Lot No. 543
Auction No. | 20 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $800 |
Status | SOLD $980 |
1913-1965 MLH & used in SG "Simplex" binder. Noted kangaroos 1st wmk to 2/- (latter blunt corner) average to good used, £2 with telegraph puncture before later with shades to 5/- plus Small Mult 10/- with smudgy cds & tiny tear at base. KGV heads complete with all wmks to 1/4d used plus shades. Also 1d green Die I/II pair MLH, 4½d Die II well-centred CTO, "OS" ovpts to 4d & a range of perfins. 1914 6d engraved kookaburra well-centred MLH with 1927 commems onwards generally MLH & used sets of each (no 5/- SHB) but Vic. Cent set in perf 10½ MLH & perf 11½ used, Macarthur used only, ANZAC 1/- MLH only, 1937/48 defins incls 3d Die Ia MLH with other Dies used, thick paper Robes MLH with £1 in block of 4 & 1949/50 Arms 10/- & £2 both MUH with 5/- & £1 MLH plus a used set. Also some coil pairs, 5/- Cattle white paper MLH & used, Navigators (6) to £2 MLH & used plus "back of book" better items incl 3rd wmk 3d & 6d perf "OS" kangaroos MLH & a range of Postage Dues incl 5/- monocolour F/U (SG D33). An attractive lot free of toning with most used have cds cancels. (900+)