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Lot No Description Est.
Outerlying Territories: Australian Antartic Territory
1955 (16th Feb) 3½d ANARE on "MAWSON BASE IN ANTARCTICA" b&w postcard with Mawson ANARE pmk. on picture side. Reverse has cachet in mauve with inf…
Sold $30
1959/61 Defins on various FDC's with bases cancels noted. Incl. 1959 set of 4 on individual Royal covers pmkd Lonsdale St all unaddressed & set on …
Sold $35
1966 Decimal defins set to $1 in PO Pres pack with Japanese insert. Pack neatly opened at top otherwise fine cond. SG 8/18
Sold $30
1966 (19th Dec) Decimal Defins set of 11 to $1 on APO FDC's with Base Cancels for MacQuarie Is & Davis on 5c. $1 Mock Sun has Macquarie Is Reg labe…
Sold $40
1972 Cook x 50 MUH sets of 2. SG 21/22 (50)
Sold $50
1973 Defins to $1 on 8 FDC's postmarked at the bases Macquarie, Davis, Mawson & Casey. Excellent unaddressed cond. Retail at $300
1973 1c to $1 Defins in blocks of 4 on APO FDC's each cancelled FDI Davis 10th Jan 1974. Rarely seen in blocks of 4. Exc cond.
Sold $70
1973-1989 unaddressed FDC accumulation with several Base Cancel sets incl 1972 Cook, ships defins. & 1989 Nolan Paintings. Useful. (4 Bases). (129)
Sold $50
1995 Whales & Dolphins Miniature Sheet overprinted Singapore Exhibition fine used with Business Post, Oakleigh, Victoria cds. Unusual.
Sold $15
1995 Whales & Dolphins Miniature Sheet overprinted Capex '96 in gold. MUH
Sold $20
1995 Whales & Dolphins Miniature Sheets overprinted Singapore Exhibition & Capex '96. Both MUH Retail at $100+
Sold $50
1995 Whales & Dolphins Miniature Sheet overprinted "SYDNEY CENTREPOINT 95 STAMPSHOW" in black. MUH.
Sold $80
1995 Whales & Dolphins Miniature Sheet overprinted "THE FIRST PHILATELY & COLLECTIONS FAIR HONG KONG '95" in silver & numbered 446 at base in black…
Sold $130
2001 Exploration sheetlet of 20 pres packs x2. Exc cond & difficult to find. Retail at $28 each (2)
Sold $19
2009-2011 Ace Stamp Auctions ovptd Glaciers, Species at Risk & Icebergs M/S's. Fine MUH. (3)
Sold $35
2010 Macquarie Island M/S overprinted in black "Mandurah 2010 19-21 November" with dolphin & bird emblems. No. 29 of only 300. MUH
Sold $40
2010 Macquarie Island M/S overprinted in gold "Centenary of Kangaroo Stamps 10-15 May 2013" with map & kangaroo emblem. No. 12 of only 250. MUH
Sold $40
2011 Icebergs M/S & s/adhesive booklet, both ovpt APTA BRISBANE 1st-2nd OCTOBER 2011 in gold. Both numbered 100 of 250. A scarce pair. (2)
Sold $70
2011 Icebergs M/S ovpt "Ace Stamp Auctions - Celebrating our 10th Sale" in black with misplace overprint covering stamps. Normal for comparison. Th…
Sold $45
2011 Antarctic Expedition M/S ovpt "APTA MELBOURNE 12th-13th NOVEMBER 2011" in gold & numbered 250 of 250. The last one!! MUH
Sold $55
Outerlying Territories: Christmas Island
1988 Wildlife sheetlet of 16 in presentation pack. MUH. Increasingly scarce. SG 229a Retails at $130
Sold $40
1990 Abbott's Booby Miniature Sheets with New Zealand '90 overprint. MUH SG MS310 Retails at $30+
Sold $20
Outerlying Territories: Cocos (Keeling) Islands
1954 (5th April) 10c Coronation Malaya Singapore issue on 1953/54 Royal Visit Cocos Is illust. First Day cover with crisp COCOS ISLAND cds. Address…
1990 $5 on 65c aircraft surcharge. Fresh MUH with right selvedge. SG 230 Retails at $85
Sold $40
Outerlying Territories: Norfolk Island
1998 $2 Local Stamp Booklet & 1999 $2.50 Australia '99 booklet. Difficult to find. SG SB9 & SB11 (2)
Sold $15



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There are 25 record(s) matching your criteria.