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Miscellaneous: King George V |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1377_sml.jpg) KGV Plate Proof 1d carmine on pink single wmk paper. This plate proof is also perfined "OS". MUH, centered right. A similar item sold for $2500+BP … $1600 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1378_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark ½d green monogram lower right corner pair. MLH with perf separation, light even toning & couple of spots reflected in res… $120 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1379_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark ½d green, single line perf 14, good to fine used example. RPSV photo-certificate (1956) signed Purves, Brown & Holbeach. … $250 Sold $290 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1380_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark ½d orange Harrison imprint block of 4. MUH/MLH with fresh appearance. ACSC 66(9)z, Cat. $275 $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1381_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark ½d orange KGV with "white gash behind King's ear" variety tied by Camooweal cds alongside a pair of 2d brown KGV & a 3d g… $75 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1382_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark ½d orange left selvedge strip of three with inverted wmk. Fresh MUH & well centred. ACSC 66a, Cat. $75+ $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1383_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark ½d orange lower positional selvedge corner block of 4. Electro 6 - 49, 50/ 55, 56 with "retouched shading behind King's h… $100 Archived |
1914-20 Single Watermark ½d orange plate block of 30 with inverted wmk, electro 7. Contains 4 listed varieties. MUH with six units having tone spo… $150 Archived |
1914-20 Single Watermark ½d orange with inverted wmk in Harrison imprint block of 8 from electro 7 with no stop after "Printer". MUH/MLH with coup… $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1386_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark ½d orange, electro 6, Harrison imprint block of 4 with no stop after "Printer". MUH/MLH with some perfs separation at bas… $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1387_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine-red G10 lower marginal strip of three with lower & right selvedge both affected by misaligned double perfs. Sup… $450 Sold $360 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1388_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine red Die I & II horiz pair, G10. F/U, short corner perf at right. Drury Cert (2018) ACSC 71A(1)ia, unpriced $30 Sold $34 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1389_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine-red on rough paper, G73, perfd "OS" in Die II, Die II, Die I positional strip of 3, pane 2: 20, 21 & 22. Fine u… $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1390_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine-red SLP top right selvedge pair possibly pane VI, 5 + 6. MLH selvedge only. Cat. $80 as unplated singles $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1391_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine-red, G73 on rough paper with Die I & Die II substitute cliché singles. Both F/U with Scott Starling certs (201… $100 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1392_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine-red, plate 4 one-line Harrison imprint strip of 12 with "Ferns" & "RA joined" varieties. MLH on 3 units otherwi… $400 Sold $320 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1393_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine-red, single line perf in top left selvedge strip of 3 MLH/MH. Fresh & well centred. ACSC 70A, Cat. $120 $40 Sold $36 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1394_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d dark red G13 right selvedge pair, pane VIII positions 24 & 30. Pulled perf bottom right. MUH/MLH Cat. $150 as unplated … $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1395_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d reddish-pink G15 right selvedge vertical strip of 4 from pane VIII 12/18/24/30. MUH. Cat. $900 as unplated singles. $200 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1396_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d reddish-pink G15 semi-surfaced paper in right marginal block of 4 perfined "OS". 3 MUH & 1 MVLH, well centred. Cat. $10… $240 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1397_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d dull red, Die II, G16 horiz pair. Fine used. Drury Cert (2018) ACSC 71E(1)I x 2, Cat. $80+ $30 Sold $42 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1398_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d dull red, Die II, G16 vertical pair. Used with Drury Cert (2018). ACSC 71E(1)I x 2, Cat. $80 $30 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1399_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d dull red, G16, perfd "OS" in positional strip of 5 from the top of pane 2: 2.1 to 2.5 (Die I, Die II, Die II, Die I, Di… $200 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1400_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d scarlet G17 with inverted wmk. Fresh MVLH. ACSC 719a, Cat. $60 $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1401_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d scarlet aniline G18 perfined "OS" right selvedge pane I positional block of 6. 1: 34, 35, 36/40, 41, 42 with "saddle on… $200 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1402_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d scarlet aniline perfined "OS" positional block of 4, pane VIIL 53 & 54/ 59 & 60 with "ferns" & "RA join" varieties. MUH… $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1403_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d scarlet aniline vertical pair pane V positions 1 & 6. MUH/MLH. ACSC 71z(3)d & e, Cat. $150 as singles $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1404_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d scarlet aniline, G18 pre-substitute cliché. Fine to good used with 1917 cds. ACSC 71i(2)k Cat. $750 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1405_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose carmine Die I/II pair fresh MLH. ACSC 71(L)ia, Cat. $900 $300 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1406_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose with "neck flaw" variety in positional block of 4 - 37, 38/ 43, 44. MUH/MLH, centred left, otherwise fine.… $50 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1407_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d brownish red, Die II. Fine used & well centered. A rare shade with Drury cert. (2015) ACSC 75D, Cat. $2000 $900 Sold $700 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1408_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose G21 positional block of 4 with inverted wmk from pane 8 for 14, 15/20, 21. Small tone spot back of 20 otherwise MU… $100 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1409_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose G21 positional pair pane VII 37 & 38 showing "neck flaw" variety. MLH. Cat. $95 $20 Sold $16 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1410_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose G21 positional pair, pane VI 23 & 24. MLH. Cat. $40 as unplated singles. $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1411_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose-carmine G22 pane V positional plate block of 6 for V 46-48 & 52-54. Bottom right rounded corner & small thin at ba… $60 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1412_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose-carmine G22 positional plate block of 4 pane VII for 53/54 & 59/60 with "ferns" & "RA joined" varieties. Very ligh… $50 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1413_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose carmine G22 with inverted wmk in positional plate block of 4. Pane VI 31, 32/37 & 38. MUH with light crease. Cat. … $75 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1414_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose-carmine inverted wmk in block of 4. Fresh MLH & well-centred. ACSC 71La, Cat. $360 as singles + premium $200 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1415_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose-carmine, pane 5 in positional plate block of 6. Nos. 29, 30/ 35, 36/ 41, 42. MUH, centred left. Lovely rich colour… $180 Sold $140 |
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d orange red on smooth paper, G24½. Good used with light slogan cancel. Drury Cert. (2019) ACSC 71P, Cat. $125 $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1417_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d orange-red, (G 24½). A little off-centre with light horiz bend. Drury cert. (2013) ACSC 71P, Cat. $650 $250 Sold $270 |
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d salmon, G26 with inverted wmk. Good used with machine cancel, centred right with a couple of short perfs. Lovely colour… $90 Archived |
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d salmon, G26, with inverted wmk. Used with machine cancel with minor toning. Drury cert. ACSC 1Ra, Cat. $250 $75 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1420_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d salmon, G26. Fresh MUH. Drury cert. (2013) ACSC 71R, Cat. $575 $280 Sold $280 |
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d pink G28 MLH, centred right. Drury cert. (2017) ACSC 71T, Cat. $300 $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1422_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d pink G28. MLH with better than average centering. Drury cert. (2017) ACSC 71T, Cat. $300 $75 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1423_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d pink G28. MLH. centred left. Drury cert. (2017) ACSC 71T, Cat. $300 $60 Sold $48 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1424_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d pink, G28 with inverted wmk. MVLH, centered left. Drury cert. (2015) ACSC 71Ta, Cat. $800 $300 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/26/lots/1425_sml.jpg) 1914-20 Single Watermark 1d pink, G28 with variety "ferns" variety. Good used with machine cancel. Drury Cert (2018) ACSC 71T(4)ia, Cat. $200 $30 Sold $30 |
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d dull rose-pink (G28), carmine-pink (G29), carmine-rose (G30), carmine red (G31), brownish-red (G32) & & bright pink (G2… $100 Sold $130 |