Lot No. 67
Auction No. | 28 |
Category |
Collections Western Australia States and Territories Australia |
Est. | $360 |
Status | SOLD $525 |
Postmarks (G) Gabalong to Gosnells in single vol with 55 covers. Noted Gabalong, Gabanintha, Gabbin, Galena, Garden Island, Gascoyne, Gascoyne Junction, Gelorup, Georgina, Geraldton, Geraldton South, Geraldton West, Ghooli, Gison, Gidgegannup, Gillering, Gillingarra, Gimlet, Gindale, Gingin, Girrawheen, Glenarty, Glen Forest, Gnowangerup, Gnowsnest, Golden Ridge, Goldsworthy, Goomalling, Goodlands, Goongarrie, Gooseberry Hill & Gosnells.