Lot No. 519
Auction No. | 16 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $200 |
Status | SOLD $320 |
1913-1932 MLH & used on leaves noting kangaroos with 5/- 2nd wmk (heavy used), CofA 10/- used, £1 & £2 SPECIMEN MLH & 1914 6d Kookaburra very F/U. KGV used range with SG numbers (plus 1d green Die II MLH) incl 4½d Die II, "OS" ovpts, perf "OS" incl 4d yellow & 1/4d Sm Mult perf. 14. Commems perf "OS" incl 1927/30 CTO (3d air MUH, others CTO), ovptd "OS" Kingsford Smith, Bridge, 1/- Lyre, 6d Roo (Sm Mult MLH, CofA CTO). Mostly fine. (188)