Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Collections
Western Australia 1854-1912 used range with typed descriptions on leaves. Noted 1854 1d black cut close on 2 sides, clear on 2 with light dumb obli…
Sold $170
Western Australia 1860-1912 MUH, MLH & used with 2d pale orange imperf cut close (SG 24), 1863/64 1d lake (perfs removed), 1861 2d blue clean cut p…
Sold $460
Western Australia 1890-2010 Postmarks in SG Devon album. Part 1 from Abbotts to Kurrawang with many better than average strikes. Locations incl Agn…
Sold $1000
Western Australia 1890-2010 Postmarks in SG Devon album. Part 2 from Lake Brown to Zanthus, the companion to previous lot. Locations incl Lakeside,…
Sold $1100
Western Australia 1960-2012 Postmark selection with approx. 70 diff modern on mainly unaddressed cancelled per favour covers in quality Lindner alb…
Sold $120
Western Australia Accum incl a page of swans with 1854 1d black 4 margin imperf (with surface thin) plus other vals to 1/-, three large blocks of Â…
Sold $170
Western Australia Range of swans with numeral postmarks with either 12 or 15 bars. Nothing rare but some nice strikes incl neat 12 bar 26 of New No…
Sold $120
Western Australia Accumulation in old biscuit tin with vals to 1/-. Useful for research & possible postmark interest with "OS" & multiples present.…
Sold $280
Western Australia Range on Hagner with 1861 1d rose perf. 14, 2d blue clean cut perf. 14-16, 1864 1d bistre, 2d chrome yellow, 1876/81 2d, 1882/85 …
Sold $230
Western Australia Mint & used selection on Hagner from SG 38 (1d rose) to SG 146 plus fiscals F11, 12 & 20. Each item showing cat. number & price. …
Sold $160
Western Australia Postmarks Albany to Yalgoo selection on 2 Hagners with each annotated. Many nice strikes with majority on swans. Noted "bullseye"…
Sold $55
Western Australia Postmarks on 1d & 2d swans with many c1903 noting "Telegraphs Perth WA" & "Loose Ship Letter" sl partial strikes plus various bar…
Sold $290
Western Australia Postmarks with matching pictures of post offices for Kellerberrin (1894), Narrogin (1892) & Northam (1847) together with appropri…
Sold $460
Western Australia Postmarks on two Hagners with identified barred numeral cancels on Swans. Nice clear strikes of 21 locations incl Albany (5), Aus…
Sold $40
Western Australia Postcards with 9 unused incl cards by Bon Marche, Robinson, Western Mail, VSM Series, etc in good to fine cond plus 6 1905-1909 u…
Sold $190
Western Australia Railway Parcels stamps on Hagners incl decimal with 5th series no wmk $1 x2 & 10₵ to $2 in other dupl vals (23), 6th series dup…
Sold $120
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1854 1d black with light void grid. 4 clear margins & most attractive. SG 1, Cat. £275
Sold $110
1854 1d black unused with close to touching margins. Lightly hinged with minimal o.g. SG 1, Cat. £1300
1854/55 4d pale blue swan good to fine used with 15 bar 5 numeral cancel for Guildford in blue. Displays a pre-printing paper fold resulting in a v…
Sold $120
1854/55 4d pale blue block of 4 with "bleeding swan" variety in top left stamp. Barely visible diagonal paper crease at upper left with pressed ver…
1854/55 4d pale blue showing "tilted lower border" variety. Fine unused without gum with 4 clear even margins. Ceremuga Cert. (2015) SG 3i, Cat. £…
1854/55 4d pale blue swan F/U with light 15 bar 6 cancel. 2 full margins with 2 touching. SG 3 Cat. £200
Sold $42
1854/55 4d pale blue swan unused without gum. Large to extra large margins. A premium example. SG 3, Cat. £375
Sold $300
1854/55 4d blue unused with 4 generous margins. Superb example. SG 3a, Cat. £450
Sold $200
1854/55 4d blue with 3 clear margins & just touching at top. MLH with original blackboy gum. SG 3a, Cat. £450
Sold $180
1854/55 4d blue with 4 large to close margins with small nick in right margin into design. Otherwise fresh unused without gum. SG 3a, Cat. £450
Sold $110
1854/55 4d blue with neat BN "8" obliterator. 3 close but clear margins just touching at base. SG 3a, Cat. £250
Sold $80
1854/55 1/- deep red brown imperf with 3 clear margins, just cut into at right. BN cancel. Strong rich colour. AG 4a Cat. £1000
1854/55 1/- grey brown. Close margins in 3 sides with small nick at right but huge bottom margin. Unused without gum. Strong colour. SG 4b, Cat. £650
Sold $240
1854/55 1/- pale brown swan, clear margins all round, cancelled with BN "8" obliterator. Ironed out horiz crease at top but not visible from front.…
1855/55 1/- pale brown with 4 close to touching margins. Fine used with light numeral cancel. Surface scuff to left reflected in reserve. SG 4c, Ca…
Sold $90
1858 2d brown-black on red "printed both sides" fine used with neat void grid cancel. 2 clear margins & 2 just touching. SG 15a Cat. £800
Sold $350
1857 6d grey-black swan fine used by void grid cancel. 4 close to just touching margins. Attractive. SG 19 Cat. £550
Sold $160
1859 6d grey black with broad margins right & base, other sides just touching. Lightly used. SG 19, Cat. £550
1860 2d orange vermilion fresh unused without gum. Even clear close margins. Quality example. SG 25, Cat. £140
Sold $90
1860/64 4d blue with close to touching margins. A scarce fine used example with 15 bar numeral cancel. Small scissor cut at left. Lovely rich colou…
Sold $575
1860/64 6d sage-green F/U with light numeral cancel. All margins touching & very slightly cut into reflected in reserve. SG 28 Cat. £400
Sold $20
1860/64 6d sage-green with close to large margins. Superb used with crisp central 15 bar "3" numeral cancel. A lovely stamp. SG 28 Cat. £400+
Sold $120
1861 2d blue used (SG 34), 2d blue very good used (SG 41), 6d purple-brown F/U (SG 42) & 1d carmine rose x 2 (SG 44) F/U but one with faults. Total…
Sold $55
1861 4d vermilion, perf 14, Somerset House. Fine MLH with average centring. SG 40, Cat. £450
Sold $120
1861 6d dark lilac swan colour trial on unwatermarked paper. Imperf with 4 margins, 1 very close. Fresh appearance.
Sold $170
1861 6d purple brown, perf clean-cut 14-16. MLH with part original gum. Well-centred with good colour. SG 42, Cat. £550
Sold $260
1863/64 1d lake. MLH with usual rough perfs on thick rough paper. SG 50, Cat. £70
1864 ONE PENNY on 2d yellow vertical pair. Fine used with light crisp "G.P.O." strikes. SG 67 Cat. £55 + premium as multiples of this stamp are sc…
Sold $240
1865 (25th Nov) mourning cover Fremantle to London franked with 4d carmine (SG 56) & 6d violet (SG 57) tied by numeral "8" with "FREEMANTLE" datest…
Sold $3550
1865 1/- bright green, wmk crown CC, Perf. 12½. Better than average MH example. SG 61, Cat. £250
Sold $120
1872-1912 MUH/MLH singles selected for their with excellent colour & fine appearance. Centring varies from average to fine but the overall appearan…
Sold $250
1877 6d lilac. MLH with part o.g. SG 75, Cat. £200
Sold $260
1878 1d ochre. MLH with large part o.g & strong colour. SG 68, Cat. £90
Sold $40
1879 1d bistre & 6d lilac, perf. 14 Telegraph pair good to fine used. SG T1/T2 Cat. £250 (2)
Sold $260

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