Lot No. 467
Auction No. | 29 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $500 |
Status | SOLD $500 |
New Zealand 1960 Pictorials in MUH/MLH blocks with/without plate numbers from sheets & stitched & stapled booklets comprising ½d plate block of 8, 1d ditto with Chambon perfs plus block of 8 chalky paper, 2d ditto in 7 diff plates incl Chambon perfs & 2 of plate 2222 (CP Cat. NZ$37.50 ea), 2½d in all 8 plates, 3d with 13 plate blocks, 4d (3), 5d, 6d in both Ord & chalky plate blocks, 7d (pl. 1A), 8d pl.1, 9d pl. 14 A 14 plus imprint block of 6, 1/- 9B9C & 10B10C plate blocks, "Value" & imprint blocks, 1/3d plate & imprint blocks, ditto 1/6d, 1/9d bistre plate/imprint block of 9 (CP Cat. NZ$225), 1/9d multicolour imprint block, 2/- Ord & chalky plate blocks, "Value" £12 on £4 block (CP Cat. NZ$100), 2/6d plate & imprint blocks, both 3/- vals imprint blocks, 5/- imprint blocks Ord & chalky, ditto 10/- (CP Cat. NZ$225 per block) & £1 imprint/pl 12 block of 6 plus "Value" block of 4. Following the above are stapled booklet panes of ½d, 3d (2) unnumbered, ½d stitched panes in plates 1, 2, 4 & 5, 1d unnumbered & plates 1, 2, 4, 5 & 3d plates 1, 2, 4 & 5 stitched panes. All on leaves in 22 ring binder with annotations in pencil. 80+ blocks/panes with CP Cat. value of $3000+