Lot No. 330
Auction No. | 29 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $450 |
Status | SOLD $525 |
Gold Coast 1875-1954 MLH & used noting 1875 1d blue with 1875 cds (Cat. £95), 1876/79 ½d olive-yellow unused (Cat. £275 as MLH), 1884/91 to 2/- used incl shades (3d olive-yellow MLH ), 1889/94 5/-, 10/- & 20/- used (Cat. £87) & "Judicial" ovpts on 1/-, 2/-, 10/- & £1 (Barefoot Cat. £100). Average KEVII noting ½d dull green lower left pane strip of 6 MUH while KGV incls MCA 10/- & 20/- MUH (Cat. £240++), script wmk 1921/24 set to 15/- MUH (Cat. £180++), 1928 King & Castle to 5/- MLH & used & Silver Jubilee MLH & used. KGVI 1938/43 complete line perfs MLH & used & ditto for comb perf set, 1948 to 10/- MLH & used, RSW, UPU & 1952/54 to 10/- all both MLH & used. Worthwhile collection. Cat. £2000+ (275)