Lot No. 784
Auction No. | 33 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $260 |
Status | SOLD $700 |
Kangaroos & KGV Starts with page of 1d kangaroos on/off paper noting inverted wmk used, next with large & small "OS" perfins on 1d & 2d vals before basic 1st & 2nd wmks 2d, 2½d & 3d vals noting 3rd wmk perf "OS" & 4d good used plus others to 2/- brown incl 6d ultramarine & 1/- blue-green perfined large "OS". More to 2/- maroon used with £2 3rd wmk ovptd "SPECIMEN" MLH & CofA set of 3 also MLH plus 5/- x 4 & 10/- CofA used. Also part envs with 6d chestnut & 9d before 1914 6d kookaburra F/U & 3 fair to good used with a perf "OS". 1927-1930 commems used incl 3d Sturt x 5 used & MLH pairs x 4, 1931 3d Kingsford Smith used x 4, 6d brown Air MLH x 2 before a page of KGV ½d to 2d MLH & a 2nd page with similar vals with 4½d, 5d x 2 & 1/4d (single crown wmk) followed by 5 pages of KGV used with some perf "OS" incl 1/4d x 8 (CofA). Close inspection may reward. (100s)