Lot No. 1168
Auction No. | 19 |
Category |
Collections Western Australia States and Territories Australia |
Est. | $50 |
Status | SOLD $70 |
Stamp Duty Range on 3 Hagners with one comprising perf. 14½ x 13½ vals from 1d to 10/- off paper (8), the other two Hagners with on paper range showing "STATE STAMP OFFICE" cds, "F.L.SPENCER C.C.TREASURY" oval (1908), "A.W.B.CLEADELL, GEORGE EVERETT & EDMUND B.CLIFTON" & boxed "Authorised to cancel stamps" with vals to 30/- incl two colours of 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- in mixed perfs. (38)