Lot No. 553
Auction No. | 24 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $800 |
Status | SOLD $800 |
1913-1976 MUH/MLH in Senator binder. Smattering of kangaroos incl 1d perf large & small "OS" & 10/- & £2 Specimen (CofA, average MLH) before a good range of KGV heads to 1/4d incl 4½d Die II CTO, 5d "OS" plus ½d to 3d. "OS" ovptd 1/- lyre, 6d Kingsford Smith, SHB pair, 1934 Vic Cent in both perfs, Macarthur (2d "dark hills" off-centre), 1/6d Hermes perf 11 (horiz crease), 1935 1/- ANZAC pl.1 cnr example MLH in selvedge only. Also Silver Jubilee & all later commems with 1937/39 incl 3d x 5 (excl "white wattles"), zoologicals in mainly common perfs & Robes in both thick & thin to 5/- incl imprint pair with £1 thick only x 2, one MUH, other with bends. Missing Arms & Navigators (one 10/- present). Decimals incl some coil strips & 1970 Cook M/S incl ANPEX ovpt. Clean lot with BCOF to 2/- & extras as a bonus. (100s)