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Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign: Nauru
1916/23 1/- KGV & 2/6d & 5/- Seahorses ovptd "SPECIMEN". All with heavily toned gum, the 2/6d has a minor smudge in top margin. SG 12s, SG 19s & SG…
Sold $150
1916/23 2½d blue KGV block of 4 ovptd "SPECIMEN". Originally from the National Postal Museum Archives. One of only 2 such blocks. Fresh MUH.
Sold $600
1916/23 KGV ovpts to 1/- incl both dies of 2d, "centre" ovpts (4), Seahorses with 2/6d yellow brown (DLR), 2/6d pale brown (BW) & 5/- carmine (DLR)…
Sold $150
1916/23 KGV ovpts to 1/- in pairs (2½d, 3d singles only) showing deformed "U" on first unit of each pair, the singles showing break in left arm of…
1924 Century shiny-paper set to 10/- CTO (with gum to 2/6d). 4d stained & 10/- thinned. No ½d perf. 14. SG 26B/39B Cat. £225
Commonwealth & Foreign: New Guinea
1914 20pf ultramarine Marshall Island Yacht with 5mm apart "G.R.I. 2d" ovpt. Fresh MUH & bottom marginal. SG 27
Sold $30
1915/16 2/- brown 3rd wmk ovptd N.W. PACIFIC ISLANDS, type 1, a/b/c strip MUH. Cat. £140 + premium for MUH
Sold $130
1931 (14th Aug) 2d claret BOP ovptd AIR MAIL strip of 4 tied by Madang cds's on cover addressed locally. Clean and attractive.
Commonwealth & Foreign: NWPI
1914 "One Penny" surcharge on 1/- kangaroo. Fine used. SG 101 Cat. £80
Sold $40
1915/23 MUH/MLH group comprising kangaroo with type 1 ovpt on 2½d (1st wmk), 1/- (2nd wmk) & type II ovpt on 2½d, 3d, 6d, 9d & 5/- all 3rd wmk. A…
Sold $130
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua
1929/30 3d sepia-black & bright blue-green "AIRMAIL" ovpt. Fresh MLH. SG 113 Cat. £50
Sold $25
1932 2/- Art block of 4 cancelled by Bwagaoia cds. Well centered & fault free. SG 141
1932 Pictorials to £1 fine used on annotated pages. 10/- has pinhole & £1 is on part Ash imprint. Cat. £450+ (25)
Sold $150
1952 10/- Map & £1 Fisherman both overprinted "SPECIMEN". Fresh MUH. SG 14s & 15s Retail $150 (2)
Sold $50
1964 10/- bird ovptd "SPECIMEN" MUH. SG 71s Retails $150
Sold $40
1985 Ceremonial Structures set of 4 trial stamps in MUH horiz pairs plus a normal set in pairs also for comparison. These unissued stamps are small…
Sold $300
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1773 (4th Jan) stampless entire with copperplate script on business matters & finishing " I paid eight pence postage on your letter". Light Bishop …
Sold $30
1837 (29th Sept) London to New York pre-stamp entire with page of correspondence. A superb full strike of "PAID SHIP LETTER LONDON" crown oval in r…
1840 1d intense black tied by crisp black Maltese Cross to Reading addressed entire dated 24th Nov. Lettered QC with 4 clear margins. Inner of docu…
Sold $460
1840 1d black cancelled with clear red Maltese Cross. Exc large even margins. Lettered HI. A lovely stamp. SG 2 Cat. £350
Sold $160
1840 1d black with red Maltese Cross cancel. Clear good even margins & lettered RI. Attractive. SG 2 Cat. £350
Sold $170
1840 1d black, plate 4 tied to entire by two strikes of the red Maltese Cross cancel. Addressed to Durham with neat arrival cds for JY 27 1840. Let…
Sold $390
1840 1d black, plate 9 with neat partial black Maltese Cross cancel. Clear to good margins. Lettered OI. SG 2 Cat. £625
Sold $270
1840 1d grey-black (worn plate), plate 7 on small piece tied by red Maltese Cross next to bold Cardiff cds for JA 2 1841. Broad margins top & botto…
Sold $170
1840 2d deep full blue fine used by complete bold, upright Maltese Cross. Close but clear margins. Lettered RI. SG 4 Cat £1150
Sold $210
1840 2d deep full blue with 4 margins. F/U by crisp bold black Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered SA. An attractive stamp. SG 4
Sold $210
1840 2d deep full blue with smudged black Maltese Cross on piece with Chesterfield MY 25 1842 cds beneath. Close to just touching margins. SG 4 Cat…
Sold $200
1840 2d blue. Mint with minimal original gum. Small hole/thin at left but otherwise 4 close to large margins & lovely colour. Lettered QF. SG 5 Cat…
Sold $220
1841 1d red brown QV set of numbered Maltese Cross obliterators complete for 1 to 12. Number 4 is on a badly cut-into, no margin, example but with …
Sold $400
1841 1d lake-red QV fine used with central "67" BN. 4 clear margins & most attractive. A scarce shade. SG 11 Cat. £850
1841 2d blue horiz pair with good margins & F/U by clear BN "5" obliterator. Small nick in right hand stamp. Lettered II-IJ. SG 14 £150 + premium …
Sold $25
1852 stampless cover with s/l "Burnhill-Row" cachet in blue on Philadelphia addressed entire with "Paid Boston" receiver cancel in red. & second Pa…
1858/79 1d red QV plate reconstruction of all 240 positions from AA to LT but with various different plate numbers & shades represented. Cond varie…
Sold $90
1858/79 1d reds complete plate number collection (bar 77 !) on Hagners. Majority good used but some faults incl plate 225 with trimmed perfs. A goo…
Sold $230
1858/79 1d rose-red QV plate 225. Good to fine used by light duplex cancel. Centered right with good perfs & clear plate number. SG 43 Pl. 225 Cat.…
1847/54 1/- pale green. 4 clear margins with part adjoining stamp at right. Neat "466" BN obliterator. SG 54 Cat. £1000
1858/79 2d blue QV, plate 15. MLH but poorly centred. Good colour. SG 47 Cat. £375
Sold $30
1847 1/- green embossed horiz joined pair cut square on piece tied by Liverpool "466" barred numeral obliterator in black & partial cds in red. Att…
1847/54 1/-embossed in all three catalogued shades. Good to fine used with close to touching margins. SG 54/56 Cat. £3200
Sold $200
1847/54 10d brown embossed just touching on all sides but fine used with neat "20" BN obliterator. Lovely example which appears to be Die I. SG 57 …
Sold $300
1847/54 6d dull lilac embossed with two large margins & touching on other two sides. Red cancel traces at lower right cancelled by "489" BN obliter…
Sold $150
1847/54 6d embossed in all four catalogued shades. All good to fine used with close (a couple of touching) to large margins. A conservative reserve…
Sold $300
1855 4d rose QV, large garter wmk, horizontal pair with AP 29 1859 London "78" duplex cancel. Centred high otherwise attractive with good perfs & r…
1855/57 6d deep lilac QV ovptd "SPECIMEN" (SG type 4). Mint without gum. SG 69s Cat. £600 as MLH
Sold $80
1855 1/- green good used with partial Glasgow duplex cancel. Well centred & good colour. SG 72 Cat. £325 Also an 1862 9d straw neatly used with 2 …
Sold $50
1855/57 1/- green in 3 catalogued shades. Deep green has heavy cancel & pulled perf. others F/U & fine. SG 71/73 Cat. £1170
Sold $90
1862 9d straw QV. Good used by light BN cancel. Centered low left with good perfs. SG 87 Cat. £450
Sold $60
1865 3d rose, plate 4 F/U by crisp part duplex cancel. SG 92 Cat. £450 with premium
Sold $70
1862 3d rose, plate 4 with wmk inverted. Good used & centered low left. Reserved accordingly. SG 92wi Cat. £550
Sold $50
1865 4d vermilion QV, Plate 10 with light partial barred numeral pmk. Centred left with slightly trimmed perfs at right reflected in conservative e…

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