Lot No. 807
Auction No. | 33 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $400 |
Status | SOLD $400 |
1913-1965 MLH & used on leaves starting with simplified kangaroos used in all vals & colours to 5/- (latter CofA CTO) plus "SPECIMEN" ovptd CofA set before KGV simplified used to 1/4d (29). Commems mostly used incl fine CTO 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. Condition of others varies & 6d K-S (violet) is missing. 1937 10/- & £1 Robes are MLH with lower val defins simplified used, 1948 Arms to £1 used plus £2 "SPECIMEN" ovpt. Noted 1952 Qantas Australia to South Africa First Regular Flight cover, 1953 Coronation Flight 2/- cover to South Africa & set on FDC plus later FDC's to South Africa with dealer h/s addresses. Stamps are complete simplified MLH incl Navigators & AAT with most issues also used incl some multiples. Collection ends with BCOF set to 2/- MLH & 1951 "Aust Army PO 214" cds tying GB KGVI 2½d scarlet to Airmail env addressed to South Africa. Incls a few MLH bicolour engraved PD's to 5/- MLH & Officials with 6d kangaroo in both wmks. The KGV heads, Kingsford Smith (3) are all used, 1/- lyrebird comes MLH & used, SHB MLH & 3d used & 1930 Sturt perfined "OS" CTO plus attractive perfd "OS" 3rd wmk 3d Die I kangaroo MLH. (100s & 12 covers)