Lot No. 216
Auction No. | 5 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $500 |
Status | SOLD $500 |
1927-1965 MLH/MUH collection on Hagners, some in blocks incl 1928 Kooka (16, plus M/S with missing top selvedge), pre-perf paper creases (3 selvedge examples), Bridge pair ''OS'' MUH, £1 Robes block of 4 with gum mildewed, KGVI 3d Die I (2 MUH - one o/c, one with short perf), ''White Wattles'' MLH & used, thin paper Die II (one creased MUH), Die III, 1937 Zoologicals both perfs to 1/- MUH, Arms to £2 MUH (£1 imprint pair) plus £1 MLH, £1 navigator SPECIMEN ovpt MUH, most commems incl 1935 S Jubilee MLH. Mainly fine & well worth close inspection. (100's)