Lot No. 800
Auction No. | 33 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $900 |
Status | SOLD $900 |
KGV MLH & used range in quality large Lighthouse black leaved stockbook with identified flaws "flagged" with ACSC numbers & cat. vals with majority in the $40-$50 range noting 1d red with "ferns", "run N", "no top to crown", "thin G" & more, 1½d green "eight wattles at right", (88(14)i) & "flaw on "O"" amongst many others incl a wide range of shades in most vals in MUH or MLH cond incl Single crown ½d orange with wmk inverted, 1d violet "RA" joined, both MUH, 1½ green block of 8 (perfs reinforced), 4d orange MLH x 2, ditto ovptd NWPI, 4d violet x 3, 4d dull blue, 4½d & 1/4d (perf "OS") before LM wmk ½d yellow-green MUH, ½d green "missing shading behind emu's leg" (ACSC 65(4)i), 1d carmine-rose, no wmk 1d green block of 4 MUH/MLH, 1½d red pair & single MUH plus S Mult perf. 14 ½d orange marginal block of 4 (3 MUH), 1d green wmk inverted MUH (Cat. $30), 1½d golden scarlet x 2 MLH & 3d dull blue Die Ia MLH plus perf. 13½ x 12½ ½d orange pair, one with "white flaws in upper half of left value tablet" (ACSC 68(8)s), 1d green Die II x 3 (2 MUH), 1½d golden scarlet MLH x 2 plus MUH, 1½d red-brown block of 4 MUH/MLH, 3d blue MLH, 4d olive MLH, 5d MUH & 2 MLH plus 1/4d MLH o/c. Finally CofA 3d Ash imprint pair & single plus ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d single MLH, 5d MLH x 2 & 1/4d MLH with a used range of normals & perf "OS" or "G/NSW". A delicious lot that will give the specialist many hours of enjoyment. Huge ACSC value with numerous fine used examples. (850+)