Lot No. 630
Auction No. | 33 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $600 |
Status | SOLD $420 |
New Zealand Retired Dealers stock all in catalogue order in large Lighthouse stockbook noting g a few Chalons in simplified number order incl 6d black-brown imperf, large star wmk good to fine (2), perfd 2d blue shades (9), 3d, 4d yellow, 6d red-brown (9), 1st sideface 1d (5), 2d (4), 3d, 4d (unused), 6d (2) & 1/- before SSF range to 6d incl 4d x 4. 1898 Pictorials sparse but lots of 2½d "Wakatipa" while KEVII & KGV defins to 1/- has useful duplication. 1906 Christchurch ½d x 5, plus 8 unused, 1d x 3) then several blank pages resuming at 1920 Victory with 7 sets plus extras lower vals) & 2 sets of 1925 Dunedin. Also 1926 2/- (3) & 3/- (2), 1929 Health (14) & 1930 (2) with 1931 Airs x 5 sets + 7d block & 5d surcharge block. Finally 1932 Health (8), 1933 (7) & 1934 (block of 4 & 6 singles) plus Trans-Tasman x 6 & 1935 Pictorials to 2/- & mult wmk to 3/- plus 1935 Silver Jubilee 6d x 7. Later is well covered incl 1940 Centennial with 6 full sets + extras, 1953 2/6d x 10, 3/- x 13, 5/- x 7 & 10/- x 9. Noted 1960 defins £1 in block of 4 plus 9 singles to 1967 with much duplication. Useful to the re-seller. (1000s)