Lot No. 353
Auction No. | 20 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $200 |
Status | SOLD $450 |
New Zealand 1855-1998 MUH, MLH & used accumulation on Hagners, NZ Hingeless & standard albums plus a few covers in bag. Noted 1957 Health M/S (used 1957) pair, 1931 Airs MUH, Smiling Boys MLH & 1933 "Pathway" MUH (2) with lightly duplicated general range of MUH & used to 1990's in stockbook with a few Social Security & other revenues at back. Hingeless album is QEII to 1987 however patchy to 1970 but nearly complete decimal incl M/S's MUH. The standard SS album with MLH & used from Chalons imperf (4) & perf (4) in very mixed cond, 1931 "Smiling Boys" heavily used & hinge stained & Airs MLH before solid 1930's incl defins & officials to 3/-, 1940 to 1/- incl set ovptd "Official" & then c95% complete to 1984. Also a few PD's incl 1939 set, Lighthouses 1947/63 & Ross Dep 1957 set all used. Ends with a few covers incl 1935 1½d defin FDC & some 1970's packs. Despite mixed cond definitely worth a good look. (1000s)