Lot No. 488
Auction No. | 24 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $500 |
Status | SOLD $675 |

Kangaroos 2d to 5/- MLH & used range on Hagners arranged in wmk order with some perf "OS" or with identified ACSC varieties. Noted 2½d 1st wmk with interesting offset, 5d with CTO cancel (Cat. $100), 9d perf "T" unused, 1/- small "OS" MUH, 3rd wmk 2d (4 MLH plus 2 with NWPI ovpt MLH), 2½d NWPI, ditto 3d (2 MLH), 2½d x 4 MLH with shades, 3d (2 MLH, 4 used), 6d x 2 in 2 shades MLH & 5 used incl NWPI & 2 perfined "OS". 6d chestnut MUH plus perf "OS" & 2 used, 9d MLH, used & perfined "OS/NSW" & 1/- MLH plus NWPI & 3 used. The 2/- brown is MLH with 4 used incl 2 perfins, 2/- maroon MLH & 2 used & 5/- used with parcel cancels. 1929/30 6d, 9d, 1/- & 2/- MLH plus used & 5/- used. 1931/36 10/- & £1 Specimen, 6d "OS" ovptd vertical strip of 3 & single MUH. 5/- CTO x 2, 2/- x 5 MLH & 17 used plus assorted varieties on Hagner with vals from 2d to 5/-. Careful viewing will show this to be a very rewarding lot with a huge ACSC value with many in fine cond. (c190)