Lot No. 324
Auction No. | 24 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $80 |
Status | SOLD $230 |
Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika KGVI MUH odds noting singles of 3/- in both perfs (Cat. £50 ea), 2/- perf. 13¾x13¼ (Cat. £43), 1/- perf. 13x11¾ in 2 shades (Cat. £50), 50¢ perf. 13x11¾ x 6 incl imprint block of 4 (Min. Cat. £125) & perf. 13x12½ with dot removed (Cat. £28). Also lower vals incl plate number blocks of 1¢, 10¢ black & green, 15¢, 20¢ & imprint blocks of 1¢, 5¢ (2 ea of both colours) & 15¢ black & red plus odd vals in singles. All fine & fresh. Cat. £400+ (14 blocks, 21 singles + 2 Kenya used)