Lot No. 190
Auction No. | 31 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $900 |
Status | SOLD $3600 |
New Zealand 1855-1966 KA-BE hingeless album with mixed MUH/MLH & used (mainly latter) pre-1930 with Chalons (4 imperf, 5 perfd) in usual mixed cond, 1882 "Long Tom" Stamp Duty types 2/- to 5/- unused, 6/- rose postally used & 7 used plus 9/6d, 10/- & £1 with fiscal cancels, ditto for £9 ditto before 1882 MLH/MNG to 1/-, 1898 Pictorials to 1/- MLH (excl 3d & 6d), 5/- used (corner cancel), 1902 & 1939 PD's MLH & 1906 Exhibition MLH (6d has hinge thin). Also 1909 to 1/- MLH (4d yellow used), 6d Official MLH, KGV recess set to 1/- MLH (2d yellow used) & Officials to 1/- with 1920 Victory (6d MUH, 1/- creased MLH) & missing 1926 2/- & 3/- but others complete simplified MLH with many MUH incl 1925 Exhib, 1931 Smiling Boys, 1934/35 Airs & Silver Jubilee plus 1953 QEII set & odd mixed sets MUH/MLH incl 1935 defins simplified & Officials complete. Health M/S's to 1966 complete MUH/MLH (1964 stained) & Ross Dependency 1957-1979 sets. Noted "Arms" Stamp Duty types used to £1 (12/6d blunt corner & 7/6d missing) with 30/- average used & £2, £4 & £10 perfined & fiscally used plus 3/6d to 35/- surcharges with 22/- postally used. Well worth reserve with majority fine. Cat. £4000+ (not incl fiscals or Chalons) (500+)