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Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
 1839 Treasury Competition Essay. This Charles Whiting essay number 10 is in black & red with "NOT TO EXCEED HALF OUNCE 1 PENNY" in design. Close to… $250 Sold $200 |
 1840 1d intense black, plate 1a, tied by red Maltese Cross on wrapper with 3 large margins, cut into at top. Unusually affixed inverted in relation… $150 Sold $135 |
 1840 1d intense black, plate 8, indistinct black MC. 3 wide margins touching at base. Lettered "FK". SG 1, Cat. £525 $100 Sold $100 |
 1840 1d intense black on small cover from Peterborough to Camden Town. 3½ margin example tied by red Maltese Cross cancel. Posted SE 28 1840 & del… $200 Sold $150 |
 1840 1d black, plate 1b fine used by crisp red MC. 4 large margins & lettered "RA". Exceptional quality SG 2, Cat. £375 $150 Sold $170 |
 1840 1d black, plate 6, with a neat full strike of the Maltese Cross in black. 4 margins just touching top right. Lettered "MJ". SG 2, Cat. £375 $100 Sold $100 |
 1840 1d black, plate 7 centrally cancelled by black upright MC. 4 large margins & lettered "NE". SG 2, Cat. £400 $120 Sold $120 |
 1840 1d black, plate 10 with red Maltese Cross cancel. Large to touching margins, lettered "BL". Some staining reflected in reserve. SG 2, Cat. £950 $120 Archived |
 1840 1d grey black, plate 1a. Red MC with 2 large margins, others close to touching. Lettered "SH". SG 3, Cat. £500 $80 Sold $65 |
 1840 1d grey black, plate 4, fine used with light red Maltese Cross. 4 margins & lettered "GJ". SG 3, Cat. £500 $120 Sold $120 |
 1840 1d grey black, plate 9 F/U by neat black MC cancel. 4 clear margins, lettered "CK". Attractive. SG 3, Cat. £625 $160 Sold $190 |
 1841 (26th Feb) 1d black (4 margins) on cover tied by crisp black M/C & addressed to Camden Town, London. Neat neighbouring Lynn cds at lower left … $200 Sold $150 |
 1840 1d Mulready envelope with black Maltese Cross struck top centre. Addressed to Bristol with broken wax seal on reverse. Minor flap damage other… $120 Sold $210 |
 1840 2d blue with complete Maltese Cross in black. 3½ margins, touching at left. Lettered "AB". A little toned but central MC makes up for it! SG … $120 Sold $120 |
 1840 2d blue with indistinct MC cancel in red., Large even margins & lettered "JL". Lovely colour. SG 5, Cat. £950 $150 Sold $150 |
 1840 2d blue in the distinctive steel-blue shade. Superb used with black Maltese Cross cancels. Good to huge margins & lettered "MB-MC" Rare shade … $2000 Sold $2000 |
1841 1d red brown horizontal strip of 4 fine used by BN "110" of Dumbarton struck three times contrary to postal regulations. Touching at right & N… $75 Sold $75 |
1841 1d red brown imperf with inverted wmk. Cancelled by BN "76". 4 margined & lettered "TF". SG 8wi, Cat. £400 $80 Archived |
1841/57 1d red brown imperfs x 7 used showing normal blued paper & varying degrees of the "ivory head" on reverse. Prussiate of potash was added to… $70 Sold $50 |
 1847/54 1/- pale green embossed. Very fine used with "242" barred numeral. Huge lower margin from base of sheet just touching at top & clear at sid… $250 Archived |
 1847/54 1/- green pair on piece tied by Liverpool 466 BN in black & partial cds in red. Attractive. SG 55, Cat. £1000 ea. $180 Archived |
 1847/54 1/- green embossed cut square touching at left only. Good to F/U with partial duplex "52". SG 55, Cat. £1000 $150 Archived |
 1847/54 1/- green embossed on New Brunswick addressed cover. Cut square with margins touching at top & left but broad at right & base. Tied by BN "… $250 Archived |
 1847/54 6d mauve embossed in vertical strip of 3 fine used with BN "949" x 3 strikes. Large to touching margins but neatly cut & exhibition quality… $500 Sold $400 |
 1847/54 6d mauve embossed with wmk reversed. Cut square with design touching on two sides. Rich colour & MLH with original gum. SG 58, Cat. £19,500 $2800 Archived |
 1847/54 6d dull lilac embossed cut square & touching design on all sides. MLH with full original aged gum. A scarce survivor. SG 59, Cat. £19,500 $2500 Archived |
1847/54 6d purple embossed with 4 clear margins. Smudged obliterator cancel but otherwise sound. SG 60 Cat. £1000 $80 Archived |
 1847/54 6d purple embossed. Fine used with upright barred numeral "7" cancel. Margins just clear to touching on all sides. SG 60, Cat. £1000 $120 Archived |
 1847/54 10d brown with 3 clear margins, touching at right. Neat "diamond" BN. Lovely colour. SG 57, Cat. £1500 $180 Sold $180 |
 1852 (March) 1848 10d brown embossed cut square on cover to St Servan, France tied by "852" BN in black. French Angl Calais transit for 21 MARS 52 … $500 Sold $360 |
 1861 1d rose red horiz strip of 7 lettered KE-KK, letter engraved. MLH with usual gum cracking & small stains on perfs vertically. Centred low but … $220 Archived |
 1864/79 1d lake red, plate 174, MLH block of 10. Lettered AH/AL-BH/BL. Usual gum cracking but MLH on one stamp, others MUH. A rare multiple. SG 44,… $280 Archived |
1858/76 2d blue, plate 13. Unused with minimal o.g. SG 47, Cat. £375 as MLH. $50 Sold $50 |
 1870/74 1½d rose red, plate 3. Two unused examples, one with small thin near hinge mark, second with 70% o.g with usual gum cracking. SG 51, Cat. … $100 Archived |
 1855 4d rose QV, large garter wmk, horizontal pair with AP 29 1859 London "78" duplex cancel. Centred high otherwise attractive with good perfs & r… $30 Sold $38 |
 1856 6d lilac, plate 1 with emblems wmk inverted & reversed. Good used example with left wing margin. RPSL Cert. (2011) SG J70(3)g, unpriced & rare… $700 Archived |
1858 front to Sydney bearing 1855/57 6d lilac QV pair. Repaired tear near Sydney AU 6 1858 receival mark. Addressed to "Lt Green Esq Assistant Gene… $75 Archived |
1860/67 6d reddish lilac on blued paper QV postal fiscal. MLH, light vertical bend. SG F11, Cat. £220 $40 Archived |
 1862/64 3d deep carmine rose ovptd "SPECIMEN". Centered low left. Fresh MUH with good perfs. SG 75s, Cat. £500 $250 Archived |
 1862/64 4d bright red with wing margin, 4d pale red, 4d bright red with Hair Lines all good to F/U plus a bright red on piece tied by ANGL CALAIS 1… $20 Sold $28 |
 1862/64 9d bistre. MLH with large part o.g. Slightly clipped perfs at right but rich colour & rarely seen. SG86 Cat £5,800 $500 Sold $500 |
 1863/67 3d rose pl. 4 (faults), 1867/80 pl. 10, 1873/78 plates 14-16 & 21 & 1865/67 4d plates 7, 11, 12 & 13 plus 1873/80 6d grey plates 13 to 17. … $75 Sold $75 |
 1865/67 3d rose plate 4 with large white corner letters. Large part o.g., centred low & with nibbled lower right corner perf but lovely colour & a … $200 Sold $160 |
1865 4d dull vermilion QV, plate 7. Well centred with very good perfs & colour. Fine used with superb upright MALTA JY 11 66 cds. SG 93, Cat. £180… $90 Archived |
 1865 4d vermilion QV, Plate 10 with light partial barred numeral pmk. Centred left with slightly trimmed perfs at right reflected in conservative e… $20 Archived |
1865/67 4d vermilion & deep vermilion QV complete set of plate numbers from 7 to 14. Cond ranges from used to F/U, 5 with quite heavy cancels. SG 9… $100 Sold $100 |
 1865 1/- green QV F/U by light barred numeral cancel. Wing margin at right deflecting low left centering. Light staining on wing margin that could … $20 Sold $28 |
 1867/80 2/- dull blue QV. Small part o.g with some light creasing & stain at top reflected in reserve. SG 118 Cat. £4200 $280 Sold $280 |
 1867/73 5/- rose, plate 1 ovptd "SPECIMEN". Fresh MLH. Good centering & perfs. SG 126s, Cat. £1100 $400 Archived |
 1867 5/- pale rose QV pl.2 well centred example with light duplex. SG 127, Cat. £1500 $180 Sold $180 |