Lot No. 600
Auction No. | 19 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $150 |
Status | SOLD $150 |
1913-1952 Used range on Scott leaves with 1914 1d & 6d engraved, 1913 kangaroos to 5/- (faults), 2nd wmk to 5/- (excl 9d), 3rd wmk ditto, Small Mult to 5/- (latter CTO but pulled perf at base) & CofA to 10/- (pale, but sound cds). KGV single wmk to 1/4d incl shades (29), Lge Mult (5), No wmk 1½d, Small Mult to 1/4d perf. 13½x12½ & CofA to 1/4d. Also 1934 Vic Cent in both perfs, Mcarthur set of 4, 1935 ANZAC & 1935 SJ. Later commems & defins complete simplified. Few "OS" ovpts (11). Majority have bold cds's with some very F/U. Useful pickings. (246)