Lot No. 272
Auction No. | 29 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $1800 |
Status | Archived |
Cook Islands (Aitutaki, Penrhyn) plus Niue. Comprehensive MUH/MLH collection with varieties all attractively written up on hinged leaves. Aitutaki incls 1903 to 1/- with 3 shades in all vals, 1909 to 1/-, 1915 6d & 1/- & 1917 surface printed to 3d & recess to 1/- incl 3d vertical pair plus 1920 pictorials x 2, 1924 set MLH, ½d & 1d in F/U blocks. Penrhyn 1902 incl blocks showing broken "N" on 1d, 1903 3d (2), 6d, 1/- (3 ea) plus broken "P" in 3d, 1914 x 3 shades for each with 1917 in both perfs to 1/- (excl 6d perf. 14x13½), 1917/20 normal & close settings of ovpt & 1920 pictorials x3. Also 1927 blocks of ½d & 1d plus singles to 2½d. Niue 1902 2½d (7) with ink varieties, ½ & 1d shades & spaced "VE" variety (3) in pair with normal, 1d with missing stop after "Peni" (6) & spaced "De" & noted 1903 1/- "Tahae" flaw (SG 15, Cat. £650) plus 5 shades of normal. 1911 KEVII x 4 of 6d incl unlisted variety "tiny stop after Niue", 1915 2½d deep blue x 6, KGV incl 3d vertical pair & pl. 18 upper left marginal block with both perfs in single sets of 4. 1918 "Long Tom" QV 2/- (3), 2/6d (2) & 5/- plus DLR 5/- (2), 10/- & £1 & Cowan 5/-, 10/- & £1. 1920 pictorials x 4 sets, 1925 to 4d, 1927/28 2/- deep (5) & light (3) blue, 1931 2d surcharge x 11 with minor ovpt varieties & ditto in marginal block of 18. Also 1932 no wmk to 1/-, upper margin 2d block with double horizontal perfs at top (SG 57a, Cat. £140) with only 16 known of which 11 show top margin. Finally, 1932/36 single NZ & star to 1/- (3) incl shades & 1940 reprints, 1935 Silver Jubilee with ovpt varieties, 1938 1/- (1), 2/- (2), 3/-, 1941 Arms 2/6d, £1 single wmk, 2/6d (6), 5/-, 10/-, £1 multiple wmk plus 1944 pictorials incl paper & gum changes, 1950 to 3/- (2 sets) & 1967 5/- pale yellowish green x 2 marginal MUH shades. Fine throughout & cat. £2000+ for Niue alone. Impressive assembly! (100s)