Lot No. 576
Auction No. | 20 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $75 |
Status | SOLD $130 |
1946-1971 MUH in Lighthouse "block" stockbook with imprint blocks (38), corner blocks (incl Royal Visit, 2/- Olympics in both blue & green, Cobb & Co, 1956 2/- (block of 8), Qantas, Flowers to 2/3d (both) plus pairs 2/5d & 3/-, Animals to 1/2d & 1962 Games. Odd vals later with decimals incl 1966 to $1 (13¢, 20¢ pairs only). Commems mainly low val corner blocks. Total decimal face value is $27 with pre-decimal vals to 3/-. (100s)