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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Western Australia: OS Perfins | |||
1902-1911 1d, 2d, 4d chestnut (strip 3), 8d, 9d, 10d, 2/-, 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- purple, perf. 12 or 12x12½ or 12½x12 range of V/Crown wmk perfined "O… $150 Sold $150 | |||
1902/11 2d yellow with sideways wmk (ACSC W16ba), 8d green, crown pointing left (ACSC W44b), 8d green crown pointing right (ACSC W44ab) & 10d red (… $100 Sold $70 | |||
1902/17 1d red (ACSC W46Hb), 2d yellow (ACSC W16cba), 4d chestnut (ACSC 32b), 8d bright green (ACSC W44Ab), 9d orange red (ACSC W47Ab), 10d red (AC… $180 Sold $120 | |||
1902/17 5d bistre, V/Crown wmk. Note in ACSC, page 1/347 states "The first archival record of the supply of OS purchases is of 60,000 stamps… pro… $180 Archived | |||
1905/12 1d rose-red (ACSC W13b), 2d yellow (ACSC W24ab) & 9d orange yellow (CSC W52), all Crown/A wmk, perf. 11 perfined "OS". 1d has several short… $100 Sold $90 | |||
1905/12 1d rose-pink & 2d orange-yellow with sideways wmk, Crown facing left (ACSC W23ab), 3d brown sideways wmk, Crown facing right (ACSC W27cb), … $320 Sold $320 | |||
1912 3d dull orange-brown with Crown over double lined A wmk on thin paper. Fine used with characteristic rough perfs. ACSC W31Ab, Cat. $600 + prem… $250 Archived | |||
1905 5d bistre perfined "OS". Fine used as above SG 120OS, ACSC W39b, Cat. $300 (2004) $120 Sold $120 | |||
1902 2/6d deep blue/rose perfined "OS". MH with a couple of gum stains. SG 125 $20 Sold $15 | |||
1902 10/- deep mauve perfined "OS". F/U. SG 127 $50 Archived | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown perfined "OS". Fine used with light indistinct cds. SG 128, ACSC W66Ab, Cat. $800 (2004 ed) $350 Sold $280 | |||
1909 £1 orange perfined "OS". Neat corner GPO cds. SG 128a $380 Sold $525 | |||
1909 £1 orange perfined "OS". MLH & well centered. SG 128a $400 Sold $400 | |||
1905 1d rose-red with upright wmk perfined "OS" top left corner block of 15. Superb MUH, slight perf separation between 2 stamps lower right. SG 13… $450 Archived | |||
1905 2d yellow vertical block of 6 perfined "OS". Lowest pair showing vertical perfs shifted to left in relation to the upper block of 4. Fresh MUH… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1912 3d deep orange-brown, sideways Crown over double lined A wmk on thin paper & perfined "OS". Fine used with characteristically rough perfs. ACS… $100 Archived | |||
1910 4d bright brown-red perfined "OS". Fine MUH block of 4. SG 142b, ACSC W3Db, Cat. $200 (2004) $100 Sold $100 | |||
1905 2d yellow, perf. 11, perfined "OS". MVLH. ACSC W24b - no price listed for mint, SG 152, Cat. $100 as used $150 Sold $100 | |||
1905 4d yellow-brown, perf. 11, perfined "OS". Used, 5 short perfs. SG 154 ACSC W37Ab (2204), Cat. $400 $180 Sold $120 | |||
1905 4d yellow-brown, perf. 11, perfined "OS". Used. SG 154, ACSC W37Ab (2004), Cat. $400 Note 1 states, "perhaps as many as 20-30 used examples ar… $280 Sold $280 | |||
1905 4d yellow-brown, perf. 11, perfined "OS". Fine used with Roebourne 1907 cds. Shortish perfs at right. See notes in previous lot. SG 154, ACSC … $200 Sold $200 | |||
1905 4d yellow-brown, perf. 11, perfined "OS". MH with slight crystalised gum. SG 154, ACSC note 1 page 1/345, "perhaps as many as ten mint example… $350 Archived | |||
1905 4d pale chestnut, perf. 11 horiz pair perfined "OS". MLH, black spot on gum of left stamp. Fresh colour. SG 154a, ACSC W37b, Cat. $1000 ea in … $380 Sold $380 | |||
1906 2/- orange/yellow bottom left corner block of 4 perfined "OS". Superb MUH. SG 124b, ACSC W59Bb (2006), Cat. $800 + premium for MUH block. $400 Sold $280 | |||
1902/11 10/- deep mauve perfined "OS", V & Crown wmk, perf 12⅟₂. F/U. SG 127, Cat. £100 $40 Sold $30 | |||
1910 10/- bright purple perfined "OS". Fine used. SG 127a, Cat. £450 $280 Sold $650 | |||
1910 10/- bright purple perfined "OS". CTO with very light cds. MH with part og. SG 127a, ACSC W65Ba, Cat. $750 (2004 ed) $280 Sold $440 | |||
1910 10/- bright purple perfined "OS". Fine postally used with Perth cancel. ACSC W65Bba, Cat. $750 $280 Sold $650 | |||
1902 5d bistre, perf 11 perfined "OS" & rare thus. Fine used with corner Perth 1912 cds. Light pink water stain at base. SG 132 & see note 1/347 in… $120 Sold $120 | |||
1906 2/- orange-brown/yellow perfined "OS" top left selvedge block of 42 (7 rows of 6). Superb MUH & an excellent exhibition item of the highest qu… $4000 Sold $3000 | |||
1905/12 2d yellow MLH (ACSC W22b), 3d brown MH (ACSC W27b), 9d orange MH (ACSC W50b) & 5/- emerald green Die I (ACSC W64b) from the Melbourne Print… $200 Sold $200 | |||
1905 5d bistre perfined "OS". Fine used, top left corner perf missing. SG 120OS, ACSC W39b, Cat. $300 , this is twice the price of regular stamp. N… $80 Archived | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown perfined "OS". Centered low right. Fine used by light Fremantle cds. SG 128var. $350 Sold $350 | |||
1907 5/- emerald-green in vertical block of 10 in 2 columns of 5 with selvedge at the base & perfined "OS". Die sequence as follows; Die I & Die II… $5000 Sold $3750 | |||
1907 5/- emerald-green in top selvedge block of 4 perfined "OS" with Die I & Die II/Die II & Die I pairs. Fine MUH, top right with small surface th… $1600 Sold $1050 | |||
1902 10/- deep mauve perfined "OS". MH toned along top edge. ACSC W65Ab, Cat. $400 (2004) $80 Archived | |||
1905 4d pale chestnut, perf. 11, perfined "OS". F/U. Unrecorded perfined "OS". SG 154a, ACSC W37b $280 Sold $280 | |||
1905 4d pale chestnut perfined "OS". ACSC page 1/345 notes "… perhaps as many as 10 mint & 20-30 used examples are known with OS puncture". F/U w… $250 Sold $180 | |||
1905 9d orange, perf. 11, perfined "OS". Fresh MLH. SG 157, Cat. £200 $120 Sold $85 | |||
1905 9d orange, perf. 11 perfined "OS". Lightly used with dumb obliterator. SG 157, ACSC W52A, Cat. $200 $80 Archived | |||
1905 9d orange, perf. 11 perfined "OS". Fine used with neat 1906 Fremantle cds. SG 157, ACSC W52A, Cat. $200 (2004) $120 Archived | |||
1905 9d orange, perf. 11 perfined "OS". MH, centred left. SG 157, ACSC W52A, Cat. $300 (2004) $100 Sold $100 | |||
1909 £1 orange. MUH lower right bottom selvedge block of 10 perfined "OS". Horiz gum bend affects 1 stamp but in no way detracts from this spectac… $8000 Sold $6000 | |||
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There are 43 record(s) matching your criteria.