Lot No. 199
Auction No. | 31 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $120 |
Status | SOLD $160 |
New Zealand MLH/used on old loose stockleaves with a sparse range of mainly used from 1900 incl 2/- Milford (wmkd) & 6d green 1898 Kiwi with later mostly "flagged" with selling prices by retired part time dealer. Useful pickings noting 1907 3d Exhib MUH at $70, Official ovpts used to 2/- at $20 (latter foxed) & KGV Officials to 1/- (excl 8d) used, plus 1920 Victory with 2 sets used. Also 1931/34 Airs (5d on 3d MLH & used), 1935 defins ovptd "Official" to 2/- used, Silver Jubilee MUH, KGVI to 2/- used incl Officials to 2/- & 1940 Centennial to 1/- with same for Officials plus a few QEII MUH/MLH/used incl defins to 10/- MLH, 3/- Official MLH & 1960 to 3/- MUH/MLH. Incls Healths noting 1931 2d Smiling Boy used & later mixed MLH/used to 1966. Ideal lot for the re-seller. (100s)