Lot No. 511
Auction No. | 16 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $600 |
Status | SOLD $660 |
KGV MUH, MLH & used collection of normal, "OS", "VG", "OS NSW", "T", "WA", "G NSW" perfins & ovptd NW PACIFIC ISLANDS in black paged stockbook. Starts with MLH perf "OS" single wmk with some stained but the following are fine; 4d lemon, olive, 4½d violet, 5d brown, 1/4d pale blue & 15 values to 3d plus odd variety, e.g.: 1d green "RA" joined, "secret mark", "ferns", "flaw under neck". Small Mult perf. 13½x12½ mint incl 1d green Die I/II pair MUH, 4½d imprint pair (one stained, other MUH), perf. 14 set to 1/4d (ex 2d) MLH & used (latter with stained corner) incl 3d wmk inverted (2). Good used range of perf "VG" (14) & "G NSW" (4 used, 3 MLH/mint) to 5d, "OS" (23), "T" (25), "WA" (11) plus ordinary range MLH incl single wmk 1/4d, used incl 1d green CofA "run N" variety. Also NWPI ovpts range MLH & used (11 of each). A good lot but several items toned & excluded from estimate. (380)