Lot No. 464
Auction No. | 33 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $120 |
Status | SOLD $70 |
Ceylon Duplicated & mainly used from QV to 1996 in slim stockbook. Middle period well covered with many issues both MLH & used noting 1d QV imperf used (SG 2a, Cat. £42), ½d lilac MLH (SG 48, Cat. £32) before a few KGV MLH to R2 incl Pictorials to 50¢ (+ 1R used), Silver Jubilee MLH (2 sets + used), & KGVI incl 10R & 20R Revenues used with lower vals MLH/used incl most perf & wmk varieties. 1951 & 1958 defins to 10R MLH incl later to 1972 with nearly all in both MLH & used cond. Sri Lanka incomplete & mostly used. Reserve reflects duplication & 1800's mixed cond. but vendor STC £1600+ (100s)