Lot No. 646
Auction No. | 21 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $280 |
Status | Archived |
Postal History 1885-1954 on Hagners in binder. Starts with 3 x WWI censored stampless O.A.S., long NSW "OS" ovptd 1d QV, 1916 KGV Lang Lang to Cranbourne taxed 2d, OHMS covers with OS perfins incl 2 x 1910 Victoria, printed business covers with 2 unaddressed & unused, 1954 GB to Aust with mixed KGVI/QEII franking on uprated 2½d censored PSE with Customs & Excise handstamp in red & 1934 Trans Tasman "Southern Cross" cover with Aust & NZ adhesives for return journey. Also long 1916 registered OHMS cover bearing 6d kangaroo & ½d & 1d KGV all perfined "OS" plus other items of interest & well worth reserve. (23)