Lot No. 2407
Auction No. | 21 |
Category |
Commonwealth & Foreign |
Est. | $120 |
Status | SOLD $120 |
New Zealand 1941 KGVI 1½d scarlet marginal imperf pair MUH plus other KGVI & QEII MUH incl 1930 & 1934 Healths, 2/- sideways wmk plus Officials comprising blocks of 4 of ½d green (Cat. £28 x 4), 1½d scarlet (Cat. £17 x4), 4d, 6d & 9d with single vals x 8 to 8d incl 1½d purple brown (Cat. £75). 1954/63 QEII incls surcharges & 3/- slate. Total cat. £450+
Image represents the entire lot.