Lot No. 198
Auction No. | 23 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $150 |
Status | SOLD $250 |
South & South West Africa plus a few Nigeria KGV. Untidy dealers accum with much value in both the MUH/MLH & used. South Africa defins 1959/72 MLH start the book followed by page of pre-union, a page of Nigeria & Zululand (vals to 3d) & 2 pages 1970's M/S's. Then S.W. Africa 1954 to 1/6d & early decimal defins MUH/MLH with dupl & other S.Africa incl 1936 JIPEX M/S, 1940's War Effort bilinguals & 1949/54 defins to 2/6d with extras incl shades. Odd 1930's commems in pairs or separated, a few early decimal PD's to 10¢ & earlier to 6d. S.W. Africa ovpts incl 5pf 1889 (2) & pictorials to 1/-, 1931 pairs to 6d, 1937 1½d train (2 horizontal plus vertical pair), 1930/40's commems ovptd on S.Africa, not complete but some duplication. Also a few officials & PD's mainly MLH. Random later noting 1931 3d Air pair F/U & 10/- x 7 singles. Last page is South Africa KGV heads. The above gives some idea of the lack of organisation but patience will be well rewarded. Vast majority very fine. (1000+)