deli… $220 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1054_sml.jpg) 1908 2d chrome-yellow. Fine used from Cue to Fremantle dated FEB 1919 - very late usage. Hinged remnants on reverse. Perth slogan cancel & Fremantl… $250 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1055_sml.jpg) 1908 2d chrome-yellow. Number delivered 10000. Fine & fresh unused. EN 5, Cat. $500 $150 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1056_sml.jpg) 1909 1d rose, large Die. Superb unused cond. EN 6, Cat. $800 $350 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1057_sml.jpg) 1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in blue ink on 2d lemon yellow Envelope (EN 5). Very fine unused. EN 9, Cat. $400 $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1058_sml.jpg) 1912 "ONE PENNY." surcharge in blue-green ink on 2d Envelope (EN 3). Postally used with by Day Dawn 31 OC 1912 cds. Addressed to Fremantle with sli… $200 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1059_sml.jpg) 1912 1d deep carmine, small Die. Fine postally used from Cue with neat upright 17 JAN 13 cds with full neighbouring impression above typed London a… $350 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1060_sml.jpg) 1912 1d deep carmine, small Die. Unused with light staining/spotting mainly around the edges. EN 7, Cat. val not listed. $150 Sold $150 |
Postal Stationery: Lettercards |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1061_sml.jpg) 1902 1d red with text on the front. Superb unused with only 2400 delivered. LC 1, Cat. $1000 $500 Sold $350 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1062_sml.jpg) 1902 2d brown-red with text on back. Fine unused, a little adhesion on gum flap. LC 2, Cat. $400 $160 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1063_sml.jpg) 1908 2d ultramarine without text on back. Cancelled Perth, 10.15AM 5 SE 11 with large oval "Postmaster General's Dept Commonwealth of Australia" ov… $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1064_sml.jpg) 1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in red on 2d fine used from Meckering to Perth dated AP 21 1913. Mild signs of ageing. Number delivered 7158. LC 5, Cat.… $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1065_sml.jpg) 1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in red on 2d. Fine used from Perth with machine cancel dated 3 MAR 13 & addressed to Adelaide. Number delivered 7158. LC… $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1066_sml.jpg) 1915 2d brown-red with text on back. Postally used from Bulong to Germany & Underpaid with hexagonal boxed "T5". Cancelled with very light duplex c… $200 Sold $140 |
Postal Stationery: Postcards |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1067_sml.jpg) 1892 ½d chestnut (PC 6) uprated with 1d red swan from Kellerberrin to Melbourne. Cancelled by faint Kellerberrin Telegraph Office oval rubber stam… $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1068_sml.jpg) 1908 1d blue American Fleet Postcard (PC 16). Fine used with SP 4 1908 Aberdeen Street Perth cds type 3b. Pristine cond. Very early usage with firs… $350 Sold $350 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1069_sml.jpg) 1908 1d blue American Fleet Postcard (PC 16). Superb unused. $200 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1070_sml.jpg) 1909 1d Paris blue (PC 17) printed to private order for the National Bank Of Australasia Limited acknowledging receipt of deposit. V/F/used from Pe… $250 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1071_sml.jpg) 1909 1d Paris blue (PC 17) unused, only 5150 delivered. Superb unused, very scarce. Cat. $400 $250 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1072_sml.jpg) 1910 1d steel blue (PC 17.1) printed to private order for Messrs Burns, Philp & Co Ltd, Fremantle (1910). Used by clients to notify the number of "… $300 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1073_sml.jpg) 1910 1d steel blue (PC 17.1). Only 4896 delivered. Unused with some tone spots & staining both sides. Remains an elusive card. Cat. $400 $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1074_sml.jpg) 1910 1d steel blue (PC 18.1) printed to private order for the "Melbourne Road Machinery Depot, Perth….." to advise of orders received & goods des… $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1075_sml.jpg) 1910 1d steel blue (PC 18.1) to local Perth address & dated 17 NOV 1910. A depressing message on reverse stating "Since sacrificing my business so … $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1076_sml.jpg) 1912 1½d blue on green stock (PC 19). 4000 delivered. Fine unused & rarely seen so fine. Cat. $800 $380 Archived |
1912 1½d blue on green stock postcard UPU issue postmarked Perth 29 Mr 1912, very fine. Cat. $150 $100 Archived |
Postal Stationery: Registered Envelopes |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1078_sml.jpg) 1903 3d red-brown stamp & text. CTO Perth 5 MR 1914. Ex 1987 Australia Post archival sale. Fine. RE 2, Cat. $200 $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1079_sml.jpg) 1903 3d stamp & text in brown with additional 1d red swans tied by Cranbrook 3b MY 1 07 cds's in violet. Addressed to Albany stamps with 2 variable… $160 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1080_sml.jpg) 1903 3d stamp & text in red-brown, large size envelope 230x102mm. Perth Registered to India uprated by 3 stamps, 2 of which have been removed leavi… $300 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1081_sml.jpg) 1903 8d stamp & text in brown RE 2.1 (1). One unused (toning) plus a CTO Perth 5 MR 1914 example. Ex 1987 Australia Post archival sale. RE 2.1 (1),… $300 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1082_sml.jpg) 1906 3d stamp & text in brown. Cancelled to order Perth 5 MR 14. Fine. RE 4, Cat. $400 $220 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1083_sml.jpg) 1909 3d stamp & text in dark brown, large size envelope 230x102mm. Cancelled to order Perth 3.45P 5 MR 1914 for UPU distribution. Ex 1987 Australia… $250 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1084_sml.jpg) 1910 3d red-brown stamp with ochre text cancelled to order Perth 3.45PM 5 MR 1914. Ex Australia Post archival sale. Very fine. RE 2.2, Cat. $500 $280 Sold $280 |
Western Australia: Postal Stationery - Wrappers |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1085_sml.jpg) 1898 "WEST AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER ONLY" illust wrapper for the "WESTERN MAIL". Block printing press addressed "Rev. G. SADLER, Guildford." Unused wit… $3000 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1086_sml.jpg) 1902 ½d green with double border line. Fresh unused, vert fold clear of stamp. WR1, Cat. $200 $75 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1087_sml.jpg) 1902 1d red with double line border. Used from Fremantle to Germany with neat Fremantle Town Hall 3b cds's. Fine & scarce. WR2, Cat. $400 $250 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1088_sml.jpg) 1902 1d red with double lined border. Fine unused with a few horiz light creases. WR2, Cat. $250 $75 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1089_sml.jpg) 1903 ½d green with single lined border. Fine unused, usual light creases. WR3, Cat. $300 $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1090_sml.jpg) 1903 ½d green with single lined border uprated by ½d green swan. Used from Claremont to Edinburgh, Scotland. Tied by SP 3 06 cds's. Good used wit… $160 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1091_sml.jpg) 1904 1d red with single line border & Serpentine roulette in colour. Fine used from Fimiston to the Austrian-Hungarian Consulate, Adelaide S.A. Tie… $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1092_sml.jpg) 1904 1d red with single line border & Serpentine roulette gauge 13. Fine unused, some creasing & small piece missing from left side. WR4, Cat. $250 $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1093_sml.jpg) 1909 ½d green (109-110mm x 290-296mm) with sides guillotined. Fine unused with some light creasing. Scarce. WR5, Cat. $800 $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1094_sml.jpg) 1910 ½d green (130-134mm x 285-295mm) on pale buff paper with guillotined sides. Fine unused. WR5.1, Cat. $500 $300 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1095_sml.jpg) 1910 ½d green (130-134mm x 285-295mm) on pale buff paper with guillotined sides. Fine used with neat Perth 10.45A 18 MY 14 cds & uprated by additi… $700 Sold $500 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1096_sml.jpg) 1910 1d red (130-134mm x 285-295mm), no line border, on brown paper with guillotined sides. Diagonal corner crease top left & 10mm paper split on t… $250 Archived |
Western Australia: Literature |
"Western Australia - The Postal Markings Illustrated" by WASG. 976 pages for compilation in 3 volumes. Shows an extensive range of postmarks with d… $100 Sold $100 |
"Western Australia The Stamps and Postal History", "WA The Postal Stationery to 1914" by Pope & Thomas & "The Fiscal Stamps Of Western Australia" b… $40 Sold $40 |
Western Australia: Postmarks |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1099_sml.jpg) 30 Mile via Norseman on 1d red KGV 5 Nov 1915. "30 MILE" only partly visible. Postmark is a little blurry but rarely available. (1) $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1100_sml.jpg) Abba River A25 on 2d red KGV dated 14 MR 25. PMI states no dates known while PMC records c1923-1930. Group settlement No.16. (1) $100 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1101_sml.jpg) Abbots 3b Index NIL & index 1. Both strikes on 2d yellow swans for DE 6 05 & 11 JU 00 respectively. PMI dates 17-09-00 to 20-10-05. Nil blurry stri… $40 Sold $42 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1102_sml.jpg) Acton Park A27 on 1½d green KGV for 2 OC 1923. PMI's only date is 5-10-23, PMC 1922-1927. (1) $100 Sold $230 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1103_sml.jpg) Airdale C25 Variable almost complete strike on 1½d red KGV for 20 JL 2(2)? PMI dates 16-03-26 to 29-7-27. Group settlement No. 84. (1) $80 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1104_sml.jpg) Albany Registered Letter Branch ORS 2a. An almost complete strike in blue ink on 2d Postage Dues pair for 18 NOV 1905. Lovely example. $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1105_sml.jpg) Albany Registered Letter Branch ORS2b. Two almost complete strikes in violet on block of 6 x 6d violet swans, crown/CA wmk for 24 SEP 1897. Rare po… $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1106_sml.jpg) Ambergate A30 85% strike on 3d blue KGV dated 25 JE 25. PMI's only date is 4-06-25. Group settlement No.44. (1) $120 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1107_sml.jpg) Appadene A30 light variable strike on 1½d ref KGV 10 Feb 27. Only PMI date 20-12-27 Group settlement No.83. (1) $100 Sold $170 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1108_sml.jpg) Applecross (a) D27 Light, variable but complete strike on 1d red swan for 15 AUG 12. PMI's only date is 31-09-15. PMI c1907-08. (1) $75 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1109_sml.jpg) Armadale Post & Telegraph Office ORS2 Complete strike in black ink on 2d yellow swan, W Crown A wmk, on piece. Dated 1? JUL 189? This type 2 cancel… $60 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1110_sml.jpg) Armadale Post & Telegraph Office ORS2 on 2d grey swan on piece dated 5- OCT 1899 on piece. Same the type as listed above also in violet. Stamp dama… $50 Sold $260 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1111_sml.jpg) Armadale Post & Telegraph Office ORS2 on 2d yellow swan, W Crown A wmk on piece. Dated 5- JUL 1899. Same unrecorded type as that listed above but i… $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1112_sml.jpg) Arrino (c) 3b on 2d yellow swan for OC 5 04. PO Opened 1-01-04 & closed 21-02-06. (1) $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1113_sml.jpg) Arrino (d) A27 80% strike on 2d yellow swan. Opened 1-04-07 & closed 12-07-07. Rarely seen. $100 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1114_sml.jpg) Arrino 3b on 2d yellow swan dated AP 24 05. Excellent example. (1) $25 Sold $32 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1115_sml.jpg) Arthur River Telegraph Office ORS 2. 70% strike on 1d red swans pair dated 3 APR 08. (1) $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1116_sml.jpg) Arthur River Telegraph Office ORS 2. Light complete strike on 1d swans on piece for 28 FEB 1908. (1) $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1117_sml.jpg) Arthur River Telegraph Office ORS 2b on 2d swan. 50% strike in violet for 28 Dec (…). Scarce. (1) $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1118_sml.jpg) Australind PA PO 1c Undated in magenta ink on piece. Rarely seen. (1) $120 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1119_sml.jpg) Badderra B29 on 1d red KGV 25 Jul (?). Almost complete but variable cancel. Difficult to find. $20 Sold $34 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1120_sml.jpg) Balbarrup B29 on 1d red swan for 15 MY 12. PMI dates 25-02-13 to 28-04-22 thus very early usage & unusual on swans. $30 Sold $44 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1121_sml.jpg) Balbarrup CDS 1 on 1d red swan for SP 21 01 - an early date. (1-2) $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1122_sml.jpg) Balbarrup Post & Telegraph Office ORS 3a 50% strike on joined pair of 1d red swans dated 6 SEP 97. Very useful partial strike. (1) $50 Sold $480 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1123_sml.jpg) Baldivis A30 Crisp 85% strike on 1½d red KGV for 14 AU 24. No dates recorded in PMI while PMC ranges 1914-1927. Group settlement No. 66. (1) $70 Sold $380 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1124_sml.jpg) Balingup Savings Bank Sbi 2 Clear & complete strikes on 2 x 1d red swans on piece dated AU 27 07. Rarely seen so fine. (1) $100 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1125_sml.jpg) Balla Balla (a) 3b index 1. 75% strike on 2d yellow swan dated DE 4 00. Nice clear part strike. (1) $30 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1126_sml.jpg) Balla Balla A27 on 1d red swans pair perfined "OS" for 24 OC 1912. Same as the only recorded date in PMI. (1) $50 Sold $290 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1127_sml.jpg) Bamboo Creek Post & Telegraph Office ORS 1. Two part strikes with one on 2½d blue swans pair dated 12 Mar 00 & another on 2d grey swan for ? NOV 1… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1128_sml.jpg) Bardoc 3b-a Index 1. Late date on 1d red swan for 21 DE (inv slug) 12 & on 1d red KGV for 9 AU (still with month slug inv) 15. PMI dates 25-04-02 t… $60 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1129_sml.jpg) Barlee Brook c30 59% strike on 1½d red KGV for 2 MR 28. PMI states no marking known while PMC has c1928-30. A rare part strike. $60 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1130_sml.jpg) Barrabupp D27-a Two separate strikes with one in violet on 2d yellow swan 3 MR 10 (not recorded in violet in either PMI or PMC) & second in black o… $40 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1131_sml.jpg) Barrambie A25 Two part strikes on 2d yellow swans pair dated 26 SEP 08. PMI dates from 31-10-06 to 1-08-08. (1) $50 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1132_sml.jpg) Barton 3b on 2d yellow swan for 2 DE (?). Almost complete but variable cancel. Scarce. $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1133_sml.jpg) Bayswater 3b Nil index on 1d red swan dated 8 (?) 05. A light partial strike. (1) $20 Sold $15 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1134_sml.jpg) Beaconsfield 3b-a. Complete but variable strike on pair of 1d red swans for DE 9 99. (1-2) $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1135_sml.jpg) Beaconsfield 3b-b. Four stamps with indexes NIL, 1, 2 & 3. Virtually all are complete, clear strikes on swans from 1900-1910. All are rated from ve… $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1136_sml.jpg) Benjinup A27 on 3d blue KGV for 12 JU 24 & on 1½d red KGV dated 20 JE 27. PMI has earliest recorded date as 24-08-24 & last recorded date as 2-02-… $60 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1137_sml.jpg) Bentley Postmaster WA 6102 ORS1 on piece for 1 SEP 1978. A modern postmark rated (1) by Goulder & the only one we've seen. $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1138_sml.jpg) Beria Post Office Undated double circle ORS 2 on 2d yellow swan. A clear bullseye example. (1) $60 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1139_sml.jpg) Beria Savings Bank SBV dated 30 OCT 09 on 2d yellow swan (damaged). PMI dates from 22-01-10 to 11-05-11. (1) $50 Sold $140 |
Berkshire Valley D26 Two examples with useful dates. PMI recorded dates are 20-01-22 to 21-06-27. One is a full strike for 19 NOV 18 on ½d green &… $50 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1141_sml.jpg) Berrigan A27T spelt "BIRRIGRIN" on 2d yellow swan for 19 SEP 10. (1) $30 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1142_sml.jpg) Berrigan A27T spelt "BIRRIGRIN" with a very late date of 27 (?) 13. Latest PMI date is 31-11-10. (1) $40 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1143_sml.jpg) Beverley "BE" barred letter obliterator Ob BL. Multiple strikes on used block of 6 x 2d grey swans. Unusual multiple. $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1144_sml.jpg) Beverley Post & Telegraph Office ORS 3 on piece for 8 OCT 1898. Partly "doubled" at top due to double strike. (1) $60 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1145_sml.jpg) Beverley Savings Bank Sbii. Light but complete strike on 2d swan on piece for NO 4 04. A late date. (1) $60 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1146_sml.jpg) Beverley Savings Bank SBv on 9d orange swan (Crown/A wmk) dated 8 SEP 11. PMI dates it from 23-02-12 to 3-08-12. A rare early date. (1) $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1147_sml.jpg) Bonnievale 3b-a on 6d violet swan (W crown A wmk) dated 20 Jul 08. F/U with bullseye cancel. $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1148_sml.jpg) Bonnievale Post & Telegraph Office ORS 2 50% strike on 2d yellow swan dated 2 MAY 99 in blue ink. PMI dates 16-10-98 to 22-06-07 . Very clear part … $80 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1149_sml.jpg) Bonnievale Savings Bank SB1. An almost complete but variable strike on 1d red swan for AU 3 01. Not recorded in PMI. Rare. (1) $100 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1150_sml.jpg) Boogardie D28 on 1½d KGV for 1 FEB. 30 PMI dates it from 12-02-22 to 1-06-27. An almost complete clear example. Late date. $30 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1151_sml.jpg) Boojetup A26 on 1½d red KGV dated 25 AU 24. Group settlement AP 11. PMI could provide no dates or an illustration. A rare example. (1) $100 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1152_sml.jpg) Boolading B27 on block of 1d red kangaroos (wmk indicates block is from top right corner of sheet) for 17 MR 13. PMI dates this from 15-04-12 to 10… $75 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1153_sml.jpg) Boolading B27. A fine, almost complete strike on pair of 1d red swans for 5 AU 12. Fine strike & rare on swans. (1) $75 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1154_sml.jpg) Boorabbin Telegraph Office CL30 80% strike on 1d red kangaroo for 12 JE 14. A superior example. (1) $50 Sold $650 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1155_sml.jpg) Boudain C28. A superb complete strike on 2d AIF commem for 23 OC 40. Hard to find better. (1-2) $25 Sold $36 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1156_sml.jpg) Boulder Registration Branch ORS2. Two virtually complete strikes on piece dated 4 AUG 1899 in violet ink. PMI dates 3-04-98 to 26-08-99. (1) $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1157_sml.jpg) Boyandlie Park A25 60% strike on 1½d red KGV for 18 NO 27. Group Settlement No.60 which PMI dates from 1-10-25 to at least Nov 1927! (1) $60 Sold $260 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1158_sml.jpg) Boyanup Post & Telegraph Office ORS1 on 1d red swans pair for 18 DEC 1899. PMI dates 13-02-99 to 11-01-00. A rarely seen almost complete variable s… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1159_sml.jpg) Bramley A26 Complete variable strike on 1½d KGV on piece for 2 JL 27. Group settlement No.17. No illustration or dates recorded in PMI & a rare fu… $100 Sold $340 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1160_sml.jpg) Bremer Bay Two fine strikes with a 2c impression on 2d yellow swan for SP 15 06 & two complete D27 strikes on a 1d red swans block of 4 dated 11 NO… $40 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1161_sml.jpg) Bridgetown Post & Telegraph Office ORS3. Superb complete & clear strike having being used as a b/s on envelope (cut out). Dated 28 JAN 1916. (1-2) $60 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1162_sml.jpg) Broad Arrow Savings Bank SBi Superb bullseye example on 2d yellow swan for 30 SP 10. PMI dates 29-09-06 to 19-?2-08. Stunning! $100 Sold $170 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1163_sml.jpg) Brookhampton B27 complete variable strike on 1d red KGV on piece dated 28 NO 14. This is ten years earlier than PMI dates 13-11-24 to ?-01-60. (1) $70 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1164_sml.jpg) Brownhill 3b 5 examples with different indices incl NIL for AU 21 12, "1" dated 13 MR 03, "2" dated DE 28 05, "3" for AU 10 00 & "4" dated NO 14 06… $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1165_sml.jpg) Brucedale A27 complete strike on 1½d red KGV on piece for 25 SE 24. PMI dates 25-02-24 to 12-01-25, group settlement No.21. Rare. (1) $120 Sold $270 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1166_sml.jpg) Brunswick Nil, 1, 2 & 3 indices in 3b strikes with Nil on pair, 1 on swan on piece, 2 on pair & 3 on 1d red swan. Each is rated scarce to very scar… $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1167_sml.jpg) Bulla Bulling Post & Telegraph Office ORS3. Variable 50% strike on joined pair of ½d green swans dated 4 APR 1899. The only PMI date is 7-11-99. (1) $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1168_sml.jpg) Bullsbrook 2005 (19th & 20th Nov) Defence Force Air Show Pearce Air Force base illust covers for both days each cancelled by an F-18 pictorial pmk.… $30 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1169_sml.jpg) Bulong 3b-c An almost complete strike on ½d green swan for AU 17 06. Scarce & fine. (1) $50 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1170_sml.jpg) Bulong 3b-c. Two strikes on 2d yellow swans pair for JY 24 06. PMI dates 4-07-06 to 19-12-06. Strikes are variable but quite legible. (1) $50 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1171_sml.jpg) Bulong Money Order Office RRS 2 on 2½d blue swans pair for 10 JUL 97. PMI dates 30-03-97 to 12-06-99. Fine. (1) $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1172_sml.jpg) Bulong Money Order Office RRS 2 Strong clear complete strike on 1d red swans pair on piece dated 12 JUN. 99. Rare. (1) $80 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1173_sml.jpg) Bulong Savings Bank Sbii Superb strike on piece dated SE 26 98. PMI dates ??-??-98 to 4-08-02. Scarce so fine. (1) $70 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1174_sml.jpg) Bunbury Paid PA pd 2 x 2. One on piece dated "18th Sep 57" in m/s (PMI dates 1843 to 1854) & second on part of the masthead of the "Bunbury Herald"… $50 Sold $75 |
Bungalla B30 on 1d red swan for 29 NO 12. Scarce on swans. (1-2) $25 Sold $38 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1176_sml.jpg) Burgess Siding 3b on 2d yellow swan on piece. F/U variable strike. (1) $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1177_sml.jpg) Busselton C31 T-a (early date) on 1½d red KGV dated 30 JL 29. Complete strike on piece. PMI dates 5.08.30 to 22.11.30. $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1178_sml.jpg) Butterfly B28 40% strike on 1d kangaroo with part 1916 date. PMI dates ?-06-14 to 21-07-14. Appears to be used for just over a month! (1) $70 Sold $460 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1179_sml.jpg) Canning Mills B28 on 1d red KGV for 11 AU 16. Not listed in PMI while PMC lists only one date. Rare. (1) $60 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1180_sml.jpg) Champion Bay PO 1 Undated double oval Post Office Crown Champion Bay Western Australia on piece. PMI states "from 1854". An rare early postmark. (1) $100 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1181_sml.jpg) Chapman Experimental Farm CRS 44mm triple circle rubber stamp on 2 x 2d yellow swans on piece dated "1909". Although only a 60% strike this remains… $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1182_sml.jpg) Chapman State Farm C28 60% strike on 1d red kangaroo for 23 MY 14. PMI date 18-10-11. (1) $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1183_sml.jpg) Chapmans Hill A27 on 2d KGV for 26 AU 23. PMI states "no marking known", Group Settlement No. 40 $100 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1184_sml.jpg) Chidlow's Well Post & Telegraph Office ORS3 on 1d red kangaroo on piece dated 13 Jun 1914. PMI date 13-06-11. Attractive 70% strike in mauve. (1) $80 Sold $230 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1185_sml.jpg) Coghlan Rd Subiaco A25 Light 80% strike on 1d red KGV for 6 MAR 16. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. A new discovery! $80 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1186_sml.jpg) Collie Fields 3b-a Index 7 on 2d yellow swan for AU 4 03. Scarce. (1) $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1187_sml.jpg) Collie Savings Bank Sbii 80% strike dated MY 18 01 on 2d yellow swan. Attractive. (1-2) $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1188_sml.jpg) Cookernup duplex DxPO index 1 on ½d green swans block of 4 dated 28 MR 01. Neat example. (1) $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1189_sml.jpg) Cookernup Post & Telegraph Office ORS3 90% strike on 1d red swans pair for 27 MAY 1909. The only date recorded in PMI. (1) $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1190_sml.jpg) Cookernup Post & Telegraph Office ORS4 50% strike on 1d red kangaroo on piece for 15 JUL 13. PMI dates 1-01-14 to 1-04-14. Very short period of use… $70 Sold $290 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1191_sml.jpg) Cookernup Post & Telegraph Office ORS4 on 1d kangaroo dated 3 JAN 14. Rare part central strike. (1) $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1192_sml.jpg) Coolgardie Railway Post & Telegraph Office ORS2 in violet on 2d grey swan on piece dated 5 MAR 96. PMI date 05-02-96. PMI notes "Yilgarn Railway co… $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1193_sml.jpg) Coolgardie Registration Branch ORS1 on piece for 1 APR. 99 plus ORS3 dated 26 JUL. 97 on 2d & 3d swans on piece. Two scarce complete strikes. (1-2) $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1194_sml.jpg) Coonanalion Post & Telegraph Office ORS2 An undated part strike on 1d red swan. Incls notes provided by Goulder. The author of PMC states that "Thi… $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1195_sml.jpg) Coongan B29-6 Bullseye strike on 4½d violet KGV on piece in "FORWARDED BY AIRMAIL" cachet dated 8 JY 28. PMI dates 19-05-32 to 31-12-35. This is a… $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1196_sml.jpg) Copperfield B30 on 1d red kangaroo for 18 MY 14. PMI dates 12-12-14 to close on 31-03-15. Lovely postmark in violet ink. (1) $50 Sold $340 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1197_sml.jpg) Cossack Telegraph Office ORS2 on piece dated 7 OCT 1898. PMI dates it at c1898. Complete & scarce. (1) $70 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1198_sml.jpg) Cuddingwarra Post Office ORS2 Two undated partial strikes on 1d red swans, perf 14 C/CA wmk. This postmark is a new find & not recorded in either P… $80 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1199_sml.jpg) Cue 3b-d on 2d yellow swan with W crown A wmk for SP 13 00. Fine full strike. (1-2) $20 Sold $16 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1200_sml.jpg) Cue Post & Telegraph Office ORS3. 3 different types for 21 MAR 1907, 8 MAR 1913 & DEC 16 Dec 1931. PMI dates 1905-1931. 3 fine strikes on part tele… $60 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1201_sml.jpg) Cunderdin Savings Bank SBv on 1d red swan for 17 AUG 11. 60% variable strike. PMI dates 8-08-11 to 30-08-11. One the scarcest savings bank cancels.… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1202_sml.jpg) Dandaragan Unlisted early type, very similar to Abbotts 3b with 25mm ring on piece for NO 96. Stained & cut to shape but an interesting new discovery. $50 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1203_sml.jpg) Day Dawn 3b-q complete strike & two part strikes on 2 x 2d yellow swans with W crown A wmk on piece dated "21 JAN 2". (1-2) $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1204_sml.jpg) Day Dawn Savings Bank Sbi on 1/- green swan, W crown A wmk, dated SP 12. PMI dates 31-05-05 to 5-02-08. 90% clear, complete strike. Rarely seen on … $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1205_sml.jpg) Denmark 3b Index 19 on 1½d KGV for 21 MR 30. Lovely bullseye strike. (1) $25 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1206_sml.jpg) Diamond Tree A26 on 1½d red KGV for 2 MR 25. PMI dates 20-06-27 to closing on 31-07-27. Rare. (1) $100 Sold $340 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1207_sml.jpg) Dixvale A26 Variable strike but clear on 1½d red KGV dated 21 SE 28. PMI dates this from 21-05-27 to 14-09-31. Group settlement No.5. This is the … $90 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1208_sml.jpg) Dongara 3b Index A on 2d yellow swan on piece dated OC 19 3. Bold bullseye strike. $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1209_sml.jpg) Doodlakine Post Office 80% seal on 2d yellow swan with PMI dating this at c1905. Rare postal use. $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1210_sml.jpg) Dowerin Post & Telegraph Office ORS3 Superb strike on piece from reverse of env dated 13 AUG 13. Not recorded in either PMI or PMC. $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1211_sml.jpg) Dudinin B27 on 2d orange KGV. Very early date for 1 DD 21. PMI dates 1-09-24 to 18-08-80. A superb early example of a somewhat common strike. $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1212_sml.jpg) East Fremantle 3b Index NIL on 1d red swan for JU 2 05. A lovely example complete on piece. (1-2) $20 Sold $32 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1213_sml.jpg) Edjudina 3b complete but variable strike on 1d red swan 10 OC 08, with blue pencil registration marking. Scarce. (1) $20 Sold $26 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1214_sml.jpg) Edjudina 3b. Block of 4 x 1d red swans with 4 strikes for AU 15 12. A late date. (1) $60 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1215_sml.jpg) Ellis Creek D28 on 1½d brown KGV. An early date for this strike - 3 JAN 20. PMI dates 20-01-20 to 24-11-24! (1-2) $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1216_sml.jpg) Eulaminna A28 Fine partial 70% strike on 1d red swan dated 27 MY 1908. (1) $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1217_sml.jpg) Eulaminna A28 on 2d swan for 18 JU 1908. PMI dates this from 10-2-08 to closing on 16-11-08. (1) $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1218_sml.jpg) Fremantle Town Hall Postmaster ORS2 Complete strike on 1d red swans pair on piece. Indistinct date. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1219_sml.jpg) Fimiston Postmaster ORS3Complete strike dated 4- JUL 1930 on piece in red ink. Only PMI date is c.1930. Scarce. (1) $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1220_sml.jpg) Fitzroy 3b on 2d yellow swan for FE 8 9. PMI dates this from 3-06-01 to 21-11-11. A wonderful bullseye example. (1) $50 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1221_sml.jpg) Folly C30 50% strike on KGV on piece showing "OLLY". Rare part strike with PMI stating that no marking is known! $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1222_sml.jpg) Forrest C28 Superb complete double line circle cancel on 1½d Sturt pair on piece dated 13 FEB. 1932. PMI dates this as c1929. A rare postmark so f… $70 Sold $170 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1223_sml.jpg) Fremantle 15 bar 8 numeral obliterator tying 6d grey-black imperf swan (corner damage) to piece with neighbouring Fremantle cds for FE 20 1860. Use… $50 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1224_sml.jpg) Fremantle Post Master ORS3 on 3d Sydney Harbour Bridge on piece with left margin in violet. Not recorded in either PMI or PMC. Page 268 PMI states … $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1225_sml.jpg) Fremantle Post Office Double lined oval POST OFFICE/ Crown/ FREMANTLE/ WESTERN AUSTRALIA PO1 on piece. PMI dates from ?-09-54 to 11-07-59. Superb f… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1226_sml.jpg) Fremantle Post Office Undated double circle POST OFFICE/ Crown/ FREMANTLE PA PO 2A. PMI dates this from 19-08-1835 to 3-06-1853. An attractive earl… $75 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1227_sml.jpg) Fremantle Unpaid Boxed "UNPAID 11/11/52 FREMANTLE" PA UPd 2 with date in m/s. PMI dates this strike from 28-03-44 to 10-06-50. A scarce postal mark… $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1228_sml.jpg) Gabanintha A25 on 2d yellow swan for 4 NOV 08. Scarce. (1-2) $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1229_sml.jpg) Georgina 3b Complete on 2d yellow swan on piece for AP 17 05 (rare) & a D27 strike on 1d red kangaroo also on piece dated 10 JL 13. Clear full exam… $50 Sold $95 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1230_sml.jpg) Geraldton Registered boxed rubber stamp RRS.1 on piece for 14 OCT. 98 with "D" in "Geraldton" missing. PMI dates this from 11-10-98 to 6-02-99. Fin… $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1231_sml.jpg) Geraldton Three duplex cancels with DxL 2-a (thick "G") index 4 on 3d lilac Revenues pair for MR 13 1895, DxL 2-b (thin "G") index 3 dated SP 24 18… $60 Sold $60 |
Gingin Brook A27 An almost complete but variable strike on 1½d red KGV for 3 MR 27. PMI date is 18-11-27. (1) $50 Sold $55 |
Glenarty A25 90% variable strike on 1½d red KGV for 19 AU 24. PMI dates from 19-08-24 to closing on 30-09-25. Group settlement No. 24. (1) $50 Sold $300 |
Gnows Nest A26 Quality complete strike on 1½d green KGV for 24 OC 23 on piece. PMI dates this from 27-08-23 to closing on 13-03-29. Quality exampl… $50 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1235_sml.jpg) Golden Ridge B28-a 80% strike on piece dated 25 AU 13 with overlapping 1d red kangaroo perfined large "OS" fine used block of 4 with 4 Registered K… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1236_sml.jpg) Golden Ridge B28-b Fine & complete strike on 1½d brown KGV on piece for 1 MR 20. PMI dates are 10-06-14 to 30-09-14 thus a very late date. (1) $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1237_sml.jpg) Goomalling 3b. Superb bullseye strike on "ONE PENNY" on 2d yellow surcharge postal stationery cut-out for AP 17 13. A scarce combination. $25 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1238_sml.jpg) Goongarrie 3b-a An early JY 2 96 pmk in violet on 1/- green swan, wmk Crown/CA. PMI's only date is 3-12-97. Scarce especially on high face value sw… $60 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1239_sml.jpg) Goongarrie Post & Telegraph Office ORS ? Full strike for 17 MAR 02 in red tying 1d red & 2d yellow swans to large registered piece. Oval "R" also i… $150 Sold $260 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1240_sml.jpg) Goongarrie Savings Bank Sbi Fine & complete strike in violet on piece for AP 12 98. Only PMI date is 5-10-08 & rated rare by Goulder. (1) $70 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1241_sml.jpg) Goongarrie Telegraph Office ORS 2 on 1d red swans pair with "26 FEB" visible. PMI dates are 08-96 to 30-01-97. (1) $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1242_sml.jpg) Greenbushes Savings Bank Sbii. Two separate strikes on 4d chestnut swan on piece dated FE 14 07. Fine (1-2) $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1243_sml.jpg) Greenough 3b-b Block of 2d yellow swans on piece tied by 4 fine strikes for MY 31 05. Attractive. (1-2) $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1244_sml.jpg) Group 116 Clear full strike on piece from PO N007 form. Dated 27 DE 40. PMI dates from 22-10-30 to 27-12-40. A rare complete strike. $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1245_sml.jpg) Group 116 Neat partial strike with "116" clear on 2d red KGV for 24 AP 34. PMI dates this from 22-10-30 to 27-12-40. (1-2) $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1246_sml.jpg) Group 120 Clear complete strike on 1½d red KGV on piece for 17 AU 26. PMI dates this from 8-04-26 to 2-08-26. A superb example. $120 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1247_sml.jpg) Group 123 D27 50% strike with "123" clear on 1½d red KGV for MY 28. PMI dates are 3-10-28 to 9-10-28. (1) $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1248_sml.jpg) Group 126 C28 35% part strike with "126" clear on 1½d red KGV for MY 27. PMI dates an "Archive strike 7 AU 26" & closed 19-07-32. Another rare off… $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1249_sml.jpg) Group 129 B28 1½d red KGV with 2 part strikes for 17 AP 28. "GROUP 129" is clear on lower pmk. PMI states "Archival Strike" & closed 31-12-29. Rar… $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1250_sml.jpg) Group 131 Fine & rare complete B29 strike on 1½d red KGV perfined "OS" on piece dated 16 AU 27. PMI dates from 26-10-26 to 21-06-27. (1) $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1251_sml.jpg) Group 141 C30 Ab almost complete strike on 1½d red KGV dated 6 FE 28. PMI states "no marking known" while PMC has c1928 & closed 31-03-29. (1) $100 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1252_sml.jpg) Group 77 Superb 90% example on 1½d red KGV for NO 20 28. PMI dates from 14-01-28 to 6-10-28. Fine. (1-2) $60 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1253_sml.jpg) Group 85 Untidy 30-40% part strikes on 1½d red KGV with date obscured. PMI only has a 1936 archival strike. Renamed Osmington on 14-09-29. Rough b… $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1254_sml.jpg) Group 88 A27 Two part strikes on 1½d red KGV for JE 3 39. PMI dates are ?-??-27 to closing on 30-09-29. This date is 10 years later! (1) $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1255_sml.jpg) Group 89 C29 40% strike on 1½d red KGV for 4 FE 28. PMI records no dates, closed 24-09-30. (1) $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1256_sml.jpg) Group 92 C29 An almost complete strike but indistinct date on 1½d red KGV. PMI states "No marking known" while PMC notes c1926 to close in 1927. E… $80 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1257_sml.jpg) Group 95 C27 30% strike on 1½d red KGV perfined "OS" for ?JE 25. "95" showing clearly. PMI's only date is 22-02-25. Closed 17-04-28. Extremely rar… $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1258_sml.jpg) Group 97 C28 Two poor part strikes on 1½d red KGV but "97" is clear. PMI states "no marking known". Closed 1-11-30. Scarce. (1) $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1259_sml.jpg) Guildford Double-lined oval POST OFFICE/ crown/ GUILDFORD/ WESTERN AUSTRALIA PO 1 dated "9/8/56" in m/s. PMI dates are from 2-03-55 to 12-11-61. A … $50 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1260_sml.jpg) Guildford UPd2 Dated "UNPAID GUILDFORD" rectangular marking on piece dated "22/2/49" in m/s. PMI dates are from 3-08-47 to 15-01-54. A scarce marki… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1261_sml.jpg) Gullewa A26 on 2d yellow swan dated 20 DEC 09. An almost bullseye strike. (1-2) $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1262_sml.jpg) Hannans (Kalgoorlie) 90% strike on 2d grey swan for 19 OC 95. PMI dates this from 18-06-94 to 21-10-96. (1) $50 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1263_sml.jpg) Hannans 3b (Kalgoorlie) Used after it was renamed Kalgoorlie on 18-06-94. This example dated 15 NO 95 on 2d grey swan. PMI dates 18-06-94 to 21-10-… $50 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1264_sml.jpg) Harvey Post & Telegraph Office ORS 2-a Two complete strikes on 3 x swan stamps on piece dated 29 JUL. 99. PMI dates are 13-10-98 to 14-07-99. Fine … $75 Sold $75 |
Harvey Savings Bank Sbi 95% strike on 2d yellow swan for FE 3 08. PMI lists no dates while PMC lists c1910. This is among the scarcest of savings b… $80 Sold $190 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1266_sml.jpg) Hay River Fine D27 strike on 2d yellow swan for 23 JUL 09. PMI dates this from 11-08-08 to ?-07-10 when renamed Narrikup. Attractive example. (2) $60 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1267_sml.jpg) Hay St West Superb bullseye strike of the Index 3 on 6d violet swan, W Crown A wmk for 14 FE 07. (1) $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1268_sml.jpg) Hay Street West A25on 1/4d turquoise KGV for 2 DE 21, a very early date. PMI earliest date is 11-05-23. An almost complete strike. (3) $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1269_sml.jpg) Helena Vale 3b Index 2 on 5d olive swans pair with crown/CA wmk on piece. Variable strike dated NO 16 97. (1-2) $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1270_sml.jpg) Hester B28 Complete strike on ½d green kangaroo pair dated 8 DE 13. PMI dates from 31-05-35 to closing on 6-09-57 while PMC notes c1931. An extrem… $70 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1271_sml.jpg) Highbury 3b on 2d yellow swan for JU 21 08. A quality strike. (1-2) $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1272_sml.jpg) Hither Green C28 complete cancel on 1½d red KGV 9 Je 25 PMI dates - none recorded only archival strike 18 No 40. Fine & rare. (1) $80 Sold $420 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1273_sml.jpg) Horrocks Post & Telegraph Office ORS1 90% strike on 2½d Scouting with light 1949 date. PMI states from 12-02-49 to 2-10-50. A little blurred. (1) $50 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1274_sml.jpg) Hotham A27 on 2d red KGV for 16 MY 22. Clear 60% strike. (1) $100 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1275_sml.jpg) Hutt A28 50% part strike on 1½d red KGV for ?0 JU 25. PMI shows Archival strike dated 6 JUL 27 while PMC dates it c1927/28. Scarce cancel with an … $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1276_sml.jpg) Hutt A28 65% part strike on 2d red KGV for 19 MAR 23. An even earlier date than that above & a slightly better example. (1) $70 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1277_sml.jpg) Irwin 2b. Fine 95% strike on 1d red swans pair for "May 8" (in m/s) 09. PMI dates this from 19-12-00 to 20-05-09. Scarce & fine. (1) $50 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1278_sml.jpg) Israelite Bay 3b. Bullseye strike on 1d red swan on Albany colour postcard. Dated AP 12 07. Attractive. $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1279_sml.jpg) Israelite Bay Post Office ORS3 90% complete but variable strike on 1d red kangaroos pair dated 9- NOV. 1914. Not listed in PMI or PMC. A new discov… $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1280_sml.jpg) Ives Find A27 Two early complete strikes on 1d violet KGV pair dated 28 DE 23. (1) $65 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1281_sml.jpg) Jacobs Well C31 in violet ink on 2d red Silver Jubilee dated 18 (?) 35 on Perth addressed cover. Complete clear strike & scarce on cover. VG cond. (1) $75 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1282_sml.jpg) Jarrahbank A27 on 1d green KGV for 27 FE 25. PMI dates this from 1-09-24 to 23-09-25. Group settlements No.55. (1) $80 Sold $210 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1283_sml.jpg) Jarrahdale 3b-a on ½d green KGV (LMW inverted) with unlisted variety "retouched crown top". A very late date of DE 16 18 with the latest date in P… $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1284_sml.jpg) Jarrahdale Junction Part duplex with vendor reporting only 4 copies known. 1890 use. PMI & PMC report "no marking known", clear image of barred "J"… $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1285_sml.jpg) Jarrahdale Post & Telegraph Office ORS2 Dated 4 APR 1899 on pair of 1d red swans. Double strike doesn't help legibility. Not listed in PMI. $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1286_sml.jpg) Jarrahdale Savings Bank Light variable strike on 2d grey swan for 17 OC 00. PMI dates 6-10-00 to ? (1) $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1287_sml.jpg) Kalgoorlie DxPO-f duplex index 11 on 1d swans pair on part of masthead for Kalgoorlie newspaper. Dated MR 6 05. Not listed in PMI. $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1288_sml.jpg) Kalgoorlie DxPO-f duplex index 12. Four clear strikes on 1d swans block of 8 on piece dated OC 28 02. PMI dates this from 1-01-02 to 2-07-06. Super… $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1289_sml.jpg) Kalgoorlie Govt. Savings Bank 31 GSB. Violet strike on 1d red kangaroo on piece perfined large "OS" for 23 JUL 1913. PMI lists only date as 8-07-13… $70 Sold $525 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1290_sml.jpg) Kalgoorlie Govt. Savings Bank ORS3 on 1d red kangaroo pair perfined large "OS" (one damaged). Dated 15 SEP 1913 with only PMI date being 8-01-15. E… $70 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1291_sml.jpg) Kalgoorlie Parcel Post: selection with four different complete or almost complete cancels incl CDS 5PP on 2/- red/ yellow QV, D29 PP on 1/- small l… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1292_sml.jpg) Kalgoorlie Post & Telegraph Office ORS1. Three part strikes on 5 x 1d kangaroo swans on piece dated 29 SEP 99. (1) $70 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1293_sml.jpg) Kalgoorlie Postmaster ORS type 1 on piece dated 16 SEP 1976 plus ORS3 on piece not listed in either PMI or PMC dated 20 Jun 1910. Fine. $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1294_sml.jpg) Kalgoorlie Rail Post Office B29. An almost complete strike on 1d red KGV on piece for 4 JL 18. Only PMI date recorded is 13-10-18. Unseen by us bef… $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1295_sml.jpg) Kalgoorlie Savings Bank Sbii Superb strike on piece dated MR 5 03. Not listed in PMI. Fine. $70 Sold $190 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1296_sml.jpg) Kalgup D26 Bullseye strike on 1½d green KGV for 2 OC 23. PMI date of 15-05-31. Group settlement No.27. A superb 90% example. $120 Sold $340 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1297_sml.jpg) Kanowna Govt. Savings Bank ORS3 on "SAVINGS BANK" stationery on large piece with block of 8 x 1d red kangaroos perfined small "OS" with each cancel… $100 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1298_sml.jpg) Kanowna Post Office ORS2 65% strike in violet on 1d red wmk Crown/CA swan with no date. Not listed in PMI or PMC. A new discovery. $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1299_sml.jpg) Kanowna Three duplex cancels incl DxPO in NIL, complete & fine, Index 2 with a 70% complete strike & Index 3, a 65% complete & fine strike. Each ra… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1300_sml.jpg) Karrakatta Office Stamp OS on 1930's commems on piece. Undated. Three fine strikes. (1) $70 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1301_sml.jpg) Katanning Postmaster 6317 ORSI complete strike on piece dated 10 JAN 1977. Rarely seen. $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1302_sml.jpg) Lawlers 3b-a on 2d yellow swan W crown A wmk for JY 21 2. Almost complete bullseye strike. (1) $25 Sold $18 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1303_sml.jpg) Lion Mill D27 on cover to Fremantle dated 22 JUN 22. A frontally attractive cover in fine cond apart from torn flap on reverse. A scarce cds so fin… $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1304_sml.jpg) "LOOSE SHIP LETTER" on 2d yellow swans & framed "POSTED IN LATE FEE BAG" on 5 X 1d swans on piece. Two attractive items. $30 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1305_sml.jpg) Lyons Camp C30 on 1d green KGV dated 6 DE 35. A difficult pmk to find. (1) $20 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1306_sml.jpg) Marmellup A30 on 1½d red KGV with a late date of 21 SP 27. PMI dates 22-01-25 to 5-08-27. Rare. (1) $80 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1307_sml.jpg) Meekatharra 3b bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan for MY 9 08. Superb. (1-2) $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1308_sml.jpg) Mosman Park E30-a dated 1 SE 38 on 9d platypus on "Buckland Hill" Registered plain cover cancelled on FDI. Mosman Park, Fremantle & Fremantle Regd … $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1309_sml.jpg) Mount Magnet 3b-a An almost complete strike on 2d yellow swan on piece for JU 15 01. Attractive. $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1310_sml.jpg) Mt Magnet 3b-b Two variable strikes on 1d red swan pair dated piece MY 19 00. (1) $25 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1311_sml.jpg) Mt Malcolm duplex DxPO in 1 on 2d yellow swans pair. 80% strike for SP 6 ?. Nice part strike. $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1312_sml.jpg) Mt Sir Samuel 3b Lovely crisp 90% strike on 2d yellow swan for SP 1 03. Stunning. (1) $25 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1313_sml.jpg) Mt Sir Samuel D27 Stunning 95% bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan. Attractive. (2) $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1314_sml.jpg) Mulline 3b Two 70% strikes on 2d yellow swans pair for 14 SP 9. (1-2) $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1315_sml.jpg) Mulline B29 on "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow swan. Variable strike dated 9 NO 12. Not often seen on swans. $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1316_sml.jpg) Mundijong 2c bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan for MY 17 07. (1) $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1317_sml.jpg) Murgoo D25 in violet ink on 2d yellow swan dated 7 AUG 10. Attractive & scarce in violet. $25 Sold $46 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1318_sml.jpg) Narrogin Savings Bank Sbi with an almost 100% bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan for FE 2 06. Superb. $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1319_sml.jpg) Newcastle duplex DxL2 on 1d swans pair, Crown/A wmk, perf 11 (SG 151). Dated DE 16 08, 90% strike. $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1320_sml.jpg) Newlands 3b on 1d red swan for JY 9 08. Part registration blue pencil mark does not detract. (1) $25 Sold $18 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1321_sml.jpg) No. 4 State Mill C29. 2 bold strikes on 2 pairs of ½d orange KGV for 21 AU 35 on cover addressed to Whitfords Ltd, Perth. A scarce strike on cover… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1322_sml.jpg) Norlup A27 on 2d red KGV for 2 JE 23. A very short lived postmark with PMI listing it between 13-04-23 to 3-12-23. A light but rare pmk. (1) $75 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1323_sml.jpg) Northam duplex DxPO index NIL on 1d red swans pair dated MR 30 1905. An almost complete bold duplex cancel. (1) $25 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1324_sml.jpg) Nullagine 3b on 5d olive swan with a very early date for JU 14 99. PMI dates are 14-10-01 to 1-02-15. A variable but almost complete strike. $20 Sold $15 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1325_sml.jpg) Palace Hotel 3b on 9d orange swan with upright inverted Crown/A wmk (SG 145b) with the latest PMI listed date of JU 25 12. A superb example. (1-2) $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1326_sml.jpg) Parkerville A27-a on 2d yellow swan on piece for 1 AP 09. A large postmark not often found complete unless on piece. (2) $20 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1327_sml.jpg) Peak Hill 3b-b Attractive bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan for 09 SP 6 (year at top). Scarce. $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1328_sml.jpg) Peak Hill Savings Bank Light bullseye strike on 3d Internal Revenue dated 16 MY 00. Superb. $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1329_sml.jpg) Perth 11 bar "P" obliterator BL-P on 1d carmine swan. Bold strike. $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1330_sml.jpg) Perth 15 bar 12 obliterator Ob 15-2 in blue ink on 1861 1d rose, perf 14. (SG 38, Cat. £65) $25 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1331_sml.jpg) Perth Diamond 80 obliterator on 1d yellow-ochre swan, perf 12x12. SG 81, Cat. £170. Premium example. $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1332_sml.jpg) Perth Parcel Post Three cancels incl hand cut marking Hc-b (double PP in reverse) on 2/- red on yellow plus two Parcel Post type L-b on 9d orange s… $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1333_sml.jpg) Perth Post restante 5-b without date or index plugs. A 95% clear strike on 1/- Postage Due. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. $25 Sold $18 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1334_sml.jpg) Pilgrims Mill C29 on 1½d red KGV for 11 MR 27. Clear 80% strike. $25 Sold $50 |
Reedy Post Office ORS in reddish pink on ½d green QM on piece for 15 FEB 1947. Rare & complete. $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1336_sml.jpg) Roebuck Bay 2b (Broome) A superb example on piece for FE 16 98. PMI dates 4-02-97 to 15-03-97. (1) $70 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1337_sml.jpg) South Perth 3b An almost complete strike on 1d red swan for AU 24 03. Attractive. $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1338_sml.jpg) Toolibin A27 on 2d orange KGV for 3 MY 22. PMI records earliest date as 11-04-24! $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1339_sml.jpg) Torbay Junction 3b complete strike on 2d yellow swan on piece 26 Jan 06. Very scarce. (1) $30 Sold $36 |
Travelling Post Office Eastern Gold Fields (T.P.O.E.G.F.) EG3 index 3 Two complete strikes on 2d yellow swans pair on piece for AP 12 93. Rated (1)… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1341_sml.jpg) Travelling Post Office TPO E.G.F. Type 3 Index 1 on 2d swan. 90% complete strike dated OC 27 01. $25 Sold $18 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1342_sml.jpg) Travelling Post Office TPO E.G.F. Type 5 Nil index on 2d yellow swan for 11 Dec 01. 60% strike showing "GOLDFIELDS". $25 Sold $18 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1343_sml.jpg) Travelling Post Office TPO E.G.F. Type EG4 Nil Index on 1d red swans pair for NO 14 19. 95% strike. $25 Sold $18 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1344_sml.jpg) Travelling Post Office TPO GSR Type GS 5 Index 1 on 2d grey swan dated JA 8 99. $20 Sold $32 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1345_sml.jpg) Tuckanarra 3b An almost complete but variable strike for FE 6 6. (1-2) $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1346_sml.jpg) Tullis E30 Complete strike on KGVI on piece dated 15 NO 45. Neat clear strike. (2) $20 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1347_sml.jpg) Victoria Park 3b Nil index on 1d red swan on piece dated JY 25 07. (1-2) $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1348_sml.jpg) Wandering 3b Four complete strikes on 2 vertical pairs of Postage Dues with design complete at base, perf 11, dated MR 15 07. Taxed cover from Pert… $100 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1349_sml.jpg) Waterloo D25 on 4d orange KGV for 1 OCT 18. Superb full impression. (2-3) $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1350_sml.jpg) Wellington Mills A25 on 4d yellow-orange KGV dated 16 APR 18. Superb 95% strike. $20 Sold $15 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1351_sml.jpg) West Northam 3b Two complete strikes on 1d red swans pair on piece for AU 25 08. (1-2) $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1352_sml.jpg) Wiluna 3b Two crisp complete strikes on 1d red swans pair dated AP 21 05. (1-2) $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1353_sml.jpg) Woolga 3b An almost complete but variable strike on 1d red swan for NO 12 04. (1) $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1354_sml.jpg) York Savings Bank Sbii Complete but variable strike on 2d yellow swan, perf 11 dated AU 5 05. VG cond. Rated (1) by Goulder. $30 Sold $20 |
Western Australia: Frank Stamps |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1355_sml.jpg) "OFFICIAL RECEIVER IN BANKRUPTCY" Karman No.135.1 & "ELECTORAL" Karman No.W180.1. Both complete strikes on piece. (2) $40 Archived |
Western Australia: WA Picture Postcards |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1356_sml.jpg) "Albany (W.A.) from Mt. Clarence" in same format as Todd's Book Arcade Albany b&w with ornate frame but without publisher details. Pencil message o… $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1357_sml.jpg) "Albany from Mt. Melville." Todd's Book Arcade Albany b&w with ornate frame. Postally used to Perth with Albany 23 DE 10 cds. Fine cond. $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1358_sml.jpg) "Albany WA Natural Bridge Caves" T Todd Bookseller etc, Albany WA sepia & white c1910. Fine unused. $40 Archived |
"Albany, W.A. Post Office & Queen's Park" b&w by M Gluckstadt & Munden Hamburg. Fine unused. $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1360_sml.jpg) "Albany, W.A. St. Johns Church" Thos Todd Albany b&w card postally used from Albany to Ireland. Neat JU 18 1906 duplex cancel. VG cond. $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1361_sml.jpg) "Albany, WA" with title in red. Osboldstone & Co b&w. Fine unused. $25 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1362_sml.jpg) "Bridge over Murray River, Pinjarrah, W.A." b&w with blue sky (Austral Stores) from Kalgoorlie to Tasmania. Usual corner wear. Also 3 used Falk col… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1363_sml.jpg) "City of Perth, from King's Park" b&w undivided back Austral Stores. Postally used with York DxL2-a in 3 (1)dated 2 Sep 1905 to Fremantle with 3b-b… $25 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1364_sml.jpg) "Fremantle" with 2 scenes titled "Swan River" & "W.A. Native". Colour card from Fremantle to local address dated AU 15 05. 1d swan tied by Fremantl… $80 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1365_sml.jpg) "Fremantle, WA, from North Mole" Austral Stores b&w & light blue undivided back. Fine unused cond. $50 Sold $75 |
"Hannan St, Kalgoorlie" Western Mail b&w unused in good cond, some light staining not detracting from street scene with tram. $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1367_sml.jpg) "Hay Street, Subiaco, W.A. No.1" b&w photographic card printed in Great Britain. Not sent through the post but message on the reverse dated 1913. A… $40 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1368_sml.jpg) "High Street, Fremantle WA" b&w & light blue Austral Stores undivided back. Very fine unused. $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1369_sml.jpg) "Hotel Peninsula" (Mandurah) sepia & white card. Publisher unknown. Postally used from Mandurah to Guildford with 1d swan tied by 1-b cds (2-3) dat… $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1370_sml.jpg) "In Government Gardens, Perth, WA" b&w & light blue undivided back Austral Stores. Fine unused. $25 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1371_sml.jpg) "Jetty from Lighthouse, Bunbury, WA" Robinson's Ltd b&w with blue green back. Unused but has 1d red swan "unused" on reverse. A rarely seen card in… $50 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1372_sml.jpg) "King River, Albany, W.A." b&w with thin white frame & title in black. Publisher unknown. Message on back but not postally used. $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1373_sml.jpg) "Lower Stirling Terrace, Albany WA" with title in red. T Todd Bookseller etc, York St Albany WA colour c1910. Fine unused. $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1374_sml.jpg) "Main Street Bunbury W.A." b&w with text in blue. Hugh B Erskine postally used from Bunbury to England with 1d swan tied by Bunbury duplex. Message… $30 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1375_sml.jpg) "Middleton Beach, Albany WA" with title in red. Osboldstone & Co b&w. Fine unused. $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1376_sml.jpg) "Narrogin, W.A." colour Falk unused card. A few light stains. One of the scarcer Falk cards. $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1377_sml.jpg) "No.1 Part Panorama of Fremantle" Robinson's Ltd b&w PPC with blue-green back. Very good cond. $40 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1378_sml.jpg) "No.2 Part Panorama of Fremantle" c1905 Robinson's Ltd b&w on pale blue-green with undivided back. Unused in excellent cond. $40 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1379_sml.jpg) "No.3 Part Panorama of Fremantle" Robinson's Ltd b&w with blue-green back. Some very light staining. $25 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1380_sml.jpg) "No.6 Part Panorama of Fremantle" Robinson's Ltd b&w with blue-green back. Fine unused. $40 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1381_sml.jpg) "Nomadic Aborigines - Greetings from Dalwallinu, WA" Souvenirs Australia Ltd c 1960 coloured card. Fine unused & a scarce modern. $25 Sold $38 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1382_sml.jpg) "North Fremantle" Robinson's Ltd b&w with blue-green back. VG good cond & a scarce card. $50 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1383_sml.jpg) "Post Office, Albany, W.A." colour framed from unknown publisher. Printed in Germany & postally used to Perth with 1d kangaroo tied by Albany 13 FE… $40 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1384_sml.jpg) "Post Office, Albany, W.A." colour with title in red. From unknown Australian publisher. "No.7" pencilled on back? Unused in VG cond. $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1385_sml.jpg) "Princess Royal Harbour, Albany, W.A." Raphael Tuck & Sons b&w unused. Superb cond. $25 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1386_sml.jpg) "Queen's Gardens, Perth WA No.3" b&w undivided back Austral Stores with "Malcolm 42" written pencil on back. VG unused cond. $25 Sold $25 |
"Queen's Park & Post Office, Albany WA" with title in red. T Todd Bookseller etc, York St, Albany, WA colour c1910. Fine unused. $40 Archived |
"Queen's Park & Post Office, Albany" with title in red. Osboldstone & Co b&w. Fine unused. $30 Archived |
"Railway Bridge over Swan River, Fremantle, WA" Falk colour. Unused in superb cond. $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1390_sml.jpg) "Railway Station & Jetty, Albany" with title in red. Osboldstone & Co b&w. Fine unused. $40 Sold $40 |
"Railway Station & Jetty, Albany, W.A." colour with title in red. C1910. Australian publisher unknown. Small water mark on back but frontally fine. $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1392_sml.jpg) "Rockery, Lower Terrace King's Park, Perth WA" b&w & light blue Austral Stores undivided back. "Mrs Flori" written on back in ink otherwise unused.… $25 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1393_sml.jpg) "Serpentine Falls, Darling Range, WA" b&w & light blue Austral Stores undivided back. Fine unused. $25 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1394_sml.jpg) "St John's Church Albany WA" Todd's Book Arcade, Albany WA b&w postally used card addressed to Victoria with 1d red swan tied by light Perth machin… $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1395_sml.jpg) "Stirling Terrace Albany WA" with title in white. Same scene as above but "T. Todd's Bookseller & Stationer, York St Albany WA" publisher. Also b&w… $25 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1396_sml.jpg) "Stirling Terrace, Albany WA" Todd's Book Arcade, Albany WA b&w. Fine unused. $25 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1397_sml.jpg) "Stirling Terrace, Albany, W.A." b&w with this white frame & title in black. Publisher unknown. Unused. $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1398_sml.jpg) "Stirling Terrace, Albany, W.A." sepia card with title in white. Great Britain unknown publisher Fine unused $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1399_sml.jpg) "Stirling Terrace, Albany, W.A." with title in red. Australian Publisher unknown. C1910 in colour. VG cond. $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1400_sml.jpg) "Swan Brewery, Perth in Distance" Robinson's Ltd b&w on pale blue-green with undivided back. Some minor corner wear otherwise good unused cond. $30 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1401_sml.jpg) "Swan River from Lighthouse, Fremantle, WA" b&w & light blue Austral Stores undivided back. Unused. $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1402_sml.jpg) "Tea Rooms, King's Park, Perth" Austral Stores b&w postally used with Bunbury duplex cancel DxL2 in 4 (2-3) dated 19 JY 1905. Fremantle 3b-b in 6 r… $25 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1403_sml.jpg) "Terrace & Post Office Albany" Todd's Book Arcade, Albany WA b&w. "26.6.11" pencil message on back. $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1404_sml.jpg) "Terrace & Post Office, Albany WA" in same format as Todd's Book Arcade Albany b&w with ornate frame but without publisher details. Fine unused. $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1405_sml.jpg) "Terraces & Post Office, Albany, W.A." Todd's Book Arcade, Albany b&w as above. c1910 fine unused. $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1406_sml.jpg) "The Two Bridges and Swan River, Fremantle, WA" Rose Series b&w. Unused in good cond. $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1407_sml.jpg) "Town Hall, Albany WA" published by "O" in 6 pointed star logo. Colour with title in red. Postally used to Midland Junction with neat Albany 30 DE … $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1408_sml.jpg) "Town Jetty & Railway Station, Albany, W.A." b&w with thin white frame & title in white. Publisher unknown. Message on back but not postally used. … $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1409_sml.jpg) "View from Lighthouse Hill, Bunbury" F. Mead, Bunbury, WA b&w postally used with Bridgetown WA 3b-a (2-3) for 15 Sept 1905 tying 1d swan. Fremantle… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1410_sml.jpg) "View in Queen's Gardens, Perth, WA" b&w & light blue (Austral Stores) undivided back. Fine unused. $25 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1411_sml.jpg) "Wild Arum Lilies, Albany, W.A." colour card with title in red. Unknown Australian publisher. Pencil message on back but not postally used. VG cond. $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1412_sml.jpg) "Xmas on the Swan River" Western Mail b&w with "Supplement to the Western Mail Christmas Number, December 25, 1904" rouletted "selvedge to right. G… $40 Sold $55 |
Western Australia: Cheqeues |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/28/lots/1413_sml.jpg) The Western Australian Bank, Kalgoorlie Branch. Partially used cheque book with 13 blank cheques, each with a "Great Hope" hand stamp. The used che… $40 Sold $40 |
Commercial Bank of Australia cheque in good cond which was deposited in the Bank of NSW, Kalgoorlie on 13 NOV 1929 & embossed with "ONE PENNY". $30 Sold $30 |
Western Australia: Postmarkers/Handstamps |
"NOONGAR W.A." with central crown & outer ring. No date slug. Crafted in the same way as the postmarkers from the 1950's/60's with wooden handle. N… $50 Sold $100 |