Lot No. 756
Auction No. | 9 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $300 |
Status | SOLD $300 |
States MLH & used selection on 41 Hagners. Noted NSW 2d Sydney View (4 margins), 2d Laureate (2, 4 margins), 5d perfd "Diadem" MUH, 1860 6d "Registered" used, 1888 20/- Carrington used, 1897 1/- Consumptive Homes MLH; Qld Chalons to £1 used; SA vals to 2/- used plus "Long Toms" with 6 used to 5/- & 11 to 2/6d used; Tasmania 1900 Pictorials MLH with 5d & 6d used; Victoria from 5 imperfs, perfd types to 5/-used, 1897 Charity 1d MLH x 2; WA incl 8d, 9d & 10d MLH. Some faults but still worth careful viewing. (few 100)