Lot No. 489
Auction No. | 24 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $800 |
Status | SOLD $1200 |
Kangaroos Accumulation sorted by wmk & dies noting inverted wmks in 1st wmk ½d (3), 1d, 2d (2), 3d (2) & 1/-; 3rd wmk 2d, 6d blue, 9d (2), 3d perf "OS" all used. MLH in 1st wmk incl ½d, 1d (3), 2d, 2½d, 3d (2), 4d, 5d (2), 6d (2), 9d, 1/- & 2/- (surface disturbance) with good to fine used to 2/- & a parcel cancelled 5/-. Large "OS" to 2/- used & a 9d MLH before small "OS" to 1/- (excl 9d) used incl 4d orange-yellow. A few perf "OS/NSW" & "7", 2nd wmk 2d, 2½d & 9d MLH with used to 2/- plus perf "OS/NSW" 6d & perf "OS" to 5d (latter incls 5/- inverted wmk). 3rd wmk MLH incls 2d (2), 2½d (pair), 3d (3), 6d blue, chestnut, 9d, 1/- & 2/- maroon plus used to 5/- & faulty £2 "Specimen". Also perfined "OS" 2d (2), 2½d, 3d (2), 6d blue, chestnut (2), 9d & 1/- MLH with used to 10/- (average cond) & perfined "OS/NSW" vals to 2/-. 1929/30 SM to 2/- MLH & used plus 5/- used & £2 with pulled corner. MLH perf "OS" 6d, 9d & 1/- & used to 5/-. "OS" ovpt 6d MLH & used, CofA to 2/- MLH plus "OS" & ovptd Specimens (excl £1) & used to £1 (average) incl 6d "OS" ovpt. Should be viewed to check perfs, cancels etc. (300+)