Lot No. 647
Auction No. | 35 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $1200 |
Status | Archived |
KGV Varieties in singles & blocks in mixed MUH, MLH & used cond on 12 Hagners with majority "flagged" with ACSC details & cat vals. Noted 4d orange block of 4 MUH with wmk inverted (Cat. $900), 4d olive no imprint pair with diagonal line on King's neck (Cat. $500) & single 4d olive-green with "kangaroo's tongue out" variety (Cat. $300) plus a used range (some perfined "OS") with 4d orange varieties totalling ACSC Cat. $2120. Many 1½d vals (ACSC 89/22) with some unlisted varieties plus others to 2d incl 1d reds (30) & 1d greens (48). Total ACSC Cat. $10,000+ (100s)