Lot No. 949
Auction No. | 15 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $900 |
Status | SOLD $900 |
1913-1980 Seven Seas hingeless leaves & few Hagners with mainly MUH. Some used incl a range of kangaroos to 5/- (incl 4d, 5d perf "OS"), better KGV heads incl 4d orange shades (5) incl odd variety incl 1d violet "secret mark" plus all "OS" ovpts & £2 Arms. Lots of good MUH/MLH incl 1/- Lyre ovptd "OS" MUH, ditto 6d brown Kingsford Smith, 1934 Vic. Cent in both perfs, Macarthur set (2d "dark hills" MLH), 1935 ANZAC & Jubilee MLH, 1937 3d Die I MUH (2), other Dies MLH, Zoologicals MUH, 1937/48 Robes in both papers MUH (£1 thick toned), 1949/50 Arms & 1963/64 Navigator set of 6 all MUH. All commems & decimals complete simplified with 1970 "ANPEX" M/S & 1971 Christmas block of 7 & pane of 25. A few decimal blocks (& KGVI 1/0½d block) on Hagners. Inspection recommended. (100s)