Lot No. 492
Auction No. | 8 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $1000 |
Status | Archived |
1913-1965 MLH & used collection in 2 "Exeter" albums with MLH 1st wmk kangaroos ½d, 6d, 9d, used; 2nd wmk 5/- (pulled perf), 3rd wmk to 5/- plus MLH 2d (3), 2½d, 3d, 9d, & 1/- (2 each); CofA 6d, 9d, Die I 2/- plus used 6d, 9d pair, 2/- & 5/-. KGV incl various MLH to single crown wmk 1/4d, ditto Sm mult perf. 13½ x 12½ & perf. 14 to 4½d (ex 2d). Comprehensive used range mostly fine, 1914 6d engraved kookaburra VFU, 1927 Canberra pair cancelled FDI, no 5/- Bridge but other commems complete MLH or used & in many cases both. Some blocks incl 1929 1½d swan pl 2, 1930 surcharges, 1932 Bridge both 2d imprint blocks 3d pl. 1. Defins well covered incl 1937 3d blue Dies (ex white wattles) MLH & used, Robes both papers used, coil pairs (Ex KGVI 2d red) & 1950 QM 2d green imprint coil perf block of 4. Later coil pairs incl 1959/63 MLH. No mint 5/- cattle or Navigators but used complete incl £1 Navigator strip of 3, Arms set, other KGVI & QEII with MLH & used sets of each incl some imprint blocks & 1957 3½d Christmas re-entry. Odd faulty item (incl 1915/28 £1 grey) but mainly fine. (100's)