Lot No. 519
Auction No. | 24 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $2000 |
Status | SOLD $2000 |
KGV Collection sorted by wmk, noting inverted wmks on Cr/A ½d green used, orange MUH & used, 1d red rough paper, green MLH & used, 1½d black brown, red brown, red, 4d orange (3) & perf "OS" 1½d black brown. Range of MLH ord & perf "OS" to 1/4d, ditto used with some perf "OS/NSW" & "T". No wmk 1d ord & perf "OS" MLH plus 3 ord & 2 perf "OS" used. 1½d ord & "OS" MLH & used, Large Mult with wmk inverted ½d green, 1½d black brown (2) & red brown all MLH plus upright MLH & used incl shades, perf "OS" & "OS/NSW". SM perf. 14 MLH to 1/4d incl 1d green & 1½d red with wmk inverted & all vals used. Also perf "OS" 1½d red pair & single & 4d MLH with used to 1/4d incl 3d wmkd (2). SM perf. 13½x12½ 1d Die I/II MLH pair & others with shades also MLH to 1/4d (2). CTO 4½d Die II "OS" ovpts on 2d & 4d MLH & used plus perf "OS" MLH to 4d & CTO to 1/4d. Finally CofA to 1/4d MLH & used, "OS" ovpts to 5d MLH & used, perfined "OS", "G/NSW" & "WA" used plus "G/NSW" 1½d SM perf. 13½x12½ block MLH & 5d perf "WA" CofA corner block also MLH plus a 3d "OS" ovptd imprint block with 1933 cds. Awesome collection with a few items extracted to be offered as separate lots. Cond varies but fine material a higher percentage of total. (720)