Lot No. 552
Auction No. | 20 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $60 |
Status | SOLD $85 |
1913-1988 MUH, MLH & used in black-leaved "Lighthouse" stockbook plus Territories. Highly cat items missing with most value in page of Australia with a few kangaroos incl 2d 1st wmk used with wmk inverted, 2/- brown 3rd wmk perf "OS" used, KGVI 2d mauve block of 9 with centre stamp having "medallion flaw". Also coil trials in green (pair) & white on black (pair & strip of 3), ½d orange kangaroo coil blocks & pair & 1937 1d & 2d Die I imprint gutter blocks. (100s)