Lot No. 349
Auction No. | 21 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $800 |
Status | SOLD $1450 |
New Zealand 1855-1966 used in Davo Hingeless album with Chalon imperf 1d large star & no wmk, 2d blue wmkd, 6d brown wmk & no wmk, 1/- green no wmk, perfd 8 vals to 1/- incl 4d rose, 1874 sideface to 5/-, SSF to 1/-, 1898 pictorials (5/- damaged) & 1902/09 wmkd to 5/- good to fine used. KEVII to QEII defins complete plus 1906 Exhib set of 4 (3d & 6d with corner cancels), 1913 Auckland Exhib F/U, 1920 & 1924 commems plus all Airs F/U. Also 1931 Healths heavy used with a good range of Officials, Govt Life incl 1891 to 6d & a few PD's. M/S pairs are F/U for 1957, 1959/60 & 1964-1966. Few extras incl 1946 Victory to 1/- in used blocks plus mint 3d block with complete tail rudder variety. Good lot with majority fine. (100s)