Lot No. 140
Auction No. | 23 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $100 |
Status | SOLD $210 |

India on Hagners noting 1874 9pi & 1876 6a blocks of 4, pair of 8a (SG 98) all MLH & 1895 2R, 3R F/U plus a few QV "CEF" to 8a mint, 1929 Airs MUH, 1935 Silver Jubilee set MLH with all vals to 3½a x 13 ea. Also QV "Service" 8a (SG 05) x 3 & other MLH incl KGVI pictorials to 12a & 1953 Everest. Also 1931 New Delhi used & 1902/10 15R F/U with "Secretariat" cds. Total Cat. £1000+