Lot No. 755
Auction No. | 19 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $400 |
Status | SOLD $660 |
Tasmania 1853-1912 collection on leaves. Noted 1d Courier on soft yellowish paper in both shades with the pale blue having good margins on 3 sides but thinned & with smudged cancel while the blue has closer margins but lighter cancel. 1857/69 1d pale red brown pair with BN 18 cancel, 1858 6d dull lilac with clear margins (close at right) & BN"48", 1860/67 6d grey violet F/U by BN"52" plus a few other Chalons. Later QV incls 2½d & 8d both MLH, 1899/1900 pictorials MLH complete plus most used & later prints with perfs, wmks & printing types noted in mixed MLH & used cond. (some perfined "T" & "A"). Most are good to fine. Couriers alone Cat. £3000 with mint pictorials cat. £150 + & postally used Chalons cat. £300+. A useful lot. (128)