Lot No. 267
Auction No. | 31 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $500 |
Status | SOLD $400 |
KGV 1d green selection of varieties annotated with all wmks represented. Incls single wmk with 15 major cat types in good to fine used cond (Cat. $525), LMW incl block of 4 with Die I "wattle line", "nick top left corner" & "neck flaw" varieties & "OS" pair with run "N" MH vert pair with "wattle line" & "neck flaw" MUH/MLH plus 8 other listed varieties good to fine used noting "secret mark" perfined "OS" toned nut MLH (total cat. $1290). No wmk incls block of 4 with "ferns" & "RA join" MUH/MLH, pair with "dot before I" & "thin left frame" MLH (crease) & another pair with "secret mark" (Total cat. $850+). SMW perf. 14 incls 2 x pairs 6.20/6.4 (MNG & MLH) & 20 singles with cat varieties totalling $600+. SMW perf. 13½x12½ with 2 x F/U pairs & 25 singles with again varieties & cat. $600+ before CofA wmk MLH block of 4 with "corner dot" & "run "N" retouch" plus 2 MLH pairs & 87 good to F/U singles with annotated varieties. Conservative reserve against a total cat. of $4000+