Lot No. 139
Auction No. | 24 |
Category |
Box Lots |
Est. | $100 |
Status | SOLD $260 |

Massive range of material noting World & Aust collections with vals to 1/- Kangaroos, 1/4d KGV & commems/defins to £2 Arms used before some useful CTO or F/U decimals in sets plus odd China & Samoa & PNG MUH sets in envs. Also Bophuthatswana 1980's MUH issues incl imprint blocks, Noted some C/W varieties from Urch Harris MUH, numerous covers incl GB FDC's plus GB QV to KGVI used with vals to 10/-. Also Aust 1970 Royal Visit unaddressed (retails $75), AAT pre-decimal FDC's, Norfolk Ball bay to 2/- & later to 5/- noting UPU M/S (retails $45), WWF album with MUH issues & FDC's, 1976-78 UN FDC collection (62), a 1864 USA Mortgage doc with 10c Washington revenues (separated on folds), QV- KGV earlies on stockcards & a 1965 US Armed Forces Vietnam map env with Aust FPO cds plus some unused YMCA WWII headed notepaper. Noted AAT 1966 Defins to $1 Mock Sun (MUH), page of WA swans used in 2 albums plus some London Custom Duty & Revenues. Also Canada 1986 & 1988 Yearbooks with MUH issues complete & 1977 QEII SJ FDC collection (52 covers). Mixed lot, plenty to sort. (1000s)