Lot No. 464
Auction No. | 17 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $500 |
Status | SOLD $1200 |
Kangaroos & KGV MUH, MLH & used range on Hagners with valuable MUH/MLH coverage of KGV vals to 5d incl 1½d chocolate single wmk Harrison imprint pairs (11 MUH), lower left Lge Mult wmk block of 4, 2d orange blocks of 6 & 9, 4d violet (20 MUH), 4d orange block of 6 (MLH), 1½d black brown Lge Mult wmk lower right corner block of 18 (6x3) plus other ½d, 1½d, 2d singles & multiples. Also 4d olive single wmk (3 MLH) & a few used singles with inverted wmks & varieties. Kangaroos in mixed cond incl 1st wmk 6d ultramarine well centred block (stains), ½d coils, 2/- CofA type A block & 3 pairs & 3d 1st wmk MUH with used incl 5/- 2nd wmk. 1927-1934 commem blocks incl 1929 3d Air Type A (12), 1927 3d kookaburra (20), 1931 Kingsford Smith singles & a few WA low vals plus WA bicolour swan Stamp Duty 1d with 2 blocks of 6 MUH. Finally 1963 Navigators to £1 (excl 10/-) MLH. Conservative reserve & a closer inspection may reveal varieties we could have missed. (100s)