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Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1992 (9th May) 50th Anniv of the Glider Pilot Regiment cover flown in Islander aircraft before being parachuted by the Red Devils Free Fall Team & …
Sold $30
1998 (16th May) "Wembley Venue of Legends" Benham silk cover framed pair signed by Nat Lofthouse & Sir Stanley Matthews. Each pmkd Wembley with FA …
2001/02 Space themed & signed Benham commem covers. Incls Apollo 7 signed by Lunar Module Pilot, Walter Cunningham, Apollo 9 signed by Module Comma…
Sold $980
2012 London Olympics Gold Medal Winners Benham Silk FDC collection set of 30 each with the 1st Class Self Adhesive of that Olympian attached & pmkd…
2013-2015 Royal Mail Post & Go blank strips of 6 for the Mistletoe/Ivy, Poppy, Holly, Union Jack, Birds, Fish, Pigs, Cattle, Sheep designs & Machin…
Sold $350
2017 Post & Go Cartor promotional strip of 6 depicting Australian wildlife with "Melbourne 2017 Int. Stamp Expo" imprint plus a pair with the maps …
Sold $25
1902/03 ½d green KEVII MUH blocks of 4 ovptd "Army Official" (2 units creased), "I.R. Official" & "Admiralty Official" with short middle bar to "M…
1902/04 ½d green & 1d scarlet KEVII ovptd "Army Official" with latter in vert marginal pair plus "Govt Parcels" on 1d scarlet. Majority MLH. Total…
Sold $30
1902/04 ½d green KEVII ovptd "Board of Education" & 1d scarlet ovptd "Admiralty Official" with the "long "M" middle bar" variety. Both fresh MLH. …
Admiralty Official ovpts on 1903 & 1903/04 KEVII sets complete with both "M" types of ovpt plus extra 1½d "long" type. Good to fine used range. SG…
Sold $400
Army Official ovpts for 1896-1903 complete. QV 6d is MLH with others used. KEVII 6d x 2 (both heavily cancelled) incl ½d blue green & colour chang…
Board of Education ovpts with QV 5d & 1/- & KEVII ½d, 1d, 2½d used. All sound examples but only ½d is fine with others heavily used but sound wi…
Sold $800
Govt Parcels ovpts with QV & KEVII complete used in typically mixed cond. The 1883/86 1½d with perfs trimmed off left side & 6d pale (washed) but …
Govt Parcels QV 1/- orange brown plate 14 with "no dot under T" variety. A repaired cut in left side not apparent from front. SG O64ca Cat. £775
I.R. Official on 5/- rose (SG O9). Used by smudgy parcel cancel with trivial surface rub to right of "R". Clear QV profile. SG O9 Cat. £2400
Sold $220
I.R. Official ovpt on £1 green with superb 1894 Aberdeen cds centrally applied. Lovely example of a rare stamp.SG O16 £2500
Sold $1350
I.R. Official ovpts on QV & KEVII to 1/- (latter excls 6d). All used in usual mixed cond with 1882 ½d damaged but others sound. Good to fine used …
Sold $600
O.W. Official ovpt on QV ½d vermilion. Absolutely superb MVLH example. SG O31 Cat. £325
Sold $120
O.W. Official ovpts on 1896/02 QV ½d blue green, 1d lilac, 5d dull purple & blue, 10d dull purple & carmine. All sound with cds cancels. A couple …
Sold $650
O.W. Official ovpt on 1902/03 1d scarlet KEVII. Fine used & MUH examples. SG 037 Cat. £700 + premium for MUH (2)
O.W. Official ovpts on 1902/03 KEVII ½d, 1d, 2d & 2½d. All good to fine used. SG O36/09 Cat. £1485 (4)
1941 2d Stamp Cent bisect on local cover tied by Guernsey 18 FE 41 cds plus 12 AP 44 Registered (R448 in red) local cover bearing ½d & pair of 2½…
Sold $70
Guernsey 2000 (6th May) Hurricane & Spitfire flown Battle of Britain stamp & coin FDI commem covers each with set of 6 stamps. Most attractive. (2)
Sold $30
Guernsey 2004 (12th May) D-Day 60th Anniv "Operation Overlord" £5 coloured coin & stamp PNC. Pictorial pmk on beautifully illustrated cover. Exc c…
Sold $25
Isle of Man 2000 (22nd May) Battle of Britain M/S & 1 crown coin FDC plus additional PNC's for 1996 TT Race, 2000 Millennium with 1999 & 2000 pmks …
Sold $50
Jersey 1996 (21st April) QEII 70th B'day Benham £5 stamp & medal cover celebrating the Royal Yacht Britannia signed by the Commodore Royal Yachts,…

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