Lot No. 415
Auction No. | 29 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $250 |
Status | SOLD $320 |
Italy Used in 3 stockbooks with page of Italian States with an impressive cat. val incl mint Sardinia & Neapolitan Provinces with used of the same plus Naples and Parma. Nice shade range of Sardinia to 80¢. From 1862, very comprehensive & mainly fine with the 1891/97 5l having "C&C" perfin. Incls 1926 Airs set of 7 (60l mint), most 1930's charities before strong 1940's-1950's commem issues. High cat. items "flagged" noting 1950 Radio (Cat. £200). Only a few gaps to 1990 then about 50% complete to 2014. Useful "back of the book" incl Occ of Cephalonia & Itaca pairs with 50l, 2, 5, 6, 10, 15d unused, various Aegean Islands (mostly mint), Trieste, Venezia-Giulia & Fiume plus a range of PD's, Parcel Stamps & Revenues. (1000s)