Lot No. 261
Auction No. | 31 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $600 |
Status | SOLD $600 |
Kangaroos & KGV Worthwhile assembly on Hagner leaves noting 1st wmk kangaroos 2d, 2½d, 3d (Die I) & 4d MH/MLH, 3rd wmk 9d Die IIB MLH, CofA wmk 10/- x 2 MH incl a "SPECIMEN" ovpt & £2 MLH also ovpts "SPECIMEN". KGV 1d engraved x 13 MUH/MLH with KGV 1d reds comprising single wmk x 14 mostly MLH & 2 MNG, LMW MUH & MLH, 1d violet x 4 MH, 1d green MUH/MLH, Single wmk x 5, LMW, no wmk x 8, SMW perf. 14 x 8, SMW perf. 13½x12½ x 7 & CofA x 13 before 1½d black-brown LMW, red-brown single wmk x 3, LMW x 3, SMW perf. 13½x12½ x 5 & CofA wmk x 2. Also 1½d red single wmk (4), no wmk (4), SMW perf. 14, SMW perf. 13½x12½ (7) before 1½d green (3), 2d red (8), SMW & CofA followed by 2d orange (2) & a 3d blue single wmk & CofA. Also 1d red used varieties with 5 x left plate incl rough paper Die I + II substitute cliches & 12 x right plate varieties. Useful shade, wmk & plate varieties with 50 MUH/MLH on 6 pages noting ½d orange single wmk inverted with "neckless emu retouch", 4d lemon MLH, 4d yellow-orange aniline with "PE joined" variety & 1d violet pair with varieties incl "Distorted 1d" & "thin 1d retouch". Also incls 4d blue & pale milky blue, 4½d violet SMW perf. 13½x12½ MLH, 1/4d turquoise SMW perf. 13½x12½ MLH (light gum toning) & 1/4d turquoise MH (even gum toning). Finally a range of "OS" issues for both kangaroos & KGV with MLH & used plus Canberra & 3d kookaburra MLH & broken range of "OS" ovpts with BCOF to 2/- MLH with a few extras. Viewing recommended.