Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos ½d to 2d used range on Hagners with majority in good to fine cond, many with cds's incl "Weemelah" on 9d vertical pair. Noted 6d. small …
Sold $50
Kangaroos ACSC varieties incl 9d violet CofA used with 29(3)e & g, 29(4)p MLH & normal MUH but off centre, 1/- blue green, perf OS, 33(3)g & 1924 2…
Kangaroos 1/- green/emerald range with 1st wmk x 7 incl F/U pair perfined large "OS", single 2nd wmk & 3rd wmk x 23 with Die IIB block of 4 F/U per…
Sold $80
Kangaroos 1913 1d used off paper in cigar box with odd other vals incl 4d perf large "OS", 2d, 3d, 1/- & couple of others. Good quality examples po…
Sold $160
Kangaroos 3d olive x 31 with both wmks represented incl 1st wmk Die I with inverted wmks x 3 plus a Die I with normal 1st wmk. Good to fine used ra…
Sold $150
Kangaroos 1918 3rd wmk group incl 3d, 6d chestnut, 9d & 1/- MLH with others used incl 2d plus inverted wmk & "OS", 2½d, 3d "OS", 6d dull ultramari…
Kangaroos 1d reds selection incl coil pair (MUH/MLH) plus a used variety of annotated varieties with ACSC numbers arranged on Hagner. Mixed cond re…
Sold $170
Kangaroos 9d violet selection with 1st wmk x 5 incl 2 perfined small "OS", 2nd wmk x 3 incl fine used pair with neat Broome Hill cds's & 3rd wmk x …
Sold $40
Kangaroos 1st wmk ½d green in 2 MUH pairs, 1d red, Die II also in MUH pair plus 2 MLH pairs but all toned to one degree or another plus 2 MLH sing…
Sold $120
Kangaroos Group of 2nd wmk varieties comprising 2d NWPI with variety 6(2)e & Australia 6(1)d & m, 2½d 10 (1)d, 10(2)f & p, 6d ultramarine perfined…
Sold $300
Kangaroos 1st wmk ½d green x 16 incl 3 perfined small "OS" ( 2 used, 1 unused), MLH coil join pair, 3 used with inverted wmks & 1 MLH & 7 used sin…
Sold $600
Kangaroos Simplified used set of 16 to 5/- (latter heavy parcel cancel, ditto 6d chestnut) with 5d fine used & 4d in pale shade. Mostly good to fin…
Sold $25
Kangaroos Values to 2/- plus 1914 1d cover from Brisbane to Canada. Mainly 1d vals incl pairs, strips & 2 blocks of 4 (230) plus ½d (10), 2d (25),…
Sold $80
Kangaroos 2/- browns & maroons with 1st wmk x 2 incl CTO example & one perfined small "OS" (small tone spot), 3rd wmk browns x 7 incl 2 perfd "OS" …
Sold $140
Kangaroos Duplicated used range to 5/- in small stockbook. All vals in multiples except 4d & 5d with one of each. Above average with some useful F/…
Sold $85
Kangaroos 1918 3rd wmk vals for 2d (15), 2½ (8), 3d (10) & 6d ultramarine (3) all with annotated varieties incl inverted wmk 2d (2) & 6d & inverte…
Kangaroos 2d grey x 44 in mixed wmks with a range of wmk & annotated varieties. Good to F/U. ACSC Cat. $2400+ (44)
Kangaroos 4d orange x 8 copies incl large "OS" & 2 shades with small "OS". Also 5 x 5d chestnut. All good to fine used with majority the latter. (13)
Sold $40
Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk selection to 9d comprising 1d, 3d Die I, & 4d mint (gum redistributed) & ½d, 1d x 4 incl perfined large "OS", 2d plus small…
Kangaroos 5/- bicoloured shade range incl 3rd wmk x 8 used with parcel cancels incl 6 x perfined "OS", one of which has "bottom frame damaged under…
Sold $200
Kangaroos 1918 3rd wmk selection incl 6d dull ultramarine, chestnut (2), 9d (7), 1/- (9), 2/- brown (5), maroon (3), 5/- (4) & 10/- (perf OS) (2). …
Kangaroos 6d ultramarine with 1st wmk x 4 incl large "OS" F/U, 2nd wmk x 6 incl 3 good used perfined "OS" & 3rd wmk blue x 24 in a range of shades …
Sold $55
Kangaroos 1d to 5/- range of values all good to fine used but mixed cond. Could be useful for study. (300+)
Sold $130
Kangaroos 9d violet in various wmks all off paper with some fine used examples amongst the average ones. Apparently unchecked for varieties & certa…
Sold $50
Kangaroos ACSC varieties with "flags" identifying 3d 3rd wmk Die I & Die IIB used, 2½d blue with "heavy coastline to WA" (ACSC 11(2)d, Cat. $60), …
Kangaroos Duplicated largely used in old "Victor Hugo" tobacco tin. Noted 6d "OS" CofA wmk MUH plus a good range of most vals to 1/- noting 5/- Sma…
Sold $170
Kangaroos 1913 1d used selection on Hagner each with a variety identified by ACSC plus ½d with wmk inverted. Generally above average cond. See web…
Sold $300
Kangaroos Fine used selection incl 1st wmk ½d to 1/- (10), 2d wmk 2d to 1/- (5), 3rd wmk 2d to 1/- (7), SMW 6d to 2/- (5) & CofA wmk 9d to 5/- (4)…
Kangaroos 2½d indigo x 27 with all wmks represented incl 8 stamps with "heavy WA coastline" varieties (to varying degrees). One these in 3rd wmk a…
Sold $100
Kangaroos 1931/36 CofA wmkd 6d "OS", 9d (3), 2/- (19), 5/- (7) & 10/- (3, incl Specimen which is MH) all with ACSC listed varieties. All good to fi…
Kangaroos Varieties on Small multiple wmk examples incl 6d chestnut (4), 9d (6), 1/- (6) with broken "O" in "ONE" x 2 in both MUH & used, 2/- maroo…
Kangaroos Selection on album sheets incl used range ½d to 2/- with various wmks, 1/- 3rd wmk kangaroo perfined "OS" marginal MLH (creased), 6d Cof…
Sold $520
Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk range on 2d (10), 2½d (2), 3d (2), 4d (6), 5d (5), 6d, 9d (2), 1/- (4) & 2/-. All showing various ACSC listed varieties inc…
Kangaroos Used range on 2 Seven Seas pages & 2 Hagners incl 1st wmk 5d x 4, 2nd wmk set with 3x 2½d & same for 3rd wmk. Hagners with duplicated va…
Sold $100
Kangaroos N.W.P.I. range showing varieties on 2d "abc" MLH strip with middle stamp having ACSC 5(2)I, 2½d vertical block of 8 with top left stamp …
Kangaroos & KGV plus States mainly used spread across 5 partially filled albums & stockbooks with strength in KGV. Noted Customs Duty stamps, WA 1/…
Sold $180
Kangaroos & Pre-decimal largely used with over 390 kangaroos comprising 1st wmk to 2/- incl 5d x 4 plus large "OS" & one mint. NW Pacific Is ovpts …
Sold $620
KGV ½d on annotated pages incl 51 greens & 48 oranges. A few minor varieties & a few mint stamps noted but mainly good to fine used. (99)
Sold $65
KGV 1d red "left plate" varieties incl "thin G" in pair perfined "OS" plus 2 on rough paper, "retouched" top right corners x 2 on rough paper, "PEN…
KGV 1d red "right plate" varieties with 11 different major listed on smooth paper incl "dot before "1" x 3 & "NY" joined pairs x 2 (cat. $125 each)…
KGV 1d red Die II written-up study with Die I, II & II strip, Die I & II joined pairs on smooth & rough papers plus a number of single stamps showi…
Sold $200
KGV 1d reds annotated varieties & "oddities" on album pages incl "tin shed" flaws x 8 (some quite substantial), "ink stripping" x 5 (mostly minor),…
Sold $100
KGV 1d reds on rough & smooth paper shades presented as "G" nos. G10-G33 & G60-G77. Incls shades & sub shades with little duplication. Most shades …
Sold $310
KGV 1d reds sorted by date from 1914 to 1921. Many cds examples so pmk potential & useful lot for research. (1200+)
Sold $430
KGV 1d red, violet & green examples on annotated pages reflecting an in depth plate variety study. Approximately 500 stamps with wmk, shade & perf …
Sold $320
KGV 1d green varieties x 69 plus three on 4½d Small Mult perf. 14, used. Many have previously been removed by vendor but some useful remain incl 2…
Sold $60
KGV 1d specialised on annotated pages. Noted minor & major varieties incl smooth paper sub cliché Die I & II & a Die III with "diagonal break top …
Sold $70
KGV 1½d black-browns, browns, bright red-browns, greens & reds. Annotated old time collection of over 300 stamps with plenty of interest for the s…
Sold $210
KGV 2d orange bundleware in small cigar tin with 11 bundles of 100. Good to fine used. (1100)
Sold $210
KGV 2d orange, red-brown & red with neat representative collection of 150 stamps all on annotated leaves. Nice range of basic varieties with majori…
Sold $150

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